#because i know he wont give a shit or he'll just change the subject
hiemaldesirae · 10 months
please. I'm begging you for more crumbs about VADD!Shen Jiu and also that Roxana AU you have from that art post you did of the two.
As a VADD AND SVSSS fan, especially as a fan of the original villains— please. I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH FOR MORE. I'm actually in the process of outlining a crossover with the original goods of both.
by the way, LOVE your artstyle. scratches an itch i did not know existed in my brain. your chibis as well. they're so cute!!
oh you have no idea how long ive waited to talk about them. this mayyy get a bit long so ill leave it under the readmore.
disclaimer: i intend on finishing these fics so what im going to be talking about is inspirations and unfinished / abandoned ideas and other ideas i have for the works instead of anything relating to the plots themselves
for svadd, sj is a lot more complicated than he appears to be on the surface. im not so sure if what i have written currently is what i /want/ exactly because i know i want his character to go a certain way. the relationships between him and his modern-day friends is one meant to parallel the in-game "shen qingqiu" sj compares himself to and in much the same way, mirror the way that sy contrasts himself with sqq in canon: but instead of being condescending and viewing sqq as a one dimensional character, sj is able to appreciate his nuance while still being rightfully angry over his actions
to me, sj is supposed to be an unreliable narrator who constantly enforces his own thoughts. he tells himself over and over that he misses his home and that he wants to go back, that he absolutely needs to- but then, he turns the other way and finds himself being sucked even deeper into this different one.
i also really wanted to explore how sjs dynamic with a lot of the characters would be affected knowing that they were "based off" his real friends, but again im not very confident with how it came off lol
there was a lot of points in the story where i attempted to add in foreshadowing for the ending i want the story to take... in any case, it definitely wont go the same way as vadd, though i did toy with the idea of a "version" of sy being the main villain haha
(it might still happen for shits and giggles)
as for the roxanna au there are a lot of things ive wanted to do with this au and its good that i havent posted because it means i can keep revising til i come up with something good lol
its a liujiu au with some bingyuan / cumplane thrown into the mix (the cumplane is overwhelmingly toxic btw bingyuan is the healthy one out of the two here 😭) where yes sj is xana !!! he really just makes such a good manhwa villainess haha
i had been puzzling over what i wanted his motif to be-- after all, sj is typically associated with the simplicity and calming bamboo so the glittering butterflies wouldnt work with him- but after some deliberation i decided with using moths for him :3c still subject to change ofc but i think im happy with this as is
the story is somewhat similar to how roxanna goes but surprise sj isnt the transmigrator here! (and honestly, roxanna wouldve been sm better if xana hadnt been a transmigrator... or maybe i just think that because it was only used as a convenient plot point for her to know crucial info. sigh.)
my outline of how the roxanna au goes is basically this:
lqg fucks around and finds out
sj who has been seeing dreams of the "book" sy read knows what will happen to his family if lqg dies
at the same time: sy, transmigrator, attempts to make sure his only surviving older brother lives to a long happy life and the only way he can secure this is by fucking up that hack author
also i killed off qi-ge and idk if i want him to come back. he'll be like the stereotypical dead anime mother for this au lmao
hmm and i think thats all i have to say for these aus... thanks for giving me a chance to ramble on haha ~ much appreciated !! and thank you for the compliment, im flattered!! 🥹🥹💕
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Send me questions about anything! I need a distraction!
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tsuki-chibi · 7 years
StarkQuill post CW the team returns thinking but they can pick up where they left off thinking everythings fine But Tony has the Guardians now and prefers to spend time with them, Spider-Man & Rhodey but he knows he'll need the Avengers for the big battle. Steve thinks that now that he's back he can be with Tony again but soon realizes Tony's moved on with Quill and becomes possessive and jealous of Tony believing once the GOTG are gone everything will be fine but it wont, Tonys done with him
Even after two years, the compound hadn't changed much. It was a welcome sight after monthsspent on the run. Steve could feel the tension uncoiling from his shoulders andhe hadn't even gone inside yet. He couldn't wait to go into his own kitchen andmake himself a sandwich, then go to his own bedroom and have a nap in his ownbed.
Maybe with his own boyfriend.
He eyed Tony, but didn't approach just yet. Tony was talkingto what looked like a group of baby SHIELD agents. That was one of the changes.The compound was no longer reserved solely for the Avengers; some SHIELD agentsand a few other superheroes were housed here as well. The change wasn't exactlywelcome, but Steve figured he'd give it a few weeks and then explain to Tonywhy the compound was best kept for the team.
When the crowd of agents dispersed and Tony took out hisphone, Steve figured that meant he wasn't doing anything important. He steppedcloser and cleared his throat. Nothing. Tony didn't look up from the screen ofhis phone. Steve rolled his eyes, amazed all over again at Tony's lack ofmanners, and spoke.
"Tony. Wanda wanted me to let you know that some of herclothes are too small now."
"Thanks for that insight," Tony said, stillwithout looking up, thumbs flying across the screen of his phone.
Steve frowned at the top of his head. "She'll need somenew ones," he persisted.
"Then she can get a job and buy them herself."
"Tony! That's not very nice."
With a put-upon sigh, Tony finally locked his phone and putit away. "I didn't mean for it to be nice. You're only ten minutes fromthe nearest town. I'm sure someone is hiring."
Steve shook his head. Looked like Tony's bad attitude wasstill sticking around. He'd have to broach the subject again, maybe after theyhad sex. Tony was always much more agreeable after a good thorough fucking. Hereached for Tony's hand, fully intending to pull Tony into his arms, maybewhisper a suggestion for them to find a nearby closet so Tony could blow him -he'd missed Tony's mouth for that, at least.
He was caught off guard when Tony jerked out of reach. Atthe same time, this tiny plant thing appeared out of nowhere and startedkicking Steve in the shins. The hits barely hurt - he'd felt worse when hestubbed his toe - but Steve still stumbled back, more out of surprise thananything else.
"I am Groot!" the tiny thing yelled. "I amGroot!"
"Groot!" Tony exclaimed. “What are you doing?!”
"What the hell is this?" Steve demanded."Another one of your inventions? Did you create another robot, Tony?"He just barely kept himself from uttering the name 'Ultron', but only becauseWanda was within hearing distance and that name tended to upset her.
He shifted his weight and froze when a knife appeared at histhroat. He hadn't even seen the woman move, and she would've been impossible tomiss. Her bright green skin and purple-tipped hair was extraordinarilynoticeable. 
"Don't touch them," she hissed. "Or I'll slityour throat."
"Gamora!" Tony said, now sounding more exasperatedthan surprised. "What part of 'please lay low for the day' did you guys notgrasp?"
"Drax understood." Another man joined them,sliding an arm around Tony's shoulders. "He's in his bedroom laying on thefloor. I heard him asking Rocket if that was low enough."
Tony giggled. It was a sound Steve had never heard before.He stared at Tony, who flushed.
"So you're Steve," the man said, looking at Steveand baring his teeth. It was decidedly not a smile. "I'm Peter Quill."
"Nice to meet you," Steve said automatically. Themovement of his throat caused the knife to knick his skin and he winced. Gamorarolled her eyes and drew back, looking at the blood on the blade of her - not aknife, holy shit - sword with disdain.
"Are all Earthlings this stupid?" she asked Peter."Who speaks when there is a blade flush against their throat?"
Steve touched a hand to his throat, feeling the woundalready closing, and half-wondered whether he should be trying to get at hisshield. "I think a better question is who puts a sword to someone's throattwo seconds after meeting them?"
"I think I didn't ask for your opinion," Gamorasaid. She scooped up the tiny plant thing - what had Tony called it? Groot? -and passed it to Tony. Groot clambered up onto Tony's shoulder and glowered atSteve.
"Okay," Tony said loudly. "I think we're donehere. Steve." He nodded at Steve absently, already turning away. He leanedcomfortably into Quill's side as they walked past. Gamora fell into step onTony's other side, her sword held down at her side. Groot twisted around and pointedtwo fingers at its eyes and then at Steve, which Sam had explained meant 'I'mwatching you'.
Steve just stared. He had the feeling he was missingsomething.
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