#aviendha wants to fuck elayne and rand so bad it makes her look stupid
markantonys · 2 years
aviendha angrily insisting to rand that elayne is beautiful and attempting to describe to him in detail what she looks like naked while rand is a blushing mess and wishing min was there to be nice to him and mat is “ostentatiously looking at anything but the two of them” is more polyerotic tension crammed into a single page than i can handle
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markantonys · 2 years
lord of chaos chapter 41-end: part 2
“that golden hair nestled about [elayne’s] shoulders, framing a face to make any man stare, and the moonlight softened her arrogance. if she had been anything but what she was...and [mat] did not mean just aes sedai, nor even that she belonged to rand.”📣📣📣📣 ATTENTION MATRANDLAYNE TRUTHERS!!! lots to unpack here. 1) mat 100% wants to bang elayne, and it’s not her being aes sedai that bothers him (which you’d think it would bc of all his issues with aes sedai!) nor the fact that she’s dating rand, it’s only that she’s annoying. 2) mat wanting to bang elayne and not minding that she’s dating rand is ONE step away from being chill with sharing elayne with rand. which is a few steps away from wanting to bang elayne AND rand. i’ll die on this hill.
why does elayne keep calling him master cauthon lmao i’m pretty sure she just called him mat back in tdr
“yes, i remember the stone. a fine time we all had there. do you remember something in the stone that gives you a right to make demands of me? i don’t.” 1) we DID all have a fine time in the stone, that was the one time everyone was all together and i miss it and set half my fics during it and consider it my Happy Place of the series. 2) this gives me vibes of like, mat and elayne had an ill-advised hookup in the stone and agreed to pretend it never happened and now mat is just DARING her to bring it up
“aviendha told [mat] that he had no honor, of all things, and if he could not show more respect to elayne, she herself would undertake to teach him respect.” protective girlfriend! after fighting over rand, now aviendha and mat are fighting over elayne. i want that rivals to sibling-spouses arc.
“elayne [demanded thom and juilin’s attention] sometimes, just to keep them away from [mat], he was sure, though he could not fathom the why.” mat’s like “every single thing elayne does is specifically intended to torment me” he wants to fuck her so bad it makes him look stupid. literally the enemies to lovers potential here is SO GOOD dammit! like, it’s so similar to the early days of rand and aviendha’s dynamic!
“if [mat] did not put a stop to it now, [elayne] would have him knuckling his forehead” mat and rand shaking hands meme on wanting elayne to top them
in terms of scenery description, i think ebou dar is my fav location so far. it sounds so beautiful! renaissance venice vibes!
it seems that mat deciding to stay at an inn instead of the palace in ebou dar was a key decision for his future............i’m scared
elayne scolding mat for letting olver be around drunk men. she is so ready to coparent!
our first intro to tylin.......................😒
back to rand. “i will use anybody i must. you said it yourself; i am who i am. and i’m using myself up, perrin, because i have to. just like i’ll use anybody i have to. we don’t have a choice anymore. not me, not you, not anybody!” oh my boys 😭😭
“the restrictions stand. and one more requirement of my own. from now on i expect to see the respect i deserve from you. i am the dragon reborn.” 😳 daddy? sorry. daddy? call me faile because my man pulling rank gets me all hot and bothered
“at last rand pushed saidin away, and with that he realized how wearied he had been by the struggle. loial had to carry him to his rooms in the sun palace” baby boy 😭😭 (a contrast to the previous bullet.....duality of man)
rand found his flute again and is playing it i’m going to cry!!!!!!!!!!!
“rand also asked gawyn to visit. he had only met elayne’s brother once, but he liked the man. gawyn never came, though, and he never replied. sadly, rand concluded that gawyn believed the stories about his mother. that was hardly the sort of thing you could just ask a man to stop believing. it put him in such a gray humor whenever he thought of it that even min seemed to despair of cheering him; neither perrin nor loial would stay around him when he was like that.” rand just wants a friend so bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭
that inventor guy’s note about the seals on the dark one’s prison “have to clear rubble before you can build” maybe rather than restoring them, they have to break all the seals so that they can build a new, stronger prison? jumping ahead to the epilogue, this guy gets killed before he can tell rand whatever he found out on the subject, so it must’ve been important
“berelain swept in, as beautiful as ever, in a soft blue dress cut as deeply as ever - and her eyes fell on min, in her pale rose coat and breeches. for several long moments rand might as well not have existed. berelain openly eyed min up and down. min forgot about the sitting room; she put her hands on her hips and stood there with one knee bent, studying berelain just as openly. they smiled at each other” now THIS is a ship i can get behind!!! this would actually be so good though......berelain who’s always tried to seduce men for political purposes ending up falling in real love with a woman.......min who’s always looked down on stereotypically feminine things ending up with a high femme gf..........they’re probably never gonna interact again but i’m into this!
and now berelain is back to stalking and harassing perrin, so my goodwill towards her has lessened again
rand is so paranoid about the salidar aes sedai that he underestimates the tower aes sedai and gets shielded and kidnapped!! “eat, or you will be fed” oh what a delicious parallel to “kneel, or you will be knelt” at the end of the book
rand is desperately hoping people will notice he’s missing and the wise ones will walk past and sense channeling happening inside the house, and they DO but they think nothing of it 😭😭😭😭 it is so heartbreaking that people are so set on the idea of rand being stubborn, doing as he pleases, and being about to go mad if not mad already that when he’s missing for DAYS they just think “ugh classic rand running off alone with no explanation” instead of realizing that something bad happened to him
“[mat] had to speak to the boy. he could not just grin like that at every woman he saw. and telling a woman she had beautiful eyes! at his age! mat did not know where olver got it.” MAT..........
on the girls’ mysterious disappearances from the palace: “mat knew what was going on. they were doing it just to spite him.” he is so obsessed with elayne!!!
“to [elayne’s] surprise, she realized she had not thought of [mat] in days.” elayne is not obsessed with mat lmao (but when she DID used to think about mat all the time, i’m sure it was only because of the ter’angreal. i’m sure that was the only reason.)
egwene lets logain escape! i wonder if he will indeed go to the asha’man
egwene mentioning mat is the moment elayne realizes she dreamed herself wearing a marriage knife and gets embarrassed 👀
melaine promising to name her twins min and egwene 🥺
egwene saying that rand, perrin, faile, loial, and min are together and then “all it needs is mat and the three of us [her, elayne, and nynaeve]” shut up i want that so bad i want that more than i’ve ever wanted anything and i know i will never get it shut UP 😭😭
“‘they have taken him!’ sulin wailed suddenly, shockingly. head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, she moaned at the ceiling, and the sound of her voice was enough to make perrin shiver. ‘they have taken my first-brother!’ her cheeks glistened with tears.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the maidens’ love for rand is everything to me
perrin charging off to rescue rand, so romantic :’)
rand and the box. it hurts so much. it hurts so much!!!!! not much else to say about it. you all understand the pain! imagine how hard this will hit in the show. books don’t really ever make me cry, but seeing this onscreen i’m going to be sobbing like a goddamn baby i already know it
“we could work together, lews therin.” “together? together. whoever you are.” this is weirdly wholesome 🥺 i am so trusting of rand’s pov that i’m always like of COURSE lews therin is really there, of COURSE it’s not a figment of the madness! so i will be interested to see if it’s ever made clear one way or the other what’s going on
turns out sevanna’s mysterious cube was not The Box (nor was the forsaken’s stasis cube. can’t believe The Box really was just a normal box), but she’s still up to something which i suppose won’t be revealed until next book. who cares, she’s just been lurking in the background for 3 books being vaguely ominous but not actually doing anything.
perrin thinking that rhuarc and berelain smell like father and daughter aww
“rand’s need seethed beneath [perrin’s] skin” first of all the ta’veren pull is so gay all the time, second of all i wish mat had felt it too and come to help perrin save rand! i was thinking, i don’t know enough about future plotlines yet to say if this would fuck them up beyond repair, but in the show it would be neat if the whole gang ended up at dumai’s wells since it’s such an iconic moment in the series, and in this chunk of the book mat/elayne/nynaeve/aviendha/egwene aren’t really doing anything but getting into place for their next book plotline. since the girls are ta’veren too in the show, maybe all 4 of them feel rand needs them and they all go, with elayne and aviendha of course accompanying mat and nynaeve. then after they can all just Travel back to wherever they need to be for their next book plotlines. just pitching some ideas if you’re reading this amazon
gawyn is being angsty and conflicted and i can’t deny it anymore, he is my problematic fav. i am knife cat meme in a sea of gawyn haters. angsty and conflicted characters who flip flop about what side to take has always been my biggest blorbo archetype, this was inevitable! gawyn hates rand and wants to kill him, but he was not involved in rand’s capture and was stunned to learn of it, and what the aes sedai are doing to rand sickens him, and yet he won’t help rand (not that there’s anything he could do against all these aes sedai even if he did want to).
rand escapes the box!!!! and goes on a much-deserved rampage
during the battle there’s a tense moment where rand and gawyn come across each other. rand hopes he won’t have to hurt gawyn, and gawyn says “one day i will see you die” but leaves without hurting rand, presumably due to both his promise to egwene and min’s reminding him that elayne loves rand. and then an asha’man tries to kill gawyn as he’s riding off but rand saves him! i have to say it, you can excommunicate me from the fandom for it, but rand/gawyn would be SUCH a good angsty ship. like what if it was the two of them who fell in love in the caemlyn garden instead of rand and elayne, and then maybe they spend more time together later somehow and develop a lil romance, but then they’re apart for a while and gawyn thinks rand killed his mom and it gets so angsty and then all this stuff happens. oh boy that would be delicious!
“perrin sighed in relief, of all things. had he thought rand would let his own people be slaughtered? but loial sighed too. light, what did they think of him?” 💔💔💔
and i finally reach the iconic “asha’man, kill!” moment. chilling. oof i’m not looking forward to this in the show, i am so bad with gore
and the iconic “kneel or you will be knelt” both taim lines which surprised me, i was expecting them both to be rand
“i forget nothing, aes sedai. i said six could come, but i count nine. i said you would be on equal footing with the tower emissaries, and for bringing nine, you will be. they are on their knees, aes sedai. kneel!” do i miss sweet baby rand? yes. but does hard commanding rand get me riled up? oh boy yes 😳
i bet egwene will be pissed at rand when this news reaches her, bc rand’s trauma being misinterpreted as arrogance has been an ongoing thread for many characters but for egwene most of all, as has the growing divide between them as egwene becomes more aes sedai and rand more distrustful of aes sedai
moghedien escapes, yikes!
overall, i think this might be my favorite book in the series! it’s the longest one but i tore through the whole thing in a week and a half (granted i was on vacation for a week so i had lots more time for reading). i loved mat’s and the girls’ stuff in book 3 but the lack of rand made me sad, the waste stuff (and cauthor content!) in book 4 was top notch but the perrin plotline dragged the whole book down for me, the book 5 rand & co plotline was great (esp the ending sequence) but elayne and nynaeve didn’t have much to do and i found the min/siuan/gareth plotline boring, but book 6 didn’t have any plotlines that dragged and there were so many jaw-dropping moments! and sad as i was about the small amount of cauthor and their splitting up until book 14, so many other characters reunited with each other and it made me very happy ❤️
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