#bayek would be long dead by the time dw/rotk’s plot happens
teecupangel · 1 year
What would happen if Bayek recruited the Duelist as an assassin?
We don’t know anything about the Duelist as a character so we can’t be sure they would even agree to joining the Hidden Ones if Bayek tried to recruit them.
Now, if we assume that they will agree to Bayek then here are what I think could happen:
Due to their weapon of choice and their clothing, there’s a high chance that the Duelist is from China (AC wiki does say they were Chinese). This would mean that the Hidden Ones would have access to what a Chinese martial artist has to offer.
Due to their use of poison, it’s safe to assume that they wouldn’t mind doing underhanded tactics to win. Also, their poison may be different from the poison that the Hidden Ones use which means they could compare notes and perhaps make an even more potent poison.
Also, their inclusion gives the Hidden Ones a way to build a bureau in China earlier than they could which was, as far as we know, around 751 CE (Wei Yu in 210 BCE doesn’t count as he’s considered as a proto-Assassin and not a Hidden One). Of course, this could only work if the Duelist wouldn’t mind traveling to China to help out.
The Hidden Ones’ presence in China before 751 CE would mean that China’s history could change, for example: there might not even be a period of the Three Kingdoms in AC lore had the Hidden Ones had more of a presence in China by then. Dong Zhuo could have been assassinated before things went from bad to worse. “Do not pursue Lu Bu” my ass, he’ll be too busy pursuing the Assassin anyway.
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