#battlecrown the rrp
oc-cafe · 10 months
No one killed the King.
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It’s been three days, seven hours, nine minutes and exactly sixty nine seconds since Vea Amaris broke into our ballroom, collapsed on the floor and cried. In the past three days, seven hours, nine minutes, and exactly sixty nine, well seventy seconds since then, a lot has happened. My mother has decided to acknowledge herself as the queen until I breach eighteen. After that, I will be the ruler, and she an advisor.
Vea Amaris is now well enough to sit up straight, well partially. Their ministers  have already received a letter, explaining where their acting ruler is, as their father’s whereabouts are unknown.  Eren left early yesterday morning, determined to find King Amom. 
There’s so  much to do. Father’s funeral has already been held. We had no body to bury so we buried his falchion, even though he never used it. He stuck to his daggers until the very end, but they were lost at sea along with his beloved bow and arrow, if only we had them. 
Grief weighs down every move in the castle, Zuri can no longer be seen sketching the horizon or taking one of her long walks on the beach, she’s shut herself in her wing and has allowed no one to see her. She’s even stopped taking her meals with mother and I! 
I wish I could fault her, blame her, but it would be hypocritical of me. If I could, I would  hide away in my room as well, but I have duties. I am expected to rule while my mother recovers from the shock, she is still queen but I am still the heir. I still have to lead my people, I still have to look after Vea, soothe our agitated allies before they turn on us, defend my kingdom and most importantly, find my father’s killer.
There aren’t any leads to follow, I haven’t been allowed near Vea, therefore I cannot question them about his death. There’s no ship to inspect, no bodies, no witnesses, nothing. Nothing. NOTHING. 
Nothing’s such a horrible word, there’s no point to it. It’s the only lie we accept. Every question in the world could be answered with those seven letters, but it’s never nothing, is it? There’s always something, or someone. 
This is basically a long winded way of saying, I’m sneaking into Vea’s hospital room to ask them questions about my father’s brutal murder. Yay! This will definitely not backfire, Amaris is… reasonable, for the lack of a better word. 
My shoes are off, and all that could give away my identity is hidden away in my room, where I’ve arranged a few cushions to pretend that I’m asleep in my room. The borrowed (read: stolen) servant’s gown is slightly uncomfortable but nondescript enough that no one will pay attention to me. 
Now. I have a royal to harass. 
I quietly make my way around the clinic, careful to stay on my guard, while Ababyomi may be out for now, she’s sure to return soon, and she knows every single nurse that works for her. The second she’s back, I’m screwed.  The other nurses mill about restlessly, currently the only patient in the castle is Vea. That makes my work a lot harder. I manage to disappear behind the curtain that separates my mark from me and my questions. Vea looks less pitiful today, the swelling around their eyes has gone down, making them look less racoonish. The blood that clung to their armour and skin that night, has been painstakingly cleaned, the only trace of their injuries are the stitches that line most of their body. 
They cock their head to the side, and sit up. Their smile is tired and their hands barely obey them when they lift it in a silent gesture. “You’re welcome here.” It’s small and silent, a mutual understanding. We’ve both lost our fathers and for tonight, there is to be no mention of the war, only a grim compromise. 
 I’ll tell you what you want to know, and you’ll tell me what I want to know. No ifs, no buts. 
“Good evening, Vea.” I drag a chair next to their bed, allowing my body to finally rest. For the past three days, I’ve done nothing but run around, and deal with agitated allies. A few moments of rest and relaxation was much needed.  “Daraja. I am truly sorry about your father, I wish I could have done more , helped him, somehow.” 
“You still can, help me find who killed him, Vea. Please.” I want to scream and cry but diplomacy helped us before, perhaps it can again. 
“I’ll  help however I can…. For a  price.” 
“A price?” “Nothing is ever free Princess.” They smile at me softly, their gaze carries no heat, a simple aura of cool intellect hidden by a weak exterior. 
“I’m aware, name your price.” “A walk around the palace?” Well. That was…surprising. 
“Uh. Sure.”  What could possibly go wrong?
After a nerve wracking  escape from the clinic, we wander around in the gardens, there is not a single soul in sight. Only Vea and I. 
For a few moments neither of us speak, the only sound passing between us is that of their cane sounding against the cobblestones. 
“So.”  A brave attempt at breaking the tension, a failed one but brave nonetheless. 
“Right.” “I don’t know how to start.” A beat. 
“I’ll tell you exactly what happened and then you can decide what you want to do with me.”  Vea offers, their gaze turned away from me.  They don’t wait for an answer.
“We set sail almost immediately after the treaty was signed. He didn’t want to wait until dinner, he didn’t want to wait a second longer. All he could talk about were his girls, he talked about Zuri and The queen but mostly, he talked about you and how proud he was of you. He really loved you Daraja.” The weather is exceptionally warm, even my eyes are perspiring.  
“  I wish both of us could have made it home Daraja, I really do, but when those monsters took me…” 
“They didn’t tell you, did they?” Of couuuurse they did, I’m just pretending not to know. Read the garden Amaris. 
“I’m sorry, um I forgot that Aiga wasn’t aware of  the skelons.”  Skelons? What? 
“It’s a long story…” “I’ve got time.” 
A/N: Has this been beta read? Absolutely not no. Has this been posted after a billion years? Absolutely yes. 
I apologise for the incredibly long hiatus, I really didn't mean to do that. I’m really hoping y’all haven’t lost interest yet.
Mod Tag: @tiredguyswag@ne0npurplefantasies
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @ghostdragoncookie @jewishdainix @ialmostdonothingnew @just-call-me-a-god @death-and-the-lady13 @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @lesbiansayaishii @a-cloud-for-dreams @brkh96 @i-likestuff86 @redvelvetpdf @xx0yeet-everything0xx
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oc-cafe · 10 months
Stories, skelons and tits
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Vea tires easily, they are after all, still recovering. They ask me for water and give me no answers. 
I lead them to the kitchen, which is now mostly deserted, the servants having long disappeared into their beds. Some of the messengers mill about outside, just having returned from their various tasks. I wonder what it must be like for them, refugees who made their home in serving a kingdom that they don’t consider as their own, never in the same spot, swift as Dhoruba’s wings and  ever changing like the waves of Baharini’s waters . 
I do not wish to become them. 
“How do you know where everything in your castle is?” Vea shakes their silently and I notice the silver glinting through their hair. 
“Zuri, my sister, and I used to play here with the other children.I suppose we learnt all the hiding spots and the rooms along the way...” I trail off, voices of the past now deafening.  
There I had bandaged Eren’s cuts when they’d fallen into some bush while we had been playing, there Zuri had burnt her dress, there were the places my father had taught me how to clean the stems of flowers, there I had prepared soup with him, there I had found Gabriel and Zuri kissing for the first time, there was the grate I had cut open my hand on, there was the place my father had gently taught me the healing salves, there was that, there was this, memories washed over me, drowning me.  
“What was it like?” I barely hear Vea but some distant part of my brain computes their question. 
“It was fun, loud and absolutely lovely.” I smile a little as I think of the girls I used to know. So many of us drifted away as the war waged on, I wonder what they’re doing now. 
“It seems so.” One of them was called Vriti,  she used  to be popular, her parents had been immigrants from Alinthi, her father a merchant and her mother the head healer, they’d left five and a half years into the war. She’d been barely thirteen. She had a sister, older than her by three years, I think her name had been Reet or something of that sort. 
“Do you miss those days?” Vea asks, leading me out of memory lane. Thousands of names cross my mind, Adunbi, Aziza, Badru,  Chioke, people I used to know, with faces that sacrificed themselves to time. 
“Desperately.” I don’t know why I don’t lie but something about them compels me to tell them the truth. They sigh softly, fixing their glasses, they stretch their legs out in front of them, letting their cane lie at their side as they sit down on the kitchen stool. 
I pour them a glass of water, allowing silence to fill the room. Neither of us say a word, simply enjoying the feel of the cool night air. The utter silence leaves me with a heavy heart but a clear head. 
And a clear head is what I need right now. 
It matters not that my heart still weighs me down, that the grief seems to smother me until I can scarcely breathe, it matters only that the answers I need are within my reach. 
Speaking of which, 
“Vea. You promised me a story.” 
“Impatient, are we?” They sigh again, and I bristle. They sigh quite a bit.  
“Yes, well. I wasn’t allowed to be at the forefront of the war.”
“Be greatful for that.” They sit up sharply, eyes flashing with an emotion I cannot name. 
“Yes, whatever. Now, story.” 
“Fine. There’s people under the sea and they were allies until they weren’t.” 
“Oh okay… then- wait..What.” People under the sea? Did they hit their head on their way here? 
Do I need to hit them on their head?   “Yes Princess, there’s people under the sea. They’re called Skelons, they’ve got blue hair, and they can breathe underwater, they’re Baharini’s bitches.” 
I burst into laughter, they really had me going for a moment there. I really thought they had something important to say.
“Yeah, of course, and the next thing you’re gonna tell me is that fucking Baharini’s real.” I really did inherit my father’s sailor mouth. 
They gave me a sheepish look. 
Abeba’s tits. 
They have got to be kidding. 
“And do you have any evidence to back up this outrageous claim?”  
“Am I not proof enough?” I give them a quick once over, a broken nose, a few scrapes and bruises and broken glasses.
“Right, your….state is supposed to prove to me that there are people living under the sea?” “Not people princess!” They stand up, eyes wild. 
“They’re  monsters. We would be fools to believe otherwise!” All this excitement seems to be getting to them. 
“Look! Look at this and tell me that a man could do this-” 
“Kiongozi Amaris! Please! Get a hold of yourself!” I attempt to still their wild hands as they work furiously to rip off their tunic but ultimately, I fail. 
They shrug off my hand and continue  frantically unbuttoning their tunic. 
Well. This is not how I anticipated this evening to go. 
Maybe I could still make a run for it. 
I take a step back. 
And Vea steps forward. 
Or I could just punch them in the face and run. 
That’s probably not gonna work. 
I’m not very strong. Or good at running. Or… punchy. Is that a word? 
Fuck it. 
I’ll just drown them in the sea. 
Let ‘em be with their sea monsters. 
“Princess I know what this seems like and I’m sorry- I promise  I’m not trying to impose myself on you or somethin-” 
“Then could you kindly put your clothes back on?”
“I will… just- this is something you have to see to believe.” They finally shrug their clothes off and I scramble to cover my eyes. 
This is literally my castle. 
I can look wherever I please. 
I peel my fingers off my face and finally look at Vea. 
Bandages cover most of their body, except a few portions. 
The wrappings around those areas seem to have rotten and fallen away,I reach forward, my hand just barely brushing the edge of the gaping hole in their abdomen. 
It's hypnotising, it's almost as if their blood poisons the wound. I let my fingers brush the edge, and travel further up, tracking the path of scars, exploring the openings between bandages, and letting them tell me a story no words could ever describe.
Because no mortal weapon could ever have inflicted this kind of trauma, because swords and arrows can only cut so deep.
But these?
These are claw marks.
Claw marks that grow grey and luminescent blue under the gaze of the gentle summer moon.
Claw marks that shift and sway like the waves of the ocean that crash against our shore.
Claw marks that resemble the ones embedded into my city's walls from where Baharini once severed her village away.
A/N: Once again, not beta read, but then again when is it?
Mod Tag: @tiredguyswag@ne0npurplefantasies
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @ghostdragoncookie @jewishdainix @ialmostdonothingnew @just-call-me-a-god @death-and-the-lady13 @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @lesbiansayaishii @a-cloud-for-dreams @brkh96 @i-likestuff86 @redvelvetpdf @xx0yeet-everything0xx @thisismisogynoir
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oc-cafe · 2 years
A Flower Yet To Bloom (Episode 1)
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Warning: This story will have death, violence and angst and mentions of blood, there will be mentions of blades and weapons, please proceed with caution.
I should be paying attention, but honestly I’ve heard the Lord’s proposal a thousand times. Instead, my focus is on my sister, Zuri. 
She looks so free, sitting outside with her back to the courts, mother wanted me to accompany her to court today. This will all be mine someday, so I need to learn the policies and how to rule over such a large kingdom, how to not be swayed by gentle words, but I grew up in the courts, I knew the rules before I could talk. I think my mother just wants me to learn how to appear regal. How to not run out to the fields anytime and everytime that I am bothered. I know she only wants the best for me, but I find this bit tedious every single time. I do not need to know how to appear polite and how to mask what I mean to be a good ruler. I just need to know how to listen and how to be unbiased. 
“And that’s why I want the courts to be exclusive,” The Lord finally concludes and mother looks even more weary than when we started.
 “I understand, Lord Abbas, but the courts are meant to be the home of justice and changing that will lead to more problems than  solutions. Perhaps if you feel uncomfortable coming to court, you can send another member from your house?” My mind immediately  flashes to the third of the Lord’s children, Eren. 
Imagining Eren in court is…funny to say the least. Eren’s built for the sunny outdoors, she would hate being forced to stay in court.. He’s been trained for battle his whole life, you can hardly blame her. 
I am so lost in my thoughts that I don’t notice the messenger bursting into court. She looks breathless, I recognise her as sloan, our newest pager. She looks like she should be the one sitting on my seat. Her dark dreads remind me of the deep depths of the ocean, and she always carries herself impeccably, even in a simple white messenger’s outfit, she demands your full attention. Or perhaps it’s the abrupt nature of her entrance. 
“I apologise,my queen, but this cannot wait.” There is worry on her face, she looks at my mother urgently. Dread washes over me, and judging by mother’s expression, she’s been caught off guard. 
“The court will reassemble shortly,” I call out. Mother looks grateful, and whispers her thanks, but her voice breaks. 
Why does it break? What news does Sloan carry?  ♕
My questions are left unanswered. Mother is swept away by her guards as soon as the court is dismissed, no one allows me to meet her. In the end, I am practically thrown outside, and I find myself wandering around the gardens. 
Perhaps a talk with Zuri will clear my head? I run down to the shore, she sits quietly, sketching in her little book like she always does. Books are spread out around her,  bowls of food lie unguarded for the servants’ children to take as they play around her. It’s quaint and strangely cosy. 
I tap her shoulder three times, our code. She turns her head, a lazy smile on her face, “Escaped finally?” she signs.
“No, you’re talking to a ghost” I sign back. “Liar,” Zuri says. And I laugh, no matter how many years pass, Zuri is still my favourite person. She’s my older sister, my rival, a headache, and a menace. I love her so much. 
Her wedding is fast approaching but until father returns there can be no discussion of it. So she spends her days, lying in wait, trying desperately to not be a whiny, lovesick teenager, she mostly fails but we let her believe that we don’t hear her long suffering sighs at night.  
I sit down next to her, and listen to her talk about her paintings. I tell her about the Lord’s proposal mostly, I just skirt around the real bother. The mysterious message carried by Sloan. As I listen to her talk about a painting of Arno, her beloved, my mind wanders. Could the message be related to our ongoing war with the Mensonges? Maybe father was coming home? But father couldn't come home until the war was over, until a treaty was signed or a kingdom conquered, mother wouldn’t allow it. I wouldn’t allow it. 
Sharp nails dig into my flesh and I whimper, Zuri really needs to stop doing that. “Are you listening?” she asks.
“Of course! What kind of sister do you think I am?” 
The kind who doesn't listen. “The distracted kind,” Zuri’s voice is poisonous, and her grip is bruising but her words are true. 
“I’m not-” 
“Pardon me princesses, but the queen has requested your presence,” A meek voice speaks up, and I smile, thankful for the intervention.  
“Of course, we’ll be there in a second,” Still angry, Zuri waves the servant away but they’re determined, they don’t move.
Curious, I turn to see which servant would stand their ground while facing the wrath of one of the scariest people I know. 
“Hey princess,” Eren’s lopsided grin greets me. I rush towards them, probably a bit too childlike for the heir of the throne, but at that moment the only thing I can think about is Eren.
 Eren with her ridiculously pretty brown eyes, and her bit too long hair. They meet me halfway, my arms wrap around them and a laugh escapes me. Their mere presence melts away my worries from the morning. He’s gained more muscle and is darker due to his time at sea but she’s still Eren. My Eren. 
I pull away and smile, if she’s back it must mean that the war has finally ended? Right? It must mean that father can come home right?  I think it wise not to mention the war just yet.  Instead, I follow Eren and the servant that came to fetch us up to mother’s quarters. 
“He’s arriving tonight.” Mother tells us, I haven’t seen her this happy since the war started. for once, We’re alone in her chambers. 
For a moment, My mother  isn’t Raheesa the queen of Aiga, she’s just a mother. She’s just a lovesick girl waiting for her lover, just another woman. It suits her. 
“Shouldn’t we tell the kingdom that the war’s over?" I ask. Far too many innocent citizens have been employed to fight, so the kingdom will be overjoyed to find that they’re coming back.
“We should, and we will, just  breathe for a moment. Oh! He’s coming back Raja! It’s been so long!” She  looks ten years younger, and I smile as she embraces Zuri and I. Our family will finally be complete after so long! It’s surreal. After so many years, there will finally be a king in Aiga’s court, Zuri will finally be able to marry Arno. If a few happy tears fall, we don’t address it. 
Mother decides that she wants to announce the end of the war herself. We accompany her down till the townsquare and we cheer just as loudly as the townspeople when she tells them. It’s over. Ten years of trauma all neatly tied up. It feels a little too simple, but what do I know? I had never been allowed on the front lines. I keep my doubts to myself and watch everyone celebrate, mother’s barely  audible when she tells us all about the ball. I wonder if Zuri hears her. Does she worry as well?
Author's note: IT'S HERE. I HAVE UPLOADED IT. BE PROUD. I'm aware that this is, mmm not adequate and too short but I personally think that the second chapter (coming next saturday, 23rd of July) is much more thing happeny but I like what I wrote! Shoutout to mod Sam for proofreading and hyping me up, oh and thankyou my irl sister for proofreading as well.
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @thisismisogynoir @ghostdragoncookie @mina-globes-and-maps @quakeismyhero @ialmostdonothingnew @gravitational-potential-energy @death-and-the-lady13 @otbyosh @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @lesbiansayaishii @planet-alicorn @cool-way-to-die @brkh96 @i-likestuff86
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oc-cafe · 2 years
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TW/CW: Death, Murder, Mentions of Blood
"A decade long war, resolved in a matter of mere minutes? I knew something was up."
After years of turmoil and bloodshed,a war's finally come to an end, and another has begun. After Vea Amaris shows up at her doorstep, claiming that her father is dead, Daraja must ascend the throne and find his killer.
What will she do when she finds that there may be another story hidden between the lines? One that involves the mysterious shape shifters in the sea? Will she be able to unearth the plot that threatens her kingdom? Or will she burn to ashes, drowned in misery?
Coming Soon
Mod Sam here once again, with a disclaimer that I kinda went ehh with the background so I used a free online background. etc etc anyway.
This story was written by Mod Fire!
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @thisismisogynoir @ghostdragoncookie @mina-globes-and-maps @quakeismyhero @ialmostdonothingnew @gravitational-potential-energy@death-and-the-lady13 @otbyosh @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @lesbiansayaishii @planet-alicorn @cool-way-to-die @brkh96 @i-likestuff86
Mod Tag: @permanently-exhausted @always-protect-the-face
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oc-cafe · 2 years
wake up babe new daraja outfit dropped :D
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Designed by Mod Fire and drawn by Mod Sam (cryING ITS SUPPOSED TO BE ARMOUR)! Used a pose reference from AdorkaStock
Taglist (let us know if you want to be added/removed/put in a more specific taglist):
@pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @ghostdragoncookie @minaglobe @quakeismyhero @ialmostdonothingnew @gravitational-potential-energy @death-and-the-lady13 @otbyosh @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @thisismisogynoir
Obligatory Mod Tag: @permanently-exhausted @stressedsnake
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oc-cafe · 2 years
When the ball begins, I am expected to sit at the head of court while mother addresses the returned soldiers. My only job at the moment is to sit still and appear regal, which considering my track record is an almost impossible task. We have been informed that father will be the last to return, as he wants to have a final word with the rulers of Mesognes, and that they will be arriving with him. I adjust my glasses and quietly watch the party, not particularly in a mood to dance, I watch Zuri and Gabriel fool around, my sister had taken her shoes off at some point, probably to better feel the vibration caused by the music. They dance perfectly in sync, their bodies practically melded together, they are perfectly balanced, each other’s yin and yang, perfect in every way, their souls fused together. I find myself wondering if I will ever fall like that, if I will ever give myself to someone fully, and expect nothing back, to love like that is perhaps to truly live. 
@ghostdragoncookie @minaglobe @thisismisogynoir @quakeismyhero @ialmostdonothingnew @gravitational-potential-energy @death-and-the-lady13 @otbyosh @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot
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oc-cafe · 2 years
Battlecrown Masterpost
Daraja's Origins + Her Original Design
Introduction To The Cast
Promo Poster + Summary
Episode 1: A Flower Yet To Bloom
Episode 2: The Beginning Of The End
Episode 3: Welcome home
Episode 4: No one killed the king
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