#at their teacher’s wedding though 🥴
annarubys · 1 year
quinn and santana literally had sex like that’s a thing that happened on television when i was 13
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
Hey T, sorry It’s been so long! I’m finally on winter break so I have a chance to stop by again!! ^^
Touching briefly on one of our last topics (I don’t want to hold you down on it just in case it’s irrelevant now 😅), I believe we were talking about nature? running over nature 👀 Sorry to hear about the smooshed chipmunk and squirrel!~ accidentally stepping on an animal’s paw/tail is guilting enough so I can’t imagine running one over 🫢
Also yes! The burnout is doing much better (mostly due to break); I’m just trying not to think too hard about my AP Chem final (class avg was 52% 😶‍🌫️). Ik you’re taking orgo chem, so I def feel you on the struggles with anything chem-related! 😅🥲 Funnily enough though, I just attended my chem teacher’s wedding this weekend after finals with two of my friends (she’s the one really sweet/awesome young teacher who watches anime that everyone loves)! She was really ecstatic to see us there, so I’m glad we got to go! ☺️☺️
Last I checked, you were balancing quite a lot (rock climbing, writing, work, academics, etc.) and said you were feeling burnt out, so I hope you’ve been able to maintain that grind 💪 and that your burnout gotten better? 🥺 (Congrats on that 40/40 on your psych exam tho!! 😍) I did read you’re recovering from recent sickness, however, and I’m very sorry to hear that! Wishing you a fast full recovery soon!! 💕💕 Other than that, how’ve you been?? (Hopefully doing well, or relatively well!)
- 💜
Hii !! 😁 Finally getting around to answering this... m'guessing you've started spring semester by now? 😝
#riperoni 💀 The worst I've done on a chem final was 65%, and that's only bc the prof curved it. 🥴 Congrats tho to your chem teacher !! 🥳
Still keeping up w/ rock climbing, writing, work, uni, etc, but burnout isn't too terrible... yet !! 🙃 I was actually sick again my first weekend back — hopefully that's as bad as my burnout gets. 😂
Running on not-a-lot-of-sleep rn, so pardon my lack of enthusiasm, but Imma sign off here. 😴
Sending you terrific Thursday vibes — hang in there !! 💞
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papirouge · 2 years
Wait you said that macrons wife is actually trans 😳 omg ive never heard about this lol like please explain!!
Anon, you are NOT ready for French politics tea, let me tell you... Macron pedo wife is really only the tip of the iceberg lmao
But yeah, Brigitte groomed him when he was 14 years old while she was her teacher. She transitioned before becoming a teacher (she owned a jewelry shop before that). I loathe Macron as a president (I'm bummed he's just got reelected :/) but I can't help but feel for him for being groomed like that....
Macron is bi, it's a secret de polichinelle in the République lmao He proudly displays 2 wedding rings in Hls official presidential portrait (!!). That's a sign to his double "allegiance" (plus he's a traitor to the nation on many other aspects, so it fits both ways🥴)
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SMH we didn't kill Louis XIVth for this...
This scandal broke at the end of 2021 with a whistleblower investigation (Natacha Rey) being published in an independent journal (Faits & Documents). It got followed by a 4 hours interview of that whistleblower (which I watch - obviously because I'm that nosy and insane). It quickly became viral on french social medias because the evidence were quite.... staggering. Unfortunately all the information are in french and mainstream medias did their best to cover this up as "far right conspiracy". But pics don't lie.
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On the left, the picture of Brigitte's"brother" and Brigitte Macron on the right. The infamous brother that investigators never managed to find, obviously because this little boy IS Brigitte.
It's also important to note that NOT A SINGLE PHOTO of Brigitte being a child or pregnant can be found. And yet, she pretends having 2 biological children - who are, according to the internet, actually those of a family's friend. Investigator never managed to get Jean Michel Trogneux's (Brigitte's deadname) certificate of birth....
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"Where are you Jean-Michel and why can't we a copy of your birth certificate? It's been months I've been battling to get it!"
Another shady think to cover the lack of Brigitte existence before becoming a teacher is how they used a picture of "her" daughter (Tiphaine Auzière) to pass it off as her. They digitally altered the photo to make it look older than it actually is
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At the bottom right is Brigitte's so called daughter. And the picture on the left is who they try to argue is young Brigitte. It's obvious this girl is actually Tiphaine, and not Brigitte...
Btw both the whistleblower & the youtuber who interviewed her ended being up belng investigated by the police. The video got taken down and Brigitte personally pressed charges on the basis of..... transphobia💀 not defamation or anything like that. VERY suspicious...
The internet didn't forget though and it's been a running joke to call Brigitte Jean-Michel or using "he* when talking about Brigitte lmao French people really don't care about transphobia. We will never accept a transvestite AND a predator as our First Lady. The "F" of TERF is France - it stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical France. Brigitte est un homme. Period.
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dreamhot · 2 years
I came out as enby 2 years ago to my closest family and friends. Only about 6 people know. Bcs my physical appearance is still really femenine not a lot of people realize. Today a linguistics teacher of mine recommend a book and a person which and who are well known terf rhetoric and I felt terrible. I was this close to beg him to stop talking about it bcs I'm enby. But unfortunately he continued and said that in Spanish the reality of a third gender doesn't exist (meaning enby people cannot exist and be referenced in lenguaje) and that you can't expect from people to use a new pronoun and terms when the reality and lenguaje are already established, specially in gender. This bothered me even more bcs not even 5 minutes before he was talking about how in old Spanish there were different pronouns and verbs that people would use if the person in front of them was of higher status. He literally said old Spanish meaning LENGUAJE CHANGES. But in his mind and sadly in the mind of the people who dictate the rules in our lenguaje he can't conceive a change for a possible third gender. 🥴
ahh i'm sorry to hear that :( i've wondered this myself for the 'gendered' languages - the only one of which i know personally is french, but because i don't engage with many native french speakers, i've no idea how gender neutral terms work there. i've seen 'on' as a pronoun used as a third person singular (il(he)/elle(she)/on(they), but i've also seen it colloquially used in a similar way to 'nous' (first person plural), so i'm not sure what the ~rules~ are
in any case, the debate surrounding the evolution of words exists across multiple languages, it seems, bc despite english having a commonly used third person singular pronoun (they/them), some people are so wedded to its traditional definition that they refuse to use it for a single person. the amount of people i've encountered who think it's 'confusing' as though you can't figure it out from context ...
i also sympathise because one of my family members wanted me to read a book by a known transphobe (the type who claims they're not transphobic despite spouting obviously discriminatory rhetoric - 'save the children from puberty blockers' type beat), and i explicitly had to state several times that i wasn't going to read it. i know it's important to be informed of multiple points of view, but with this author, i'd encountered enough of her other work to know that the book would hold nothing unique or positive for me. sometimes we have to make those boundaries, difficult though it can be depending on who's making the recommendation
in any case ... live your truth as best (and as safely) as you can. we can only hope that with the archaic generations aging out and more progressive voices helping to normalise these topics, we'll see more acceptance of trans & nonbinary experiences. stay strong <3
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