#augh. my enst fic that i started writing was about a collab between undead and valk and how each group's mak-- sorry kouhai line
leatherbookmark · 8 months
wondering if koga or adonis are going to get some more character development or like Not Really, because. koga's got his stuff in the ! era, which, fine! new players have absolutely no idea what happened and how important his current dynamic with rei is, it's cool, hurts only a little bit!, meanwhile adonis is still... trapped in his unfortunate character trope... that i doubt he'll ever break out of.
i'm not expecting either of them to do a complete 180 obv, but i do actually want to see koga figure himself out as, how to put it, an individual musician with his own style*? and if i have to read about how adonis is big scary huge and terrifying** at first glance, but actually, wow! what a surprise! kind, quiet and gentle once you talk to him even ONE more time, i'm going to snap.
*i'm just kinda biting my hands here because there are bighuge neons in my brain pointing out that koga's path should have him as a some sorta representative of undead ? temporary leader perhaps? considering everything we've learned in crossroads AND the fact that he mentions in his initial story how he's the least popular/known member and he wants to change it On Top Of wanting to face rei as equals, like. augh. put him in a situation please
**he's not.
basically both of them could use some activities separate from 2mkb, whether as a duo or individually, or perhaps as leaders of their respective shuffle units, but considering the next ud event is rei and shuffles probably won't return until after the climax series is over... it's Gonna Take A While I Think
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