mechanicvl · 5 years
@notdavidson: friendship over w @wavinraven now @onehellofashow is my best friend xo
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sawyerphoenix · 5 years
if you could go anywhere in the world with anyone in the world, where would you go, and who would you go with?
anywhere would feel like home so long as solomon was by my side. i don’t care where i am if he’s there.
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indykings · 5 years
what's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
being born is up there. but starting a literal bar fight with solomon during pride is, too.
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solmatua · 5 years
10, 20, 30, 40
10: when was your last physical fight? when my fuckin’ stepsister pushed me off the boat. 
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? in my bed. just a good, sweet, and wholesome good night smooch, you weirdos !
30: what’s irritating you right now? penny is trying to steal my man. sorry, honey, he’s gay!
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? duh.
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eddydeleon · 5 years
if you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and what would you have?
my wife. i just want one more shitty, home-cooked dinner that we eat in front of the tv with her.
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grceoh · 5 years
2, 4, 6, 8
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? maybe my parents on the phone. them or my dog.
04: are you insecure? i think everyone is sometimes.
06: how do you want to die? of old age.
08: played any sports? i played volleyball in high school and college
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ch-archive · 5 years
Here's Bea!
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antiquatcd · 5 years
@beanottrixie //
it was pouring rain, and lee always hated being alone in the thunder. the sound left her heart pounding in her chest. it was terrible being alone, in the dark, while a thunderstorm boomed outside. she saw a figure through the glass of the office door. “who- whoever is there, we’re closed! get out of here,” she yelled, reaching under the desk for a baseball bat. “i was pretty good in little league, so i bet i could kick your ass right now!”
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smatua · 5 years
10. describe your favourite movie without saying the title or any of the characters names.
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jacekhouris · 5 years
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thecdorebabineaux · 5 years
@beanottrixie ;;
theo was just leaving his dance studio after a long dance practice, glad to be done with exercise for the day. he loved dancing, but it was exhausting at times. earphones in as always, he walked out of the building, only to bump into someone. his bag tumbled to the ground, resulting in all of his stuff falling out. “oh, shit,” he sighed, crouching down to collect everything. he looked up at the person he bumped into and grimaced. “sorry, dude.”
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mechanicvl · 5 years
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@notdavidson: hope the bugs dont follow me into church 🤪🤪🤪!!! ( 📷 @tlwrites @onehellofashow @laylahhhh )
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sawyerphoenix · 5 years
5. describe your dream life.
a life where i’m happy and content within myself is good enough for me. i don’t think i’d ever care where i am, too, so long as i’m around people i love and who love me equally in return.
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indykings · 5 years
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nine hundred dollars being deposited into my bank account.
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solmatua · 5 years
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( @beanottrixie ) “Waspy, I’m here!” Solomon called out when he saw Bea at the end of the beach looking very tiny, a little because she was far away and a little because she was, indeed, tiny. Solomon grinned at her as he drew closer and rubbed his hands together eagerly, “All right, are we burning down this state park tonight or what?”
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eddydeleon · 5 years
14. describe your favourite spot in your house.
our couch is second-hand and not the prettiest in the world, but it might be my favorite spot in the world. every night, sofia cuddles up to me with her blanket and a book, and i read her a story before i carry her off to bed, and no matter how fucking horrible my day has been, just that one small moment with her is enough to keep me going.
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