#bau x gendee neutral reader
x-reader-theater · 3 years
Hey first I want to tell you that I love your blog and writing so thank you for writing and sharing it with us!!!
And I was wondering maybe a Spencer x reader or a team x reader and the reader got a high emotional intelligence and it's help on cases but they realize to do so the reader had to put a little bit of themselves like if the case really rough they're more tired and just angst cause of that but a fluffy happy ending please?
Thank love you take care and drink water đź’™
This reader is gender neutral since a gender was not specified. Also this is purely platonic but if you want some PolyBAU at some point in the future I am so down. I really hope I did this justice!
Warnings: Mentions vomiting.
@mystic-writes I love you. That's all. Also they edited this. XD
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"So, how did you know Grant?" you ask the woman sitting in front of you. "He was my boyfriend. We've been dating for three years…" the woman says and you can see the sadness in her watery eyes. You feel your heart clench for her. "I can't believe he's dead…"
JJ looks at you, concerned when you don't tell her your follow up statement, so she says for you, "Grant was murdered by an unsub who's been proving these men are unfaithful."
"What? Grant would- he wouldn't- you don't mean…" the woman trails off, and she puts her head in her hands as she begins to sob.
You feel your chest tighten and you suddenly feel like you can't breathe. You shut your eyes before wrenching them open and getting out of your chair, beelining it out of the small room. You run through the precinct and out through the front doors into the cold, winter air of New York City. What you hoped would be less stuffy is actually worse, and you look around for a trashcan.
Seeing one, you bend over it and vomit up your breakfast. Or what little is left of it.
As your body heaves, you feel a comforting hand on your back and Emily says quietly, "Shhh, it's okay…"
You cough a couple times as your body tries to expel anything else, but nothing comes up. Eventually, you're just panting over and spitting into the trash can every few seconds. You pull away and sigh deeply, taking the handed napkin and wiping your mouth with it.
"Are you okay?" Emily asks and you nod.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm just not feeling very good," you say, and she nods, rubbing your back again.
"Let's get you back inside and I'll get you some tea…"
You wave her off. "I can go back in on my own."
She looks at you dubiously before nodding. "Alright. I get you one of those expensive Starbucks teas you like." You nod at her, thankful, and walk slowly back inside.
You make your way into the back where the team has been set up, and you sit in one of the uncomfortable chairs, putting your head in your arms. You hear the door open and looking up you expect it to be Emily, but you see Derek instead. You groan and put your head back in your arms.
"Woah, what's the matter with you?" He asks.
"Go away."
You hear the chair next to yours pull out and he says, "No, something's wrong. Are you okay?"
You look up at him and snap with a glare, "I'm *fine* Morgan. Leave me alone."
He frowns as well, though a lot less maliciously and says, "Okay, what we're not going to do is yell at each other."
You look over at Derek from your arms and mutter, "Sorry."
"So, what's wrong?" He places a hand on your shoulder and you sigh.
"I just don't feel very good. I think I had a panic attack…" you trail off, looking away from him. He squeezes your shoulder and you lean into the touch.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You shake your head and he squeezes your shoulder again before letting go.
He goes to leave, but you call out, "Wait." He stops and looks back at you right as he's at the door. "Can you turn off the lights?"
He nods and smiles, doing as you ask, plunging you into near darkness. You're so incredibly thankful for the darkness. The headache that's pounding at your temples lessens slightly.
The door opens again and something is placed in front of you. Looking up, you see it's a hot Starbucks drink and you grab it, wrapping your fingers around it. It's too hot to drink, but it gives you some feeling in your fingers.
Emily quickly leaves the room, passing Hotch who enters next. He goes to flick on the lights, but at your very visible wince, doesn't. He walks over to the table and sits down in front of you.
"JJ said you ran out of your interview…" Hotch says calmly and you nod. "Is there a reason why?"
You pause at that, trying to pinpoint the exact thing that made you run out. But, it isn't just one thing. It's multiple.
"I just- she lost her boyfriend. They were probably going to get engaged, get married, and the whole time he was cheating on her. First she has to deal with the fact he's dead, and now that he's been cheating on her this whole time, and god! What if it isn't such a bad thing he's dead! I mean, what if he deserves it!" you exclaim.
"You don't mean that." Hotch says it as a statement, not a question, and it makes you pause.
You sigh. "No. I don't. I just- I feel her pain. And I'm just… overwhelmed I guess."
Hotch nods. "Go back to the hotel. We can handle the case. Take Reid with you. You're rooming together and he needs sleep as well."
You frown. "Are you sure? I'm able to help I-"
"I'm sure," Hotch cuts you off. "You need sleep. He does too."
And with that, Hotch gets up and leaves the room. You sigh and grab everything you need before leaving. You blink as the bright fluorescent lights of the station only help to aggravate your headache, but you walk over to Spencer and place a hand on his shoulder.
"We're supposed to go back to the hotel," you say.
He frowns. "I still have work to do. I'm in the middle of our geo-profile."
You shrug. "Hotch's orders. And besides. You only have two bodies. You'll need a third if that's ever going to be accurate. Come on. Get some sleep," you say, squeezing his shoulder and pulling him towards the door.
"Okay, okay. Let me get my stuff."
You nod and wait for him to put his files into his messages bag and slip it over his head, before walking over to you.
You leave the precinct and start the short walk to the hotel. Spencer bumps his shoulder with yours, his hands in his pockets, as he asks, "Everything alright?"
You nod and put your own hands in your pockets, the chill of the air biting into your skin. "Yeah. I just… this case is really difficult. And having to talk to the victim's families… I guess it's just too much this time," you explain. "I just feel too much and I don't want to. Usually I can tell what someone is thinking and empathize with them, even the unsubs, and it gets us out of plenty of scrapes, but today I just… don't care about the victim. Like, I feel like I don't care if they live or die. And… and that scares me."
You sigh as you pour your feelings out to Spencer, who reaches over and wraps an arm around you. He stops and pulls you into a hug, something he's only done once, and you wrap your arms around his middle.
"It's okay to be scared," he murmurs and you nod. He holds you for a few more moments before pulling away and smiling at you. "Let's get some dinner before we go to sleep. We could both eat, and we're not technically working right now…"
You smile and nod, squeezing his arm as he leads the way.
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