#basically dont let a terf ( or anyone for that matter) tell you what you should and shouldnt be doing
eti-mun · 2 years
Terfs will do their damnest to make things like wearing make up, shaving, or even having sex and the color pink out to be something women are forced to do because of men
But absolutely refuse to realise there are women out there that do it because like
It's fun and nice and they enjoy it
I swear it's like they just go "I do not see it" or shout about how it's "internalized misogyny and the poor girl is brainwashed" when someone says they just enjoy it, like the blantant ignoring is the most infuriating part of it all
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wisteria-wolf · 2 years
I’m just letting the terfs know now that nothing you say is going to make me stop treating trans people with the basic dignity of calling them the right gender. Even trans people I don’t agree with. Calling people by their preferred name and pronouns is free and harms no one and should be viewed as common decency. I don’t give new name and pronouns to anyone just for disagreeing with me because thats crazy and neither should any terfs
Defining being a women as facing oppression and responding to examples of trans women facing the same situations as cis women with ‘but how do you know the motive wasn’t homophobia’ is fucking vile. A woman was assaulted and you are obsessed with what genitals the woman had and if people could magically tell? You need serious help with your lack of empathy
And by the way, my personal experience with terfs as someone who isnt trans but has been viewed as trans is still very much real. Terfs treat people they think are trans like shit and calling me bestie and sweetie isn’t going to change that ive seen how terfs treat people when they think they arent trans when they think they can get away with it
Gender doesn’t matter, sex matching gender doesnt matter, treating people with basic decency is free and isnt hurting anyone, none of you will even touch the fact its harmless and instead keep going on about ‘but im more oppressed’. If you really want to help women, start at understanding that trans women and cis women who you think look trans are also real women. You are excluding people who know what its like to not fit the standards set on women
My experience with terfs today has made me realize yall are desperate to be the scapegoats even if people dont like terfs because of things terfs did to them. I’m not going to forget and my memory wont change just because ‘that doesnt sound like a terf’
If you cant bother to read what i wrote then leave me alone
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