#athenas ultra journal
abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Aergia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Little Miss Hazy by Apollo & Aphrodite
Gia by Chelone
Age- 19 (immortal)
Location- Hearthwood neighborhood, New Olympus
Personality- She's generally very laid back and apathetic, unconcerned with the daily hustle & bustle of everyday life. She doesn't take initiative when it comes to making most decisions. She's single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess, except shapeshifting. As the goddess of sloth, idleness & laziness, she has the standard abilities of any goddess. She shares some abilities similar to Hypnos like invisibility, minor shadow manipulation, and hypnosis. She can also communicate with/shapeshift into slow moving animals, induce laziness in others, & can curse someone to move/speak ultra slow, temporarily.
Gia lives in a small cute cottage in the Hearthwood neighborhood of New Olympus. Inside, there's a "beautiful" mess- with her bed always unmade, piles of clothes everywhere & a cluttered sink, due to her laziness. She has to be reminded every week by Hestia to put out the trash. Gia normally gets around the city by walking or riding her bike.
She generally speaks in a monotone voice.
She does show some action when it comes to taking care of her pets- a few three toed sloths, koalas & slow lorises and visiting her BFF, Chelone. Gia always makes an effort to travel & see her.
Her go-to drink is a vanilla milkshake from The Frozen Spoon and she also likes the vanilla hazelnut latte from The Roasted Bean. She also likes coconut milk and mineral water.
She's an avid pot smoker, usually getting her weed from Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music).
Gia really doesn't care how she's viewed in the pantheon. Her general view is that she's a goddess & everyone else has to suck it up and deal with it. At a social event she once overheard Athena (goddess of wisdom) refer to her as a "purposeless wallflower". Gia spray painted Athena's chariot as payback & it was worth the payment of damages.
Aside from having Chelone (goddess of tortoises) as a best friend, Gia doesn't really socialize much with the rest of the pantheon, though she has smoked weed with Hypnos (god of sleep), Urso (god of bears), & Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation) a few times. She doesn't mind Ailuros (goddess of cats & warfare) and Aoide (goddess of voice & song). She has also used the cuddle services of Paregoros (goddess of soothing words) a couple times. Aergia's official mentor was Nárkosi (goddess of sedation).
A favorite treat of hers from Hollyhock's Bakery are the marshmallow rice squares.
Her favorite meal is vegetable lo mein (with extra tofu).
She loves walking barefoot & sleeping in the nude.
The greatest gift she ever got from Chelone was a collection of mint green Luxuria handbags.
For income she models for White Lily Gallery, Luxuria, LipCalm, EverPure, Persuasions, & Olive Visibly.
Gia has been communicating online with a centaur for the past few weeks. They haven't met face-to-face yet, but she really wants to. She hasn't talked to Chelone about it. Before this, she had shared a kiss with Keraon (god of baking & wine mixing).
In her free time (if she's not spending time with her pets or her BFF), Gia spends most of her time lounging around, journaling, writing, playing on the swing, knitting, & smoking weed.
"While everyone around me is moving at the speed of light, I still remember to breathe."
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 3
And finally we made it to today.
I woke up this morning feeling a lot better. Not perfect, but better.
When I checked in at the front desk of the Pokémon Center, there was a gift waiting for me-apparently the lady had sent me a Pokémon! There was a note too, and she said it was a Pokémon you don’t typically find in Alola. Her guess was that some vacationing trainer had released it at Ten Carat Hill. She kind of...glossed over how she got her hands on it.
But I now have an Onix. His name is Cairn and he’s caught up to the rest of the team pretty quickly. I think I may start asking around if anyone knows where I can get a Metal Coat...
I trained a little with Cairn and Caspian, just getting a feel for how they fight. Caspian can already school! I’m so proud of him, but he’s a bit mischievous. I think he likes the attention of having a trainer. Or maybe he’s just pleased he’s not a prey target anymore.
I also spent...more time than I’d like to admit practicing the dance for Hydro Vortex, the water-type Z-move. It seemed like it would be pretty useful against the next Totem, but...I still keep doing...something else instead. I don’t know where I got these other moves from. I got it eventually.
Once I felt we were ready, I took the team up the volcano to take on Kiawe’s Trial. Just as expecting, he was waiting. 
At first, he was pretty ambiguous about his Trial, only saying it was different from the ones I’d done so far. It turned out to be like a memory game: I had to watch his Marowak two two dances, and tell him how they were different.
Right now’s probably a good time to mention that Alolan Marowak aren’t ground types, huh? They’re fire and ghost types. Thus the volcano.
I wasn’t...that great at it. And every time I got it wrong, the Marowak got mad and I had to fight them. I got the hang of it eventually, and also got into a battle with a Hiker named David in the process...but eventually I did it! My prize was a fight was a Totem Alolan Marowak. 
It was much bulkier than I was ready for. Cairn barely hurt it, and then it summoned a Salazzle to help it out. Plus it had Brick Break. I didn’t have much of a choice but to switch to Caspian, who got poisoned right away. But he and his school managed to hit Marowak with a Hydro Vortex and knock it out, leaving just Salazzle. I tried to heal him up so he could take her down, too, but I forgot about the poison, and she had Venoshock. Even though he hung on after the attack, the residual poison took effect. Silana was able to finish her off.
So that was the fire trial.
Kiawe congratulated me, and give me the Firium Z. I didn’t think I’d have much use for it, but I think I heard Lopunny can learn Fire Punch...He also registered a Charizard to my ride pager than can fly me most places...in case I don’t feel like surfing on Mantine, I guess.
I went back to Royal Avenue to heal up and check on Caspian. Honestly, he seemed less upset about it than I did. I’m really...grateful.
With everyone fighting fit again, we headed for Route 8...and were stopped by Zossie and Dulse once again. I’m starting to notice I run into them in places where there’s almost no one else around, if any. It makes me wonder a lot of things. In particular, they talked a lot about my ‘aura’ and how bright it is, especially when using Z-moves.
Did they...did they see me practicing?
Dulse said something about how ‘their world’ used to be just as bright and colorful as this one...I’m just more and more confused. Then they excused themselves, saying they had a meeting.
I wasn’t about to let them slip away again this time, so I tried to follow them. Not like it was hard; they kind of stick out.
They met with a man wearing a super thick lab coat, exchanged a few words, and were gone again. And I guess he saw me, because he stopped to talk to me. He said his name was Colress, and he was studying...something. I should have been paying more attention, but I was more upset that Zossie and Dulse got away. He gave me the TM for Flame Charge for my trouble, though.
Apparently there’s a Pokémon Center further down the route, but I was feeling pretty deflated and tired-like I said, I’m still not all better. There was this weird temp building on the side of the road, so I decided to stop in there.
It’s run by a research foundation called Aether. They were more than happy to let me rest there. And guess what? Remember that pretty Vulpix I talked about seeing before? It was there too! But I guess it was pretty scared of everyone...until it picked up my scent, and it perked right up. I even managed to get it to eat some malasada.
So I’m staying there for the night. Gonna help out the Vulpix. One of the employees explained that it’s an Alolan Vulpix, which means it’s an ice type. That’s super unexpected.
Oh! One more thing! I met a weird guy on the way here, and he gave me a map to a place called Poké Pelago. Maybe I’ll take Charizard out there tomorrow...
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forayoff · 4 years
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Cher journal, Vendredi soir nous étions à l'espace Athena de Saint Saulve, une ville mérovingienne du nord, proche de Valenciennes et de la Belgique. Nous y avons été très bien accueillis et le show fut à la fois guilleret et endiablé, même si au départ nous ne savions pas s’il aurait vraiment lieu. En effet, juste avant notre arrivée, Glassman, le fantôme kepon de la MJC avait encore frappé. Lasalle était condamnée jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Tout le staff technique semblait bien embêté avec ça. Cette fois, il avait dévissé en fourbe les grilles des subs et déchiré d’un bout à l’autre l'écran de fond de scène, ce qui pouvait entrainer la chute d’un énorme rouleau en acier sur nos pauvres têtes. Dans les loges, il avait poussé le vice jusqu'à coller une affiche de Zazie, période roots reggae ragga. Que des petites choses comme ça, futiles et anodines aux premiers abords, mais qui à la longue peuvent vous rendre la vie insupportable. Après avoir bu quelques bières en attendant que Le SMS (Service des Manifestations Surnaturelles) de la ville arrive, Guillaume pris son courage à deux mains, il ne pouvait pas rester les bras croisés à manger des rillettes et du saucisson à l’ail. Derechef il s'introduisit dans la salle obscure pour y caler le système et en découdre avec le malin. Il avait pour cela apporté sa fidèle console QL5 et un multipaire, multicore, multi-broches de 42 mètres, qui en avaient vu d'autres. Comme par exemple le spectacle de Choupi. Grâce à des convertisseurs numériques ultra-puissants il pouvait analyser les vibrations analogiques et les mouvements frénétiques de Glassman, sur un périmètre de plusieurs Km. Celui-ci ne tarda pas à se manifester dès les premières mesures de "everybody here wants you". Une force dévastatrice répondait de manière véhémente à la voix suave de Jeff buckley. De là où nous étions nous assistions impuissants à ce qui était sûrement un duel sans merci. Une tonquinoise, comme on appelle ça dans le milieu autorisé de l'exorcisme. Des faisceaux lumineux jaillissaient à intervalles réguliers de sous les portes closes pendant 4 minutes 45, une éternité. Quand Guillaume nous ouvrit, il était en sueur dans sa chemise à carreaux. Une odeur de fumée et de gros maroille s’échappa également de l’endroit. Après une lutte acharnée, il avait réussi à maîtriser le récalcitrant en l'enfermant dans le boîtier de scène. Nous sommes retournés à la cantine pour faire le point, autour d’un bon verre de sauvignon en cubi. Les gars de Tony Melvil nous y ont rejoint et chacun y est allé de sa petite anecdotes mystérieuses. Tout le monde était content et rassuré, Guillaume nous avait encore une fois sorti d’un mauvais pas. Merci à toute l’équipe du Festival A Travers Chants. Je t’embrasse en anagogie. PS: Vu que je n’étais pas dans la salle au moment fatidique, le dessin que tu vois est une reconstitution d’après les dires de Guillaume.
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son-of-skarmory · 7 years
I hope you feel better soon! I can't really do much other then send positive messages and distraction posts. Still, do make sure to take care of yourself. I actually missed reading your sun/moon playthough so far-do you have a tag so I can catch up?
((Hey anon!
Thanks for the kind words. I’m trying to take care of myself; I got the rest of my CE out of the way today (8 of the 20 hours I needed...my brain is dead), so I’m trying to convince myself to buy one of the things I’ve been eyeing online...just not sure which, and actually convincing myself to do that isn’t easy...But I’m aiming to do a lot of art this week, focusing more on technique building than product, so that should be good for me.
My Ultra Sun playthough isn’t actually on this blog. I’m using a playthrough OC muse, Athena (who was the result of many shenanigans last year), and recording it over on her blog.
Specifically, the tag for her journals (in chronological order) is here, and from there you can access the rest of the blog. Keep in mind I have a lot to catch up on (all the sidebar stats are wrong), and also that Athena is still a bit under-developed.
I should probably at least start Ultra Moon at some point, to get it registered with the PGL and get my Rockruff and such there...))
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 2
Alright, yesterday. I didn’t get a lot done, really, because I felt a little sick. Maybe I should’ve dried off more after the Trial...
I think I got going after noon. I went back down to Paniola Ranch where, after scaring away some Sudowoodo, I met Dulse and Zossie again. Dulse wanted to battle me again, but he told me he was going to use a Pokémon that wasn’t from Alola. I thought it might be a Girafarig or something (that seems like his kind of Pokémon).
It wasn’t. I’d never seen anything like it before.
He called it Poipole. It was kind of...it looked like how people described Sinnoh’s pixie trio to me? But not. And it was tough, too. All I really know is that it had Venoshock. So it’s a poison type...?
And then they were gone again. They didn’t...tell me anything about what’s going on.
I continued south. On the way, I ran into a girl with a HUGE Mudsdale! Like, I’d seen a few at the ranch, but they paled in comparison. It was big enough to be a Totem Pokémon! The girl, she was in a confrontation with a few Skull grunts, and she asked for my help. Between her Mudsdale and Silana, we didn’t have much of a problem. The grunts went running.
Afterwards, she introduced herself as Hapu, and thanked me for my help. I wonder if I’ll see her again...
The last thing that happened was I made it to Royal Avenue. It’s...a little city centered around a battle style called Battle Royal. I went to the stadium to go check it out, and I kinda got roped into a battle, my opponents were Hau, Gladion, and a really popular trainer called the Masked Royal. I feel like I’ve met him before...
It should have been an easy battle. I had Cha out. But I didn’t ‘win’; Hau did, because he knocked out a Pokémon before anyone else. Part of me feels like I should have done better, but...I was also really proud of Hau for winning.
But I guess he noticed I wasn’t at 100% either, and he got really worried. He insisted I should go rest the rest of the day at the Pokémon Center. The Masked Royal was very insistent about it, too.
On the way out, I met the next Trial Captain. His name is Kiawe, and he’s a dancer of sorts. He told me that he was impressed by how Hau and I battled, and he was excited for me to take on his trial at Wela Volcano Park...but he also stressed I should do it tomorrow.
 So... that ended my day. I called the lady I had been staying with back on Melemele Island, and she told me she was going to send me something in the morning.
It made it a little hard to sleep.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 4 Entry 1
I’m soaked. Too tired to write. Lots happened. I’ll try to write tomorrow.
The most important thing:
Dia evolved into a pretty orange Lycanroc. I sent her to Maman for a birthday gift.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 3 Entry 1 (part 2 of 2)
Okay, let’s keep going.
Hau said that his grandpa uses fighting-type Pokémon, so I actually felt pretty prepared. I had three flying types in Noctua, Cha, and Cybele, and a psychic type in Silana.
Oh! About Silana! I really, really love her. She’s a little clingy, but she fights really hard and I think I like using psychic types!
But...yeah. So I hurried back to Iki Town, where Hala was waiting for both of us. And the battle went pretty well! At first it didn’t look too good; Machop’s Revenge did a ton of damage to just about anything I sent out. But we took that out, and then Makuhita went down to Silana...then came Crabrawler.
I got so scared when I saw that Z-move headed right for Cha, but he took it like a champ, and turned around and destroyed Hala’s last Pokémon.
It feels weird to say that was the end of my first Grand Trial, but it is. I didn’t even use a Z-move. Not that I actually wanted to; I was worried I was going to do the wrong thing again and embarrass myself.
That wasn’t the end of the day, though.
Besides a new Z-crystal, Hala gave me this cool item called a Ride Pager. It basically lets me call upon certain Pokémon whenever I want to, in order to get past obstacles. Because apparently they don’t use HMs in Alola. Right now, I can only use Hala’s Tauros to ride around and break rocks, but that was more than enough for me. I spent a good amount of the afternoon just riding around the island, searching anywhere and everywhere.
I was supposed to meet the professor at the marina in Hau’oli City, but I didn’t get there until nearly dusk. Oops. And then I wanted to try out this cool place called the Alola Photo Club. I’ll have to send you all the picture of myself and Noctua later.
When I was finally ready, I was actually stopped by Hau, who said we should try surfing with Mantine to the next island. The professor even encouraged it, and said he and Lillie would meet us at Akala Island.
On the way to the beach, I met Professor Oak’s cousin! His name was Samson, and he finally told me the purpose of the Totem Stickers: apparently if I collect enough, I can get really big Pokémon like the Totem Gumshoos! So it looks like I’ll have to pay extra attention everywhere I go.
It...took a little while to figure out. But the Mantine I was riding was super patient, and by the time we actually set off I felt confident enough to try some tricks. I’m glad I did; it was so fun and we got to the island in no time!
We met up with Professor Kukui and Lillie at the marina, and also two new faces: Olivia, the Kahuna of Akala Island, and a Trial Captain named Mallow. Apparently there are three trials on this island, so I may be here awhile.
Other than that...I talked a little more with Lillie about Nebby, but I didn’t tell her about that feeling that he was trying to tell me something. She just said Nebby seemed to really want to visit all the ruins where the Tapu are supposed to live...I told her we’d go to the Ruins of Life together when the time came.
It’s funny, but I’m starting to feel kind of like an older sister to Lillie and Hau.
I also ran into two Kalosian trainers! There names were Sina and Dexio, and they work for professor Sycamore...but they were just here on vacation. Still, we got a lot of weird looks for talking in Kalosian.
I even took on Dexio in a battle. His Espeon was really tough; I’m gonna have to train harder if there are more trainers like him coming up. But it was worth it: Lapin evolved into a Lopunny right afterwards! I’m so proud of him. Tonight I’m giving him a super relaxing brush-out for all his hard work.
Speaking of which, I’m staying at the Tide Song Hotel. It’s not the fanciest place here, but it’s still super nice, and a step up from staying at the Pokémon Center-not that the Pokémon Center isn’t nice! But Maman and Papa sent me with some extra cash, so I might as well have a good night’s sleep...right?
Oh yeah, it’s Maman’s birthday tomorrow. It might even be tomorrow in Kalos...I’ll have to give her a call in the morning.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 1-2 Entry 1
I guess it’s time to get started with everything, isn’t it? I got my first Pokémon yesterday, but so much happened that I couldn’t really write.
Sorry, everyone.
A very nice lady has been letting me stay at her house the past few days. At first I felt really bad, but she’s always talking about how she’s always wanted a girl around the house. Yesterday, she told me she heard from Professor Kukui, and that I need to get to Iki Town. She even showed me the best way to go!
Except, on the way...I almost got attacked by a Yungoos! It was...pretty scary...
But then this Rowlet showed up out of nowhere and scared it off, and then just sat on my head. The professor and the other two starter Pokémon, Litten and Popplio, weren’t that far behind, but I think my choice was made for me by then.
So now I’ve got this sweet girl with my. Her name is Noctua.
After that, we all walked up to Iki Town together, and it wasn’t long before I met another kid named Hau. He’s...a lot younger than me, but I guess he still counts as my rival? It’s a little weird being 17 and having and 11 year-old rival...He said he was excited to get his partner, Popplio, and then challenged me to my first real trainer battle! I feel a little bad, though, because I had the type advantage.
Noctua was checking up on Popplio after the battle, though. She seems very supportive and...motherly, I guess.
Hau ran off, but it turns out the Island Kahuna wasn’t waiting for us like he said he was going to be. So, since I’m new to the island, the professor suggested I go up to the Ruins of Conflict just north of town. That’s where the island deity lives, he said. And-oh, oh yeah.
I’m...I’m not really supposed to talk about what happened after but...it should be okay, right? No one in Alola sees these...
Up on the trail, I saw this really pretty girl being dragged by her duffel bag. Not by anything holding the bag, but the bag itself. And since we were going the same way, I followed.
When we got to the bridge outside the ruins, a Pokémon popped out of the bag! or, I think it was a Pokémon I think. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Before I could get a good look at it though, it was attacked by some wild Spearow. And that’s when the girl saw me and Noctua, and asked us to save ‘Nebby’.
Honestly, it was really, really scary. The Spearow were pretty tough, and I actually had to walk out on the bridge-which actually gave way! So I was falling, holding ‘Nebby’, while Noctua was clutching my jacket like she could try to carry us.
The only reason I can write this is because we were saved by the island deity, Tapu Koko.
I don’t know...how to explain what happened. But it felt familiar. But that doesn’t make any sense, does it?
But yeah, we were saved, and then the girl, Lillie, thanked me, and handed me something Tapu Koko dropped, and we walked back to Iki Town together. Thankfully the professor was there, and the Kahuna, Hala, not long after. They seemed really happy and...impressed, I guess? I didn’t really do anything. Just the right thing...right? But they invited me to join in a festival that was happening later. To get me ready, Professor Kukui gave me some pokéballs and encouraged me to go try to catch some stuff. He gave me a ‘dex, too.
I actually caught a bunch of Pokémon, but the only ones that I think are really of note are Nubbin, my Grubbin, and Lapin, my Buneary. Along with Noctua, the three of them make a pretty good team. We got a lot of training in before the festival.
On my way over, though...I ran into some really, really weird people. For the longest time, they just kept looking at me, like they thought I couldn’t see them or something. And then they didn’t even introduce themselves; they just...said some weird stuff and walked away. Mostly about how I wasn’t ‘from here’. I mean...I’m not. I’m from Kalos, but...that didn’t sound like what they were saying.
I didn’t get much time to think on it, because the festival started. Apparently, since Tapu Koko loves Pokémon battles, one of the events is having two newbie trainers face off. That happened to be Hau and me.
I really wanted Lapin to get in some battling, but Noctua really had no trouble against his Pichu and Popplio. Maybe next time.
Afterwards, Kahuna Hala gave me a bracelet called a Z-ring, along with an Island Challenge symbol. So...I guess I’m officially a trainer now.
I found the lady I’m staying with and we went home for the night. But the whole time I felt like something was watching me...not those people, either.
Lille came and got me this morning; apparently the professor wanted to see me. So I followed her there. The lab is...kind of a mess. It looks nothing like Professor Sycamore’s lab back in Lumiose. But Professor Kukui was happy to see me, and even happier to mess around with my PokéDex, which...now has a Rotom in it?
I know Rotom can possess machines, but I hadn’t heard about specifically building hardware for Rotom. But that’s apparently what my ‘dex is. And Rotom can talk, too! But right now he’s kinda shy, so we haven’t said much to each other.
Hau came over, and the four of us had lunch and talked about what Hau and I are going to be doing. Professor Kukui wants me to head over to the Trainer’s School before anything else, even though I told him I’ve already had enough school...but I’ll go. Won’t be the same without my favorite teacher, though...
So I’m heading over there soon. I thought I might see what kind of Pokémon are around here. I battled a trainer who had an Inkay. Maman really, really doens’t like Inkay, but I kinda want to see what they’re like.
It’s okay as long as Maman doesn’t have to meet it, right?
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 6 Entry 1
This all happened Sunday, but...I need to catch up. Because a lot happened.
I’ll need to get yesterday’s out too, huh?
The team and I actually woke up early that day, but I was so sore...I think I stayed in bed an extra hour. Surfing turns out to make you pretty sore...
The road to Paniola Town was uneventful, but as soon as we reached it, I had another battle with Hau. His Pichu evolved, and it’s pretty strong now...its gonna be a challenge to beat it later. I still won, though, and I gave him some pointers on how to keep getting better, since I keep beating him. I wonder if this is how Blue felt talking to me...
There were more Team Skull grunts in Paniola Town, this time harassing a Vulpix. Silana dealt with them pretty quickly.
But I’d never seen a Vulpix like this one! It looked like it was covered in snow! It didn’t stay long enough for me to get a really good look at it, though. I guess those Skull guys really had it shaken up.
After that, it was on to Paniola Ranch, where I ran into Mallow again. She seems really, really nice, and she updated my Ride Pager so I can call on a Stoutland to help me find items. He’s big and fuzzy, and he reminds me of Maman’s Herdier. So for a little while I just played with him because he had so much energy!
Of course, I was also fired up to get to the next trial, so it wasn’t too long before I had to move on.
And that’s when I found Hau, and another guy. He was...grumpy, for lack of a better word. I guess he beat Hau, but he wasn’t happy about it because Hau didn’t take a seriously enough? That seems really sad.
He introduced himself as Gladion, and then demanded that we battle too. When he sent out Zubat, I naturally went with Dia since she had Rock Tomb-but it wasn’t a Zubat! I didn’t know there were Zorua out here in Alola! I mean, we took it out easily enough, and then his actual Zubat was no problem...
And then he had this other odd Pokémon. Gladion called it Type: Null, and...I dunno. It really wanted to fight, but it also sounded...pained? I guess. I...didn’t want to fight it for too long, so Cha took it out fairly easily.
I guess Gladion also works for Team Skull? There’s a lot going on and I’m not sure I understand it all.
After a brief stop at the Pokémon Center, it was on to Brooklet Hill. There, I met Lana, the Trial Captian, who told me I had to attract the attention of the Totem by herding Wishiwashi downstream. It would have been impossible if she hadn’t registered Lapras to my Ride Pager, but after that...it didn’t take too long. The only problem is that it started to rain. I know rain makes water-types stronger, but I figured Noctua could still take out whatever the Trial had to dish out at us.
When we got to the Totem’s den, I rode out to the middle, and all the Wishiwashi began to school...but this GIANT shadow darted out from under the waterfall and charged them! Most of them got away, but I got a very gruesome front-row seat to a massive Araquanid feasting.
I know Araquanid are bigger than me, but this one was nearly TWICE that! It dwarfed Lapras. Suddenly...Noctua didn’t seem like such a great option.
Her grass type attacks would be neutral, after all.
So I switched to Cybele...who immediately took an Aurora Beam and nearly fainted right there. She managed to get one Air Cutter off before I had to switch her out, too.
For the first time...I was worried I was going to fail the Trial.
Cha came thought in the end. He’s just so strong. But my legs were still jelly when I got back to shore. Not to mention I was soaked to the bone.
Lana gave me my Waterium Z, and told me the next trial was at Wela Volcano Park, just past Royal Avenue. Just as I was leaving the den, I heard a very frantic splashing, which I followed to a secluded spot.
There was a Wishiwashi waiting for me there. And he really seemed to want me to catch him. His name is Caspian. He’s a little silly...but he seems happy to be with the team.
As the sun began to set...as if to make the day a little better, Dia evolved. I sent her off to Maman as a birthday gift.
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 3 Entry 1 (part 1 of 2)
It’s been a long day. I wanted to sit down and write, but there just wasn’t time.
I also kinda overslept, so that didn’t help. But all of yesterday caught up to me, so I needed the extra sleep.
The trial went really great! Cha pretty much did all of the work, except...well, there was one problem. See, Ilima asked me to battle three Pokémon hiding in their dens in the cavern, and the first two went find, but the third one kept running away from me. And after chasing it around for a bit, some Skull grunts showed up and said they were going to ruin my trial.
The one I fought had a Drowzee, and I didn’t want to risk keeping a fighting type in against a psychic type, so I switched to Noctua, and she took it down pretty quick.
She evolved last night, by the way. Don’t think I mentioned that.
But, yeah, she took down the Drowzee, and then the grunt helped (? I don’t think they really meant to) me corner the last Pokémon, a Gumshoos. And then...then I had to take down the Totem Pokémon.
I didn’t actually realize I had to fight it. Ilima mentioned something, but I was so worried when I started the trial that I guess I didn’t pay attention. But when I went to go get the Normalium Z from the pedestal, it jumped me. And it was big! It was taller than me!! Thankfully Cha was out and ready to fight.
You know what they say about ‘the bigger they are’...
And then it was done. Ilima came over to congratulate me, and he taught me a weird dance. Then he said he was going to show me something outside.
On the way out, two things happened:
I ran into those weird people again. They introduced themselves this time, at least: Dulse and Zossie. Zossie was a lot friendlier, but...it was really hard to pat attention to what they were saying. Whenever they’re around, something feels really weird and I don’t know what it is...
The other thing that happened was I caught a Noibat! I was so excited! I remember a trainer once showed up at the school and showed off her Noivern in a battle; I want one just like hers! My Noibat’s name is Cybele!
Outside the cave, Ilima cleared some barriers blocking the way to the next route, and then the professor showed up to teach me how to use Z-moves. Again, something about it feels really familiar...And when he asked me to try, I think...I guess I did the wrong dance? I don’t know where I saw the dance I tried to do, though...
Professor Kukui also mentioned that he was looking for Lillie, and asked me to give him a hand. I guess Nebby much have run off again, or something...
Remember! Nebby is super top secret, so you can’t tell anyone about him, alright? This is between all of us.
My search lead me to this beautiful place called Melemele Meadow, where I found both Lillie and Nebby. I got there just before Nebby disappeared into a hole at the other end of the meadow, and Lillie asked me to go get him since she didn’t have any Pokémon. There were lots of wild Pokémon wanting to battle, so it took a little while, but eventually I found the hole and went through.
I thought it was just Nebby and me in the cave I found. And we just kinda...stared at each other. Like he was trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t understand it. Before I could try to figure it out, Dulse and Zossie showed up again, and asked me to try a battle with them? I guess wherever they come from, catching Pokémon isn’t common. But Dulse had a Furfrou like Maman’s. Had it not been for Cha, we would have been in trouble.
The two of them seemed kinda familiar with Nebby. They said he could open portals, and sometimes dangerous things come out of those portals. Like Nebby, I think they were trying to hint something to me, but it only left me with more questions. Then they left.
I brought Nebby back to Lillie, and together we all left the meadow...and ran right into Hau. And of course we had to battle, right then and there. It wasn’t too hard, but Hau had a Noibat too! That was pretty cool.
With all that out of the way, there was only one thing left to do: Hau and I had to go take on Hala in what’s called the ‘Grand Trial’. But it was about at this time that I stopped for a very late brunch...
I think I should continue this in a second entry...
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atrytxne · 7 years
Athena’s Journal, Day 2 Entry 2
Days are long when you’re a trainer. At least they’re eventful.
While I was writing up my last entry, a friend approached me. It was an Inkay. Sometimes...I forget psychic types can read minds, since Maman refuses to be anywhere near them. But she seemed really determined to get my attention, and so she’s part of the team now. Her name is Silana, and I don’t know what I’m going to do when I go home.
There were even more surprises waiting for me when Lillie and I got to the Pokémon Center. Before we even got through the doors, this man came up to me with a Rockruff. He said that he couldn’t take care of it, and was looking for someone who was good with dogs.
Her name’s Dia and she’s a little rowdy right now, so I think I should train her a little before I send her to Maman-mostly for Papa’s sake. So she joined the team, too.
My lesson at the Trainer’s School went...pretty fast. It helps that I’ve been in school for a long time, now. So no one got that hurt, and I think I impressed the teacher! But more importantly, I met a person named Ilima. Apparently he’s the Trial Captain, and he liked seeing me battle. It felt nice to get his praise.
With all of that wrapped up, Lillie, Hau, and I headed over Hau’oil City. That’s where I first set foot in Alola, but I didn’t really spend that long there. So it was nice to be able to actually explore!
Rotom got an update to his programming. He can take pictures now! Except I’m not very good at it yet...but maybe in the future I’ll be able to send you all pictures, too. I also ran into Ilima again-well, several times, but the first time was unexpected. He was putting up some kind of golden sticker. He said it was something called a ‘Totem Sticker’, and that I should try to collect a bunch of them. But he wouldn’t tell me what for.
It felt weird pulling it down right after he left, but so be it.
Then, when I went to meet up with Hau at the Masalada shop, there were some...people. I guess they’re a gang, but they aren’t really like Team Rocket or anything. They called themselves Team Skull, and I had to battle them. Not that it was hard. I kinda felt bad. But apparently they were stealing Totem Stickers.
No sooner had I finished that than I ran into Ilima yet again, and this time he wanted to battle. It was...actually kinda hard. Silana had no trouble with his Yungoos, but it took her, Noctua, and Dia to take down his Smeargle because it kept burning everything with Ember. We pulled through in the end, though. I guess he trains normal-type Pokémon?
Again he told me how impressed he was, and said he thought I was ready for his trial. I guess...I still don’t understand that. So beating him isn’t like beating a Gym Leader; I have to do another thing.
Which meant on to Route 2. It was...pretty straight foreword, I guess. The only thing was that I started to notice Nubbin was acting kinda sad. I guess she didn’t enjoy battling as much as she thought she would. So I decided to take her back to where I’d found her. But on the way I found a Pichu who wanted to tag along for at least a little while. Her name is Voltage, but she’s a little scared of other Pokémon.
I also found a cool beach! I guess people surf on Mantine here? I wanted to try, but they told me I wasn’t ready, and should come back later. But it was nice to relax there for a little bit. I didn’t notice how tense I was from all the battling.
The last thing that happened...on the way to the Center at the end of the route, I saw those two people again. I don’t think they noticed me this time, but they were talking about trying to get into Verdant Cavern, where Ilima has his trial. Something about...’The Blinding One’? I don’t know.
They scare me, a little.
I decided...I’m going to take on the trial in the morning. It was dark by the time I got to the Center, and...it sounds weird, but it feels like it’s going to be safer to do it in the day. I’m not afraid of the Pokémon, but...it’s hard to explain.
Since it seems like Ilima likes normal types, I ended up catching a Spearow for a girl, who traded me a Hawlucha in return. His name is Cha, and he’s pretty amazing! I think I understand where Maman get’s her spirit from, now.
...I miss Papa.
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atrytxne · 7 years
((I made a page about the reset. Not much on it, but I might as well post the basic info:
You may have noticed a few little…changes on the blog. Namely that the word ‘reset’ is everywhere. What on Earth am I doing?
To put it simply, Athena is going to be thrown into a new universe so that she can be re-used as a playthrough muse in Ultra Sun. She’ll have no Pokémon, no memories of her old journey, no time will have passed…
And hopefully she’ll actually get journal entries done because I’ll find a way to work around ‘please don’t tell anyone about Nebby’. Because that messed me up last time. I’m open to some kind of IC interaction that will let her actually freely share things, possibly even if it means forcing her hand.
My goal this time around, since it won’t be an entirely ‘blind’ run by the look of it (some elements of the game will be similar to SuMo), is to do a lot more character development and give Athena more fleshed out Pokémon, once I decide what she’ll have based on the new Dex. She’ll start with Tyton/??? (Rowlet) again, and I maybe have plans for one Pokémon…but a lot will be done as I go. Hopefully it will make the whole adventure more engaging for everyone.
Any relationships she had prior to leaving for Alola still stand. It’s up to the muns of those muses to decide if their muse will be aware that she’s somehow changed universes-just give me a heads-up.
Likewise, her old universe will still exist, and will be tagged with…something. I don’t know yet. I don’t do well with planning ahead. Once we get closer, I’ll make a new Pokémon page and journal tag, and move the old links to her about page for reference. And then we will start anew.
So in the meantime please stay tuned! I’ll post updates on this page!
Thank you all for following Athena and being great friends. <3
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