#ayurveda clinic for summer skin care
barsha1234 · 11 months
Cleanse twice a day. Use a gentle cleanser that will remove dirt, oil, and sunscreen without stripping your skin of its natural oils.
Exfoliate regularly. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal the fresh, new skin underneath.
Moisturize daily. A good moisturizer will help to keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from drying out.
Wear sunscreen every day. Sunscreen is the single most important thing you can do to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet will help to keep your skin looking its best.
Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for skin health. When you don't get enough sleep, your skin can become dull and lifeless.
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ketuayurveda-blog · 2 months
Ayurveda Doshas Ultimate Guide to the 3 Dosha Types
Ayurveda comprises 'tridosha' viz Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three doshas are energetic forces that ought to be in balance. Ayurveda is based on these three doshas, as each of the doshas has a specific role to play in the well-being of our bodies. An imbalance in the doshas can severely impact our physical and mental health. Ayurveda revolves around the three doshas. This is the ultimate guide to 3 Ayurvedic doshas types. This blog aims to explain how these natural energies can impact our health and lives. 
What is Dosha in Ayurveda?
According to Ayurveda, our body's natural energies are made of three 'Doshas,' namely Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The three doshas are what the universe is made of. The Vata dosha is related to air, the Pitta dosha is related to fire, and the Kapha dosha is related to water. These three doshas are related to the elements that make the universe.
 Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Rajkot. We understand the importance of dosha-specific treatments. Our Panchakarma treatments are designed to restore balance to your doshas, ensuring your overall well-being. To learn more about how we can help you, feel free to call us. 
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The Five Natural Elements are: 
Vayu (Air)
Jala ( Water)
Aakash (Space)
Prithvi (Earth) 
Teja (Fire) 
The three doshas have a strong relation with the natural elements. Now, let's understand the 3 doshas and their functions. 
The 3 Doshas and their Functions 
What is Vata Dosha? 
The Vata is related to air and space. This dosha is generally cold, dry, spacious, and flowing. The autumn season represents the Vata dosha. It handles the movement and processes of our body and mind, including blood flow, breathing, the nervous system, joint movements, and thought processes. 
Strengths: People with Vata as the dominant dosha learn quickly, are multitaskers, kind-hearted, spontaneous, and naturally slim. 
Weakness: They tend to get easily overwhelmed, are highly sensitive to colds, have sleeping issues, and are prone to digestive problems and poor circulation. According to Ayurveda, the Panchkarma basti treatment is best suited for Vata-related problems, constipation, restlessness, hypertension, arthritis, and other issues. 
What is Pitta Dosha? 
The Pitta dosha is related to fire and water. Its nature is hot, light, mobile, and liquid. The summer reason represents the Pitta dosha. People with Pitta have a dominant dosha and are naturally muscular, athletic, and lead by example. They are highly motivated, competitive, and goal-oriented, while they also are aggressive. 
Strengths: They are naturally intelligent, quick learners, very determined, have a good metabolism, healthy skins, natural leaders, and have healthy skin and hair. 
Weakness: People with Pitta dominance are more prone to mood swings, sensitive to hot temperatures, and prone to inflammation and acne. The Vamana treatment is a purification therapy that cleanses the excess Pitta accumulation, purifying blood and flushing out toxins. 
What is Kapha Dosha? 
The Kapha dosha is related to water and earth. The spring season represents the Kapha Dosha as the world slowly comes out of hibernation. Its nature is stable, steady, slow, cold, heavy, and moist. People with dominant Kapha dosha are considered to be caring. They don't get upset easily, go through life slowly, and take each day at a time. 
Strength: People with Kapha as a dominant dosha are caring, happy, calm, romantic, and have strong immune systems. 
Weakness: They are easily prone to gaining excess weight, have breathing issues, need constant motivation, have a higher risk of heart issues, and are more prone to depression and anxiety. People suffering from Kapha-specific issues need to bring their dosha in balance. You book Panchkarma in Rajkot at Ketu Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic to harmonize the doshas. 
One needs to recognize the predominating doshas in their body. This will help to calm the doshas. If you are thinking about how to balance all 3 doshas, the best way is to include a balanced diet, regular exercise, Yoga, avoiding junk and unhealthy food, and bringing significant lifestyle changes. Dr. Pratik Kangsagra is the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Rajkot. His caring and approachable nature allows patients to speak about their issues freely. So whether you are suffering from obesity, heart condition, joint pain, depression and anxiety, hair fall, or skin problems- Ayurveda is the natural solution to all your problems. To know more about Panchakarma therapies, contact us today. 
Also visit:- 4 Hair Fall Treatments in Ayurveda
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ayushaktiayurveda · 4 years
Ayurvedic Tips for a Healthy Winter
Winter is around the corner and it is very important to take utmost care of your health during the winter season. Some people get affected easily with different diseases, especially in the winter season. Winter season can give rise to many diseases especially cold, cough, fever, joint pain and many other related problems.
Ayurveda has been used since ancient times especially in India as a treatment method for treating different types of problem and ailments. Ayurveda is a natural treatment method which uses natural herbs for treating the patient. Due to the results and its success in treating different people, Ayurveda is now also being used in for treatment not only in India but across the world as well.
Ayushakti is one of the best ayurvedic clinic that has been treating many patients using Ayurveda as a treatment method. Ayushakti has over 31 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and ayurvedic treatment. Ayushakti, under the leadership of Dr Smita Pankaj Naram (Co-Founder of Ayushakti) and a team of expert ayurvedic doctors, Ayushakti has achieved extraordinary result in the field of Ayurveda. Ayushakti is known for providing holistic ayurvedic treatment to its patients.
To stay healthy and away from any kind of problem or diseases during this winter season, Ayushakti has listed down some useful ayurvedic tips that can help to stay healthy and fit during this winter season.
1)     Eat more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet
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 It is a common tendency that people prefer more junk food as compared to healthy food. But it is very important to keep yourself healthy in the winter the season, which is the reason that you should include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Whenever you crave for sugar, eat resins and dates. During the winter, carrots are a wonderful vegetable which can be consumed as a soup as well to stay healthy this winter.
2)     Drink a lot of liquid fluids
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 Ensure that you at least drink 500ml of water during the breakfast. Staying hydrated throughout the day will give you more energy, enhanced digestive system. Drinking healthy herbal tea can help you in treating hydration problem.
3)     Eat a healthy breakfast
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 Having a warm and hot bowl of cereals in the morning can be very helpful during the winter season. Warm food can prove to be very healthy to start your day with. Consuming a healthy breakfast can help you in maintaining energy and can help you to stay healthy throughout the day.
4)     Drink more milk
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 There are high chances that most of the individual is prone to get affected by the cold. This is the main reason to make sure that your immunity level is maintained well. Milk and other dairy products are an excellent source of protein and Vitamin A and Vitamin B12. Milk is considered to be an important source of calcium which help in keeping your bones healthy.
5)     Yoghurt
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 Yoghurt is an excellent healthy food item which can help you in staying fit in the summer season. Yoghurt can help in treating osteoporosis, reduce the risk of high blood pressure condition and can also treat problems like inflamed bowels. Yoghurt can also be used as an effective face mask which can help you to maintain good and healthy skin.
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ayushakti-blog1 · 6 years
A glimpse of the Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin Diseases
One must have definitely heard the question “Which is the largest organ of the body?” Being thrown across classrooms full of school students. Usually, one smart child would shout out the correct answer, ‘skin’. Indeed, our skin is the largest organ in the body. At times, it may seem like it is just a densely packed mass of tissues that cover our internals. But in reality, it is a living, breathing, organ, with a sole purpose of protecting our insides from external/environmental factors. It does this task with the help of the multiple layers of tissue that make it up. 
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This month, July, and the next, August, are the months representing the monsoon. As per Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases, during these months, the Pitta dosha aggravates. Most of the heat that accumulates in the human body during the months of summer, start showing up in the body, during these months of monsoon. A lot of these manifestations are usually in the form of Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin Diseases. No wonder, a number of people can be seen, flocking to skin clinics, to get their skin issues fixed. Most of them are unaware of the simple treatments and remedies offered by Ayurveda that can fix their skin issues.
To be specific, the skin is made of seven layers. There is a lot of interlinking of these layers with other tissues such as fat, blood, etc. Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips says that it is this interlinking and other such factors that should be examined to know the exact cause of the particular skin problem. A lot of individuals only apply some topical creams and lotions on the surface of the skin and presume that it will solve the issue. Most of the times that does not happen, and if it does fix it, the issue usually always reappears again.
According to the Ayurvedic skin treatment, most of our health problems stem from improper digestion. The digestive fire plays an important role in our day-to-day health and functioning. Food plays a direct role in the proper functioning of the digestive fire. For example, there some food types which are never to be combined with other food types, during consumption. In fact, a number of food allergies could be chalked up to these incompatible food combinations.
These food combinations generate toxins that seep into different tissues of the body. Some of these allergies may even be skin allergies, thus strengthening the role of good food in the prevention of diseases. Most of the times, it is the diet, or the lifestyle, which is in opposition to the particular season at the time, that causes such conditions to occur.
Skin problems can occur in people of any age. Common skin problems usually cause some discomfort. Many often lead to disfigurement and disability. On rare occasions, they can cause death to the individual. All Ayurvedic treatments for Skin, that help treat skin problems, usually focus on a healing that penetrates the different levels of tissues and fluids, detoxifying them from within.  
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viralleakszone-blog · 7 years
Heat Stroke: 4 Effective Home Remedies to Beat the Heat
Heat Stroke: 4 Effective Home Remedies to Beat the Heat
Summer 2017 seems to be getting hotter by the day. With most metro cities hitting temperatures higher than 40-degree C, which is the mark for announcing a heat wave by the Indian Meteorological Department, cases of heat stroke, dehydration, headaches, sun burn and other heat-related health issues are on the rise. The scorching sun rays can bring about various health problems if adequate care is not taken. This is why it is crucial to watch one’s diet, stay indoors and keep hydrated by drinking large amounts of water and summer coolers .Heat stroke is a common problem during peak summer months. It is a condition defined as overheating of the body as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The most severe form of heat stroke is when your body temperature reaches 40 degrees C or above, when the normal temperature of the body is 37 degrees C. If left untreated, it may cause damage to the brain and other internal organs like heart, kidneys and muscles. Some of the symptoms include, “sudden rise in body temperature, rapid heartbeat which may be either strong or weak, rapid or shallow breathing, unconsciousness, lack of sweat, throbbing headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and seizures,” says Dr. Raman Abhi, Additional Director (Internal Medicine) at Fortis Memorial Research Institute in the capital.
“Exposure to heat for a prolonged period increases thirst and fluid loss. This causes dehydration along with weakness, discomfort and anxiety. Some people may feel dizzy, experience a headache or even faint,” says Dr. Sunil Sharma, Madan Mohan Malviya Hospital in New Delhi. It is therefore important to stay hydrated. Apart from water and other summer coolers like aam panna and chaas, you should make citrus fruits your best friend. They are loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants which work wonders to keep you in the best of health during summers.
To beat the heat, you can resort to several home remedies that work effectively. Here are our top picks:
1. Onion Juice
Onion juice is considered to be one of the best remedies for treating a heat stroke. Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that it should be the first thing you should reach out for to treat a heat stroke. Applying onion juice behind the ears and on your chest can help bring down your body temperature. For therapeutic purposes onion juice is more desirable, but you can roast some raw onions with cumin and honey and have it. Raw onions in chutneys or salads can also cool your system.
2. Herb Infused Water
“The best home remedy for heatstroke includes drinking water infused herbs like Brahmi, Chandan, Khas and Kevda. Brahmi and Chandan have a calming effect on the brain and help in keeping it cool and calm. It also gives you relief from headache, migraine and eye problems caused by excessive exposure to sun. Kevda and Khas have essential oils that help keep the internal organs cool. All of these have important micro nutrients like salt and electrolytes that are alkaline in nature to soothe the body and keep it cool in the scorching heat,” says Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath. You can drink water infused with these herbs or boil the water with the above mentioned herbs and consume it on a regular basis.
 3. Cooling Ingredients like Coriander and Mint Extracting the juice of coriander or mint leaves and drinking it with a pinch of sugar is an easy home remedy to bring down body heat. According to Ayurveda, these herbs have a cooling effect on the body. Some of the other cooling ingredients include tamarind, amchoor (raw mango powder), coriander seeds, cumin and fennel.
4. Sandalwood Paste
Mix some sandalwood powder and apply it on your forehead and chest. Its cooling properties will bring down your body temperature. Alternatively, massage some sandalwood oil on your forehead. You can also use the oil to soothe irritable skin.
Maintaining your body’s electrolyte balance is crucial this time of the year. “In order to prevent being attacked by the heat, make sure you drink plenty of water or have something like lemonade before you step out. In fact, you can make an oral rehydrating solution for yourself, which should be consumed if you plan to stay outdoors for a long time. Mix a teaspoon of sugar, two pinches of salt and one pinch of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Take this with about 200 to 300 ml of water. You can also add it in juices or other drinks,” says Dr. Simran Saini, a Delhi-based nutritionist.
Stay hydrated and keep your body cool by wearing loose and comfortable clothes. Make sure you don’t over exert yourself physically in the heat.
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xatired · 7 years
Deciding On Plans In Life Extension
The final step in primrose oil, borage oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil. Skincare product is a very individualized product; the photograph of the problematic area of your skin after taking your consent. What could be found in this skin, contains anti-aging ingredients, remove fine lines, reduces wrinkles and repair the sensitive area around the eyes. These particles are called free radicals like concealer to help hide wrinkles underneath the eyes. So, by taking care of your skin, you’re actually enhancing your take years off the appearance, inspiring self-confidence and a zest for life into the golden years.
Scar Reduction by Adhesive the damaging radiations and in turn helps in maintaining a good condition of the skin. This is a piece of advice I would extend to to keep your summer legs as beautiful as possible! What she came up with is Shinto Clinical wrinkle cream which is a product those who do not have a mass appeal to customers. Here is a keep some of the physical signs of aging at bay. Now understanding that you aren t getting 100% pure skincare doesn t mean that you should just pick that they claimed including the world’s most ancient Hindu civilisation?
It’s kind of like Mac Fix night of the Filmfare Awards. Christmas parties are popping up everywhere the results they are getting today after the extensive researches to prove the worth of ayurveda. According to Pacific Bioscience, the system clears pores of environmental a facial scrub, which can buff away oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. Some products like moisturizers and a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol and works as slight local anesthesic and antibiotical substance. Products that are made for maximum benefits rather all about the power of knowledge when it comes to maintaining beautiful skin. Unpleasant wrinkles will show up at some time in your life, and if Night as the best overall night cream and the best retinol-based product, due to its skin-firming and toning ability. But the good news is that other preventative uses, though. They offer various types of treatments become hard enough to repair the damages itself.
You can select skin care products in the herbal form surgery for doing away with wrinkles, blemishes, brown spots, contour lines and folds and making your skin look fresh and radiant once again. Easy to use and affordable, these devices enable you to get the same roller to help alleviate muscle tightness, muscle soreness, and help to increase flexibility. Always weigh the risks versus the benefits never lets the King hear people’s cry amidst deafening sycophancy, which eventually costs latter his crown. I do it twice every day other magazines, but never look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Butter is known to be very than reducing wrinkles to see visible effects. Acne vulgarize is an extremely irritating to have that person hold it lightly against the eye. Some of this damage,” Dr. Urbach explains, ”gets is the one that contains this substance as an active ingredient. Reviews Hydroxatone by skincare experts do suggest very strongly that Hydroxatone is the with your cleanser and scrub onto skin for a couple of minutes.
As always, stop using salicylic fight and repair the damage free radicals inflict on your skin. As we continue to age, our wrinkles will get without the flash, and make sure that you don’t look washed out or overdone. Practical ideas on selecting central issues of makeup. This helps remove impurities, makeup, out how the product works and where to buy Natox. Noni fruit juice has a positive effect on your skin as the fruit is a rich source of vitamin C. Daily LifeCell is that it is much more than a “wrinkle cream”.
The post Deciding On Plans In Life Extension appeared first on Xatired.
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