#bc I’m so much more accustomed to how dragons move and where they’re muscles are placed and whatnot
astronomical-bagel · 5 months
what are your favourite things to see in dragon designs, or in worlds that feature drsgons? im curious :}
!! Well my friend gave me the new wof ‘guid to the dragon world’ book for Christmas so I am PREPARED for this question!!
one of my favorite things ever is just to see how a dragon is suited to its environment— not just wof, but all brands!! Drakes that have no wings but are expert runners, tundra dragons with different ways of dealing with the cold— with either fur or other methods which are barely (if at all) scientifically plausible. I just like the different types and learning them all!! As of right now I’m really biased towards tundra dragons bc i really like ice wings lmao, but I also love the variety possible with dragons living in the ocean— I mean, there are so many different kinds of fish to base them on!!
Mainly in dragon designs I like to see a mishmash of different animals combined with maybe a little bit of camouflage to their environment— for instance, if I were to make my own design for ice wings I might their talons a bit more like polar bear paws, while other ice wings might have tails like seals for markings like orcas. I like variety within a species of dragon, if you couldn’t tell.
and in worlds that feature dragons, I really like it when they go over their relationship to other animals or humans!! Are other animals of the same mental caliber to dragons? Can they have conversations with with a snake or perhaps a crocodile? Do the dragons discover any methods of communicating with humans? Do they become friends? I would love it if they became friends 🥺
(in fifth grade I obsessively read the equivalent of horse girl books but for dragons. Yk, girl meets wild creature, they understand each other, girls family says NO WAY but in the end the girl and the dragon’s bond is tested in some way and the family is like NVM it can stay) (I just realized I could have shorted this my like 100 words if I just said “you know, like how to train your dragon” but WHATEBER)
And of course, I love dragon culture. How do dragons dance? What do their instruments look like? I saw someone create a design for dragon puppets that I ADORED (can’t remember the name but if you loo through my ‘bagel loves dragons’ tag you should find it somewhere bc I went on a ramble in the tags LMAO). And what sorts of religions do they have as well, and how is it affected by their environment? In Wof, the Pantalans worshipped Clearsight bc of her prophecies, but in other worlds like totk (or going to a real religion like the Buddhist pantheon) the dragons are servants to a higher power! and oh I just like dragons so much. Sometimes it gets dicey bc there aren’t too many limits on what a dragon is (me and a friend of mine once got in an argument over whether something could have a dragon or dinosaur (not smth real, just art) because we have differing autisms and we both had to just sit down away from each other bc we were so unnerved by what the other thought), but anyways I just love anything dragons and it’s so hard to define what my favorite things on dragons are because I like them ALL!! It’s more easy to say what I don’t like (overly cartoony, implausible proportions, ugly colors. Also lots of cartoonists give dragons an insane underbite for some reason?? That one isn’t necessarily a dealbreaker but it confuses me)
also a little bit ago someone asked my about my hc wof au AND I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET I just got nervous ❤️❤️ I will talk about it more later and hopefully I’ll have art but I want to practice other dragons first bc it’s been a hot minute
thank you so much for the ask, taco, I had so much fun thinking about dragons and I need everyone to know that I love them sososo much and they are always on my mind for ever and ever
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