#bastien theriot ft. jules olivier.
schrodingersauthor · 3 years
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bastien and jules.
tell me you need me,  icarus says and his lips are shivering against your sunburned skin, tell me you need me, tell me you can’t fucking breathe without the scent of my cologne or the taste of my skin under your tongue.
tell me you love me, please, tell me that all the flesh i burn and all the blood i swallow underwater is worth it.
tell me you won’t leave me.
r. meisel
@lovcdandlost / @chaoscajun
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candorcoded · 3 years
bastien: i wish you were there instead of theo. he's insufferable, isn't he?
aeron: theo?
bastien: yeah.
aeron: think the guy's okay.
bastien: i know. he's terrible. he's a horrible person.
aeron: you sure this is about him? not about jules?
bastien: what the hell does that mean?
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lovcdandlostold · 4 years
jules olivier tag dump
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