#bc i am Informed of shenanigans and must see for myself
fagtainsparklez · 9 months
YOU WATCH JAIDEN OVER SPARKLEZ????? you have truly changed, icarus.
i’m going to expose myself with this one. i rarely ever watch jordan live nowadays. i am a vod girlie 95% of the time. partially because i use captainsparklez vods to fall asleep, and partially because i only get the time to watch his stream when none of my mains are live, which is. extremely rare as of late
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noheroes-allowed · 4 years
week 4:
day 22: can’t believe I just typed the words “week 4″ :(, FINALLY worked on 4520. but also it was only part 1 out of 4 and I always fall into this false sense of security that the hw isn’t that bad but the problems usually get harder as the problems progress, ate an entire king size bar of Hershey's cookies and cream and I am mad, finished the five eps that are out for little fires everywhere. and I want to start killing eve. why did I start getting back into watching shows when classes resume. why am I this problematic to myself, chatted with my brother and my mom again, wishing veep was still airing so I could see the dc shenanigans/conspiracies during these corona times bc all the state refusals to reschedule primaries have got to be political but my brain isn’t informed enough to understand all the ulterior motives, now it’s 1:30am and I worked on problems 3 and 4. I don’t think I did everything correct but I still feel less stressed, albert finally ft me, secon pictures
day 23: first day of class! I’ve missed seeing strangers and I still enjoy Boyer’s lectures. it’s the only class I would willingly go to even if it was recorded, 4110 was boring lmao. I’m gonna just wait for her to upload and watch them at faster speed, worked on behavioral for hours and I had to redo one stupid problem like 5 times before I figured it out. and it took me like a full hour before understanding what to do for question one. that class makes me feel so stupid, played countries game on snap with albert, started killing eve. my timing sucks, both maggie and rochelle haven’t started the pset but jaja has and we’re gonna go over it at some point. idk if I should text keith about it bc I feel like I’m bothering him again rip
day 24: omfg. I woke up this morning and remembered I had a meeting at 11. then literally forgot it and didn’t remember until 12. I’m so dumb I was literally watching little fires everywhere and eating oatmeal when I was supposed to be on skype alfksndnfjfjf, didn’t do as much cti work as I should’ve, 4520 fucking took me like 6 hours and I’m mad bc I still can’t figure out one of them and all the other ones are so iffy, ate too much fried rice, also my leg is still cramping and I just wanna run :(
day 25: omg I had a dream about secon and it was senior year. and we were all meeting in warren before we had to leave. and keith didn’t walk in until the very last group aldksnfksjf. and he had this haircut where everything was short except for one section that was long and covered up a part of his face. and he didn’t talk to me and I got sad. skgjsnfjwkg it had to have been bc we talked about haircuts last time and dayna posted those secon pics. but also like why, I. am. so. mad. I fucking spent two hours fixing my code for 4520 bc he worded the question badly and then he answered my question on piazza and said that for the purpose of this assignment either method is fine. which meant I could’ve not spent two hours fixing that shit. omfg I hate this class. it made me spend ~20 hours in the past week on it. and ruined my schedule for working on two of my other classes. also can he pls release grades for the last assignment already, finished the 4660 pset and checked it over :), might just not finish 4110 and watch killing eve instead oof. 4520 really burnt me out
day 26: there was a man with a leaf blower outside working this morning starting 8am and it was so rude like some people are sleeping sir but I guess it was a blessing in disguise since it woke me up and maybe I’ll fix my sleep schedule a bit more. still trying to have 8am wakeups, meeting with refactored today. I hope our pivot is good, read two more authors for my essay and finished 4.5 pages!! I only have four more authors to do. I’ve literally done 12/16 and I’m so close to finishing and I can’t wait until I don't have to think about this class again. hopefully I can finish tomorrow, I’m officially officially cleared :), I’m gonna walk/run 5k and it saddens me how I’ve had this cramp in my calf for the past week. like I’d been fucking training for 21 days and now I could actually do a 5k but I physically can’t. like I know it’s not real bc you just do it on your own and there aren’t any timings or anything but. idk it just would’ve felt good to complete it, went on a two hours walk with Cat
day 27: woke up late, went on a run even though my cramp isn’t fully healed and it was probably a bad idea, finished 14/16!, watched killing eve instead of starting my essay though, worked on 4110 hw, ate too much after my run ugh, got a stomachache so I couldn’t do my workout :(
day 28: woke up really late. I had a dream though that I was driving and the brakes weren’t working well so I kind of kept getting into accidents and wrecking the car. and then I was like no I need to stop driving. and then was at this place where a bunch of dulaney people were for some reason. and asked hayden for a ride home? ok. also had another dream where I was eating shrimp at a restaurant but I needed to pee but the bathrooms were far away so I got in this car with the couple sitting next to me and we drove there. but the bathroom stalls were weird as fuck so three toilets were basically in each partition? so me and these other girls were gonna take turns peeing but the door was also really weird so we had to prop it up so no one could see her but then she accidentally peed on the girl who was holding the door right in front of her. idk it was too wild and I woke up, I ate at 12 and then again at 1:30 and then again at 4:30 and then again at 8. big yikes I must stop, oh I had a project team meeting. keith was the last to leave but we didn’t really talk bc he had to get back to work, finished 16/16 and the conclusion!, will work on 4110 tomorrow bc I can’t do work anymore
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