azuregold · 1 year
So up until December last year, I wouldn't say I particularly liked Epel. I didn't dislike him either (at least not post-chapter 5), but he was just kinda there. I didn't have strong feelings one way or the other.
I think Epel decided to take that personally. "You will like me, dagnabbit!" he yelled, as his dorm card spooked me at pity for Halloween Riddle. And then again on the anniversary banner. And then his birthday card, also on the anniversary banner. And then his dorm card again, on Beans Floyd's banner (that level 90 Epel came in handy for chapter 6, I can tell you).
And now Harveston is here, with Epel's Applepom SSR. It's so pretty, my favorite of his cards, and it's useful in battles, too. But I had too many other priorities this year to roll for it properly.
"If you like me that much, then prove it!" I said, as I tossed my one allotted multi to get the SR. "You came all those times when I didn't want you, you'd better come now, when I do!" I thought, as I used all my single keys. "If you come home this time, I might actually start liking you!" I told him, as I did a few daily singles.
Well, it took a few days, but today's single finally bore fruit:
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The winter apple is mine! First time the daily single has ever come through for me, and I'm really glad it happened with this one. :')
Anyway, I might like Epel now. Just a bit. A certain exasperated fondness born from exposure.
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tarousprettybaby · 3 years
Forewarning I will be posting the two stories for kinktober, just trying to find the motivation to lol. Writing is hard but I don't wanna force it and write something I don't like, so I'm just giving it time... Hopefully I'll have something to post soon
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azuregold · 2 years
…Brain, why did you just dump an idea on me for a time travel fic, of all things? Do you know how long those can get? Do you know how many other fic ideas I already have (yes, you do, because you’re the one who gave them to me)? Whyyyy would you do this to me?
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azuregold · 2 years
Would you ever write a modern day AU featuring the StrawHats? I feel like it has such potential but Zoro attempting to use Google Maps paints such a silly picture.
Weeeellllllll, depends on what you consider a modern AU?
If you mean a story set in rl modern day, no powers or anything, then…never say never, and I do actually have one old idea that would qualify, but with how slowly I write and how many ideas I have, it feels unlikely. I enjoy reading modern AUs sometimes, but I love supernatural stuff too much; I'd worry that I'd lose motivation for a story without any. ^_^;
A modern fantasy, on the other hand (so, set in modern day but with some form of magic/powers/supernatural happenings)—yes, absolutely. In fact, the next One Piece fic I'm planning to write after Dissonant Echoes is one. I don't know if Google Maps specifically will come up (it's possible), but I'm definitely hoping for Zoro to get to have some…fun…with modern technology. :P
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azuregold · 2 years
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Softly, with feeling: Yes!
I did a few multis when the banner first went up and got nothing, but after dinner I had the feeling I should just do a couple single rolls. Turns out I only needed one! ♡ My first NP3 SSR is now my first NP4 SSR! And with this I can eventually take them to 120 with two appends at bond 15, I think, which will take…a while.
It is so so so tempting to keep trying for NP5, but I need to save most of what I have for Muramasa, Saitou’s coming this fall and I do not want to wait another year or more to get him if I can help it, and there’s also Douman lurking in Nov…plus there’s a good chance I’ll go for Qin Shi Huang’s pool in the NY GSSR and I don’t particularly want to risk getting my first USO. So I should really just take my NP4 win and go home.
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azuregold · 11 months
THE DAY IS FINALLY HERE!!! OBERON HAS ARRIVED!!! I'm so glad they didn't make us wait until the 17th :')
I wanted NP5, which I did not get this time, but I'm happy enough with my results. 5 tickets and two multis in:
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☆:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:☆ Yesssssss! ;u;
Another multi and two tickets got me NP2, then three tickets and seven multis for NP3. 10 tickets and 300 SQ total. I still used the full 900 (+90) I'd saved for this banner, but even if I didn't get any more Oberon copies, I got a bunch of other cool stuff and NP3 was my minimum goal, so I'm still happy.
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Other cool stuff I got:
Multiple copies of all four SRs (OG Gawain really likes me, apparently, because he went NP0 > NP5 on this banner. Everyone else is NP2 or 3), plus a Valkyrie spook
NP1 > NP2 Napoleon spook Whyyyyy couldn't that have been NP4 Oberon, or at least Ozy or another spook I actually wanted? Oh well.
The new Muramasa CE
Three kscopes, which let me MLB + 1 since I already had three
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Black Grail!!!! (Actually, TWO Black Grails!) It took almost four years, but finally, finally I have it! Excellent timing, too, since Oberon makes it even better.
What a great start to the day :D
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azuregold · 11 months
Fate/Grand Order EN's 6th anniversary is here! The day started off not great, with a Jack the Ripper spook instead of Koyanskaya, though I did get NP0>NP4 Caenis, at least. And then, in the last ten tickets I had without going under pity for Oberon:
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Whew. I think she knew I only wanted her for her support skills and not because I like her, so she made me work for it. She doesn't like me in JP either. ^_^; But she's here! Buster looping, go!
And then I did my GSSR. Usually, I get someone who's "eh, okay" to me. The best result before now was 2023 NY, where I got my fourth-place choice, which I was still pretty happy with. But this time?
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I got the one I wanted most. For the first time ever, I finally got my top choice from a GSSR ヽ(;▽;)ノ I can't tell you how happy I was when I saw that Alter Ego card… ;u; The SR was Summer Bryn, who was fourth in the list of SRs I wanted from this pool, so I'm quite pleased with that, too (and so is Sigurd).
This was a risky pool for me, with only three SSRs I actually wanted, three I really didn't want, one I wouldn't have been too happy with, and a chance for my first USO in NP6 Muramasa, but I am so glad I took the risk instead of going with one of the safer but less exciting pools I was also considering.
So yeah, not a great start, but the day really turned around in the end. ❤️❤️❤️
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azuregold · 1 year
Most of the time when a new anime (or something else, but it happens most often with anime) comes out with a toooooon of hype around it, I'm in the position of the "outsider", who's never experienced the manga/novel/game/etc it was based on, and even if I try the thing and end up liking it, sometimes I get annoyed with all the hype. Like, it's good, or at least okay, but it's not that good, geez.
So it's been kind of a weird experience this season to be on the other side, where I have read the manga and I do love it to bits and I absolutely agree with all the people talking it up and get sad when I see people annoyed with the thing being everywhere and call it overrated. Like, I understand their feelings, because I've felt the same about so many other series. I'm usually the one in their position. I get it, I do.
…but this time I disagree.
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azuregold · 1 year
I got a new mouse the other day (I need a whole new computer tbh, but who knows when I’ll be able to manage that…). There are some things about it I’m still adjusting to compared to my old one (the shape and button positions are close but still different enough to trip me up sometimes, and the clicks are a bit harder/louder + it’s way lighter, so I’ve had a lot of misclicks because I keep trying to use it like my old mouse and not bracing it against my hand properly), but overall I’m liking it a lot. The scroll wheel just feels really good to move for some reason. My old one was getting pretty wobbly and this feels so solid. Also it’s a gaming mouse so it has fancy lighting and it’s fun to watch the colors, haha.
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azuregold · 2 years
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On the one hand, I’m getting really tired of having to go to pity for every SSR I’ve wanted so far. I hope Starry Deuce will be nicer.
On the other…HE’S HERE!!! I’M SO HAPPY. I went all the way to 99 pulls with no spooks or anything, I was so scared. But then I heard his beautiful voice and everything was okay again. ♡
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azuregold · 3 years
I miss Mistyverse.
I’m still planning to write Praying to Embers next, and I’m excited to finally get to start it, but after that I’m going to try really hard to turn the scraps I have for the FMaA sequel into an actual plot, because I miss playing with ghost!Zoro really badly. ;-;
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azuregold · 2 years
Wednesday was a good day for summoning. c:
Twisted Wonderland:
First, I had enough paid gems left to do the GSSR they suddenly dropped on us. Unfortunately I did not get Kalim, or even anyone new, buuuut I got Riddle and Azul, both of whom would be in the top three of who I’d pick if I had to get a dupe. I also finally got Riddle’s Ceremonial Robes SR, which was a very nice bonus. Not one, but two SSRs, plus an SR I’d been wanting, for 60 gems is more than okay by me.
Then I rolled the two multis I’d planned to do for Fairy Gala. My target being Jamil, of course. I didn’t get as many copies as I’d hoped (only two), but eh, I’ll just uncap him the rest of the way with perfumes eventually, it’s fine.
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The game crashed just after I clicked the summon button on the second multi. I logged back in and went to check my cards, hoping it hadn’t just eaten my keys without giving me anything.
Aaaaand there on the screen, sitting casually at the end of the row, was Leona. My immediate reaction was to laugh, because of course he came. (For some reason my SSR luck is frequently pretty great as long as they aren’t my primary goal. When they are…well, I just hope that Starry Clothes Deuce will be the one to break my all-the-way-to-pity-every-time streak. -_-; Please?)
*Ahem* Anyway, I’d been low-key hoping Leona would come, too, so I’m super happy about it. He’s not one of my favorites, but his Fairy Gala card is so damn pretty and watching him get roasted in the event story for his bad posture is doing more to endear him to me than everything else I’ve ever read for him. X’DDD
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I also got Riddle’s Labwear SR, which is another one I didn’t have and wanted, so that’s great. It was a rather Riddle-y day, I guess. ♡
(I just wish it didn’t take so long to level cards in this game. ;-; Especially because you also need to do a fuckton of alchemy lessons for spellbooks, so you can’t just run history/flying lessons all the time. I have soooo many cards to raise but I want to level their spells, too…I wish the lessons had separate LP gauges…)
Fate/Grand Order:
I then went over to FGO JP, which just dropped a new story chapter and, of course, new servants to go with it. I really wanted Charlemagne. I haven’t even played Extella Link, but I always thought he looked cool and people seemed really eager for him to come to FGO someday. So I wanted him. But I didn’t want to spend everything because there’ll 100% be a second banner next week and I might want to roll there, too.
But it’s a new month, so that means new summon tickets in the shop! So I told myself I’d use just those five tickets for now, and if I didn’t get him, I’d wait until next week, then decide who I wanted more.
The first four tickets got me a parade of 3* CEs (i.e. nothing).
The last ticket was Charlie. ♡
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azuregold · 2 years
Dissonant Echoes is close to surpassing From Mist and Ashes as my most-kudosed fic. It’s pretty much just a matter of time at this point, and I’m feeling more emotions about it than I expected. On the one hand, seeing the kudos count go up on my fics always makes me really happy, and it’s wonderful people like DE so much, absolutely! And my newer works getting more kudos can kinda-sorta-maybe be interpreted as my writing improving, which would definitely be a good thing. But FMaA is my longest fic and the one I feel like I put the most into, so there’s also a touch of sadness that it’s losing its crown, so to speak.
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azuregold · 2 years
The spring anime season is so good this year. ♡
The winter season was fairly disappointing to me (I only really kept up with a handful of series and none of them were as good as I was hoping they’d be), but spring…I’ve only seen about half of the series I plan to try but they’re all super enjoyable and I can’t wait to watch more. ♡♡♡
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azuregold · 2 years
How the rest of Kalim’s banner went for me:
I did some careful calculating and figured I could go up to 60-ish pulls and still hit pity for Jamil. Got an SSR at pull 50, but the light was red and here’s Cater to break my heart. He’s lucky burning cards isn’t a thing in TWST like it is in FGO, because in that moment I might’ve been tempted.
Finally decided I wanted both Scarabia boys enough to take some quick art commissions so I could buy a pack to top up my savings and get to pity for both.
I got nothing much all the way to 99 pulls, but that’s okay, because we’re at pity now and here comes my SSR—
Aaaand that’s the Octavinelle color. Damn it.
Me, who already pulled Dorm Azul in March and was spooked by Floyd along the way: Please at least be Jade, please, doing all this for a dupe would be the worst way to end things—
Well, I lost the war but at least I won the battle, because it was indeed Jade. Small favors and all.
Have I mentioned how much I hate that pity doesn’t guarantee the rate-up? Because I hate it. I hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. Especially because 60% isn’t a very high rate-up in the first place—it’s barely better than a coinflip. (Also, I’ve rolled six SSRs now: two rate-up, four spooks. I’m not even getting that 60% here, it’s ridiculous.)
The part of me that isn’t salty is amused that last time I was spooked by Trey and Floyd, and now I get their duo partners Cater and Jade. It’ll be an awfully long time before either of them get raised enough that they’re worth taking over the Caters and Jades from friend support, but I guess when that day comes I’ll be all set.
The way my rolls have gone thus far I’ll probably get Kalim as a spook sooner or later (which would be fine as long as I get my target too); worst case scenario I’ll probably pick him with the anniversary key if I have enough gems to roll there (which I will as long as they don’t move up too many events from the JP schedule). So I’ll just sit here torn between loving and hating him until that happens. :/
Hmm…Kalim’s a sweetie but was awful to me in summoning, so it’ll be the other way around for prickly Jamil and he’ll come easily, right? Right?? Ahaha…*quiet sobbing*
(Seriously, though, the only SSR I’ve actually gotten lucky with so far was Beans Azul, who I wasn’t even trying to get, so some luck for an actual target would be nice for a change.)
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azuregold · 2 years
It’s oddly distressing to see the WiP meme going around again while feeling like I can’t participate.
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