#basically just felt a little unsatisfactory -- introducing a character for the sole purpose of taking most of the blame off someone else
redlichbluelich · 2 years
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canon questionnaire
@titansmessenger​ said:
canon questionare:  7 + 14!
7. What’s the best thing about the canon you are writing?
14. Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand?
In reality - not really! There are plenty of characters that I wouldn’t be able to stand in real life, but as fictional characters in my ears they are all fun little guys. Even the ones who have done objectively terrible things on their own tend to be compelling or fun characters, and many others were quite literally being compelled by forces beyond the scope of their universe. Which is interesting!
I also just like the humor style, so mostly when there’s a would-be “annoying” character, they’re played in a funny way that is never really grating for me personally.
The closest thing I have to a “real” answer here would be, like, Kalen or Sazed, but those are mostly offscreen characters who are designed to take a fall as being immoral, so. Shrugs
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