#bc i didnt see a frame that actually had his rose positioned like that when i was taking my own screenshots
rougelabatte · 2 years
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🌹 Kurama Icon Batch #1 🦊
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taikanyohou · 4 years
so after my tags on this post where win was wearing glasses and playing the piano 
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(plus an anon request) here's some more Food For Thought i.e what i think would go down:
they get paired together. they have like ... 2 weeks to prepare for this assignment. so sarawat decides to tell tine to come over to his place the 1st weekend, to decide on the song and stuff. but also bc he wants to see tine squirm in his dingy small room for one, thats all messy and where everything is all over the place. he wants to get some pleasure from seeing tine look uneasy in such a mess bc tine's so rich and posh and immaculate and so damn well presented all the time. so tine comes over, but he decided on not wearing his specs that day, just his contacts, which .... annoys sarawat bc he wont admit it out loud but tine in his glasses is his Undoing. he dreams about tine in his glasses, dreams about wrecking him up with them on. so now that he isn't wearing them, sarawat's frustrated, sexually. so what does he do? trash the place even more. he's tryna find some paper to write potential songs down on and he empties his entire drawer onto the floor. he's tryna find a pen on the mess that is his table but he can't find one, until he turns around when he hears tine call his name. and tine's standing close to him with his pen in his hand, giving it to sarawat to use. he takes it, and looks at tine's name engraved on it and scoffs, thinking "rich people,". but he takes it anyway. and seats himself onto his bed - mattress on the floor, and tells tine to come and sit next to him so they can get this over with. tine looks around at first. he isnt uncomfortable with idea of sitting on a mattress on the floor, but that ... its sarawat's bed .... that feels a little too private. and he blushes at that. sarawat's gaze is literally on him all this time, to see how tine reacts. he thinks tine will complain about it, that "do you not have a chair?", but when tine comes and sits next to him, its sarawat that's surprised. not even one complaint? not even one?? anyway. within 2 hours, they decide on a song. surprisingly, they don't argue much over it? they both listen to each other's preferences, what may or may not work, that they have to use both a piano and a guitar, and they figure it out. by then, their knees are touching, and they'll hover over one another to see what suggestions the other is scribbling down on the notepad. its impressive. until tine stands up and tells sarawat that, if they've finished, then he should leave. he doesnt wanna take up anymore of his time, and that he should get going home bound bc he has dinner with his family at their house - sarawat coughs out "mansion" - later on today. tine tells sarawat they can record at his place next weekend, and in the blink of an eye, he's got his shoes on and is out of the door, saying bye. but thats when sarawat looks down and in his hand .... he's holding onto tine's pen. he scoffs again at the absurdity of tine's engraved name on it, but finds himself delicately going over the engraving thats carved into it. and if he sleeps  with it under his pillow that night, well, nobody else needs to know. the next weekend, sarawat comes over to tine's "place". tine's stood outside ready to greet him and let him in, so sarawat knows he's at the right "house". god, it makes him sick just thinking about the grandiose and the excessiveness of it. he feels so small, as he adjusts the strap of his guitar case on his shoulder. this place isnt meant for people like him. he feels even more like a fish out of water when he steps into tine's "bedroom". it knocks him sick. and then he notices the piano, and ... of course tine would have a piano in his room. "don't worry, the walls are soundproof," tine mentions. "of course they are," sarawat says. they set up in silence after that. honestly, last weekend, sarawat had wanted tine to stay a little longer, but he couldn't make up an excuse to keep him around. today, sarawat just wants to get this done and go. his skin crawls as he investigates his surroundings - tine's bedroom. it pisses him off even more, how despite all this luxury, tine didnt complain once last weekend to sit on, essentially, a mattress on the floor for 2 hours to work. how, despite all this to boast about, tine never once showed an inflated ego. instead, he was the shy, quiet boy. its that ... that had gained sarawat's attention.   just when they're about to record, sarawat stops them. "wear your glasses." tine turns around on his stool and gives him a confused look. "wear them, otherwise i'm not recording." seconds, feeling like minutes, of silence pass by between them, as they look at each other, neither willing to back down. sarawat didn't know what it was, was it tine not wearing them last week and the frustration of that, or was it his discomfort coming across as becoming more assertive and demanding so that he could feel some power in a place like this, or both, but he was gonna have tine wear his glasses. so he got up, and looked around the room, thinking of the most obvious place tine would put his glasses, and rummaged. bedside table? no. bedside drawer? no. until his eyes fell on the pair placed carefully on tine's study table. taking them, he positions himself in front of tine, grabbing his stool and sitting directly opposite him. tine's been watching sarawat all this time. how he looked, oddly, so much at home, wondering around his room like that. demanding him to wear his glasses like that. no one's ever really done that to tine before. sarawat places the frame on tine, achingly slowly. he's so close to tine's face, that the warmth of his breath sends a shiver, as the cold metal of the frame tingles his skin. it feels too much all of a sudden, like there's no space, despite the vastness of tine's bedroom. "you look so hot with them on," sarawat whispers. no one's ever really said that tine to before, either. none of them back away. they know they've got a recording to do. they know that. but tine's finding himself constantly flickering his gaze from sarawat's eyes, down to his mouth. those lips. and then up again. what is this ... this overcoming? sarawat doesn't leave much time to ponder. somehow, he inches even more closer than before, still staring into tine's eyes, for any indication that tine doesn't want this too. but none comes. even when their noses are brushing against one another, none comes. "can i-" and its tine that doesn't let sarawat finish his sentence. he's kissing him. he's got his hands bunching up the fabric of sarawat's shirt, forming creases as he clutches. its not much, just small one peck, that becomes two, then five. until tine backs away, and his ears are coloured as red roses in full bloom. "didn't know you had it in you," sarawat's smirking now, paired with an eyebrow raised. this is where he wanted tine, blushing, stuttering, hoping he'd want more. "shut up," tine tries to glare. tries. but with his cheeks now tinted pink, he looks nothing more than adorable. "make me ..." sarawat says, pulling tine just that bit more closer to him again, missing the warmth of him already on him, on his lips. "that's cheesy. try again." "your walls are soundproof right? how about we test them?" "that was even worse." and tine's laughing. laughing with his hand shoving at sarawat's shoulder, because not once did tine ever imagine that sarawat would ever actually use, ya know, pick up lines. "what do you want me to say then?" sarawat asks, holding tine's hand on his shoulder within his, lacing their fingers together. "just kiss me already." tine suggests. and so, he did. screw the recording. later, when their lips are swollen and bitten and their hair has had their fingers roamed through, when their skin's still blushing a light shade of red, they'll regret making out on tine's bed, creasing his pristine pure cotton sheets. but for now, that's not a concern.
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