#bbb grizzly rat
prof-ramses · 9 months
Ranting about (and predicting) Big Boy Boxing (Warning: This will be MASSIVE)
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Big Boy Boxing is a Punch Out styled indie boss rush game slated for release in mid 2024 with a cartoony style and bosses gimmicks inspired by Cuphead. It's being developed by fledgling studio, Soupmasters, and I am fucking OBSESSED with it!.
The predicting part comes from the official presskit which shows a bunch of boxers not currently sorted into tournaments.
For context, the devs are aiming for 24 unique opponents, we currently know about 6 tournaments and their champions, but given none of them have any final boss energy, I'm going to assume there will be 8 tournaments with 3 opponents each.
Just so we're all on the same page here's a link to the above mentioned presskit, here you can see images for all the mentioned characters:
Freezy's tournament: Freezy Boy is the first champ and this games Glass Joe, with the twist being he can hulk out. I think that makes it pretty clear that the fighters before him will be quite feeble. This makes me think of the Retired Joker and DJ Yamon. Neither a very tough looking and would make good introductions to a few mechanics.
Wild Dude's tournament: We already know about Mr. Adyltmen and of course, Wild Dude, given the latter's love of rats I'm betting Grizzly Rat is gonna be the third character.
Toxic Love's tournament: It turns out we know all three opponents, Coach Skank, Trigger Happy (thought she's been redesigned as a little girl with a giant mallet) and Toxic Love, herself.
Jim Chad's tournament: In addition to Titanic 5000, whose redesign has made him much less intimidating, and Jim Chad we'll see a spiky haired, currently unseen character, whose shadow can be seen with Titanic 5000's and Jim's in a cutscene snippet in the most recent trailer on the Soupmasters channel.
Bruno's tournament: The only guess I have for this one is Master Dong, his zenned out design gives him a tuned-into-nature quality, which fits Bruno's jungle theme.
Dr. Brawn's tournament: Brawn is a stereotypical supervillain, Super Roger is a stereotypical superhero, nuff said. Also there's Chef Kembo, recently reinvented on the official discord as a smaller hunchback (possible lab asisstent archetype) who drinks gasoline and goes by Chef Diesel.
Here's the discord link:
Others: D' Bulldozah and Grand Adultman are quite interesting both could be in the same tournament, but I highly doubt it. I think what's most likely is that Grand Adultman will be in the final tournament (though not the champ) and D'Bulldozah will be in the non-final, non-revealed tournament
That's all I've got for now, hope I got at least someone interested in this serious contender for 2024's GOTY.
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