#azul sharing his fave food with her got me soft af
gamenu · 4 months
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         "I made you something in light of the holiday and our recent success with your experiment." He sets down two dishes before sitting at his desk once more, trying and failing not to look excited about the prospect of having a meal together with her. "It seemed fitting, since we made a good amount of progress. I hope the food will be to your liking - and happy Valentine's Day."
          The dish itself was a simple, scallop-shaped bowl, but what it contained was carefully cut and double fried pieces of crispy, savory karaage chicken on a bed of finely shredded cabbage. All the perfect size for a fairy like herself to comfortably eat without too much trouble - a process that had taken a little bit of time to master, if he were to be completely honest.
         "I hope we can keep working together in the future. Sincerely, I do."
                                                  -- @mostrohost
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          She had been sitting cross legged on his desk, papers surrounding her and pencil among pencil as she jots down notes before forgetting where she places one and goes for another. Of course, she plans to fully clean up her mess before she leaves Azul’s company. After all, he had been kind enough to share his space with her!
          And to be honest. . .she had been so deep in thought and into her plans she hadn’t even noticed his absence. The letters from her friends offered great insight. The only thing she would need to really hyper focus on would be the cultivation and then the usage of dust on their little project.
          Among all her papers, she’s got three neat piles. One for ideas she’s scrapping, one for possibilities, and ones for definite attempts. She’s ensuring she has an organized enough system for Azul to comb through when he needs to go through it. Naira will have to ensure she remembers to enlarge everything for him to read as well. It would do no good for the sorting and notes if he couldn’t read as well! Or if that didn’t work, just copying them over to a larger source.
          Still, it’s when he gets back and actually speaks that it pulls the little fairy out of her trance and she looks up at him. If she’s honest, Naira still forgets about the holiday regularly. Clumsies do still celebrate the funniest things. Maybe she should write the holidays down and what’s expected on them.
                              ‘Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Azul!’
          It’s said back, but of course he hears naught but chimes. The smile on her face is her best indicator that she’s been enjoying her time with him. And enjoying the fact he’s helping her with her project.
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          Taking the dish, she looks at it curiously. She recognizes the cabbage for sure. The stuff on top. . .that was meat! She recognizes the smell of it. Although,this meat is different kind of. When she bites into a piece of it, she can see it’s chicken. Very crunchy, but also very tasty! Continuing to eat, (after one bite she realized how hungry she was), she looked to Azul once more before nodding happily in agreement.
                                                  ‘Me too.’
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