incissam · 2 years
@astormofsilk continued from here
Rhaenyra did as her mother bid and climbed up onto the bench with her looking over what she was sewing. “Because I love Uncle Daemon.” She answered simply with a little shrug. “And I want what you and papa have.” She fiddled with the fabric of Aemma’s skirts feeling it between her little fingers. “Uncle Daemon makes me smile the way you smile at Papa.” She nodded her head thinking that was the most important part to be taken from this.
In truth she just enjoyed spending more time with her Uncle than anyone else so she was thinking this was what she wanted. She knew she wanted the kind of love her parents had or at least the parts she saw. “Do you think he would be okay with it?” She looked up at her hopeful not caring what her parents may think of her decision just what Daemon may think.
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nymxros · 2 years
@astormofsilk​ sent:    ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up manhandling symbol starters
Elia hadn’t even realised she had moved until she felt her mother’s hand on her knee, pressing her back down into place. To gravitate towards him was second nature, it wasn’t done through conscious thought or consideration. It was like orange blossoms fruiting in the spring or the waves crashing upon the shore with swell. Nobody decided it, it just... was so. 
And that’s how it was when Arthur entered the room; she moved through no decision of her own, she moved because nature willed it so. Clearly nature had never met the force that was Loreza Martell. The only woman Elia had ever known who she truly believed could stop the tide with a look if she willed it.
Her gaze lingers on him only a moment before she acquiesces and remains settled in her seat alongside her mother, eyes cast back down and the mostly plate of half-eaten meats and vegetables. 
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“He’s only in Sunspear a few days more, mama,” she says quietly so that only the ruling princess would hear.
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inspireswar · 2 years
@astormofsilk from x.
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"how can ned say he loves me when he does such a thing?" lyanna seethed as tears glistened in her eyes. frustration grew within her though she did not know if she wished to be more frustrated with ned or robert for what he'd done. all beliefs that she could have come to love or care for robert were gone as soon as the news that he could not even remain true to them before their marriage was brought to the wolves den.
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breakbcnes · 2 years
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@astormofsilk​ ➞ plotted starter
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The fire, the smoke, the heat, everything all at once surprised the eldest Strong. However, he didn’t panic but instead acted upon instinct. Leaping out of bed, Harwin moved to find safety but in the process realized he wasn’t the only one at risk of harm or even death. His father. Rushing to his door, Harwin banged upon the frame but couldn’t open it. Try as he might, and with his father on the other side, the door wouldn’t budge as the flames grew larger and larger. They nearly licked at his skin, making him move closer to the door. It’s then he hears his father shouts to save himself, he would find his own way out if possible. Not wanting to leave him, Harwin tried one last time before he heard the groaning of the wood above him mixing in with his fathers pleas to leave. Jaw tensing, Harwin began to run from the door and narrowly avoided the collapsing roof from where he had been standing. 
Running from the fire wasn’t an easy task after the time spent in the smoke, the fumes getting to him as his vision started to blur. Nothing was stopping the flames chase at his heels, at least that’s what it felt like, as he ran down the hall and used the walls for support. However, his pace began to slow and soon the world went black as he collapsed to the floor as the sound of rushing footsteps met his ear. Someone was finally coming to help, right? He wouldn’t know until he woke up, if he woke up. It was almost a jolt shooting through his body as he came too, the urge to survive and fight was still there and he sat up and bed as if he needed to run out and do just that. However, pain shot through his body and caused Harwin to collapse on a bed. 
That’s when it hit him, a bed. Heartbeat slowing down, adrenaline fading, and eyes wide began to search his surroundings. That’s when they landed on a concerned yet familiar face. His sister. “Alys.” He says softly. “What happened?”
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
@astormofsilk sent: ❛ I heard you the first time. ❜  Asha to Victarion 
She was a brat. Victarion glared at his niece as she sat leaned back in his seat, comfortable as it was tilted back. As soon as his men had told him that she was on the ship he had known where he would find her, just not how he would find her. The blatant disrespect that she was showing to him, he could only blame on how his brother was raising her as if she had a cock. “Then you should have moved your fucking ass.”
He crossed the room, annoyance bubbling when she didn’t even lift her hat from where it was draped over her face. Teach you to not look up at me or listen on my ship, he thinks, already knowing what he is about to do. With one sweep of his foot, he uses his ankle to shift the leg of the chair out, one of only two that were in contact with the floor. He finds himself feeling satisfied as she and the chair loose balance, and the floor of his ship rushes to meet them, a smirk on his lips.
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righteousmen · 2 years
@astormofsilk continued from ask 
"I said I might be." Ygritte sighed softly, glaring at Jon as they walked through the snow. "And I don't want it getting around yet, not till we know." If she was there was only one possible father, and she didn't now how he'd react to all of this with his vows.
Guilt twists his stomach. Gods he knew he shouldn’t have been bedding her, that he should’ve kept putting her off, refusing her. It would’ve looked suspicious but at least then his vows wouldn’t have been broken so seriously. Bedding was one thing, men went to Moles Town for whores all the time, fathering a child was another thing all together. 
“How -how long until you’ll know?” He manages, clinging to the hope that she isn’t certain yet. “Is - is there some way we can... be certain you’re not?”
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ashedrose · 14 days
"You’re in a rather odd mood today." From Olenna
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olenna was the only person in all of westeros to truly know margaery . she was the only one who could grant margaery any sense of peace , even on her most nagging of days . margaery could huff and puff , pout , cry , even scream , and know there wouldn't be an ounce of judgment from her grandmother . and that's exactly what she wanted to do . she wanted to pout and scream ! but composure was one of the first lessons she learned from olenna , and she always put it to good use . ❛ i suppose i am feeling rather homesick . ❜
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agirlofwinterfell · 2 years
❝ who might you be running from, now? ❞ (From Lyarra)
“My Septa.” The small child giggles, so close to the new baby being born, Arya had developed a tendency to slip from the Septa when she decided that Sansa needed so much praise for handling the birth of another sibling so well. 
As if Arya didn’t. “She does not like me.” 
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bloodiedrubies · 2 years
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A lesson aimed at the apt ears of a son, or a reminder for self, to maintain the fires of Targaryen perseverance? Rhaella @astormofsilk​ was not weak, but legacy of the dragon’s blood did not forge a person out of valyrian steel despite myths and legacy spanning across the centuries. The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and his beloved mother was the closest embodiment to the famed crafting metal, for Rhaegar knew more than a child should have known. He carried the legacy of the his family’s name and his destined rise to the throne perfectly well, yet watching the deterioration of his father’s sanity and the love, affection, whatever it had been Aerys harbored for Rhaella was painfully obvious since he was a toddler. He would rule the Seven Kingdoms one day, yet he was hopelessly weak, powerless in the face of his father’s tyranny and wroth. He was frightened, and it must have shown on his handsome features, which became warped with concern and dismay. Could he raise hand or voice against his own kin, the Lord of the realm? Rhaegar reached his hand out and gripped that of his mother’s with a loving, reassuring grip.  The rest of King’s Landing was suffocated with the stench of poverty and death. Up high on their pedestals, in the open courtyard of the castle, the scent of fresh fruits and rose petals surrounded mother and son. It wasn’t right. it simply wasn’t. One day he would take the throne, whether his father wanted it or not. Rhaegar dropped his perfumed head and pressed lips against the flesh of his mother’s hand. He was telling her, it won’t be like this forever. 
Promises in the wind.
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incissam · 2 years
@astormofsilk continued from here. 
Rhaenyra padded over to her mother’s side and crawled up into the bed with her. She snuggled in close with her mother and nodded her head. “She thought I was asleep, but I was just tired of holding my eyes open.” She mumbled before sticking her thumb in her mouth and curving into her mother’s side. “She’s not a good nanny. She doesn’t even sing to me like you do.” The little complaints occurred around her thumb as her free hand twisted in her mother’s hair holding onto her for comfort.
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nymxros · 2 years
@astormofsilk​ said     "but you live, and so does the enemy who has done this to us.” the children of hurin sentence starters
“I fear that the cost will prove to be too high.”
They had made it, just barely, and not without wounds. Both of the kind you could see and the one’s hidden in your heart. Elia showed the worst of them in the way she limped over to sit by her mother, and in the black and blue bruises the ringed her neck from where the mountain had held her with all the might of his monstrous hands before Oberyn could get to him. 
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“My children will never be safe; Robert Baratheon will always be working towards their end,” and while Aegon was young enough to be blissfully unaware of the atrocities of that night, Rhaenys was already waking in screams with night terrors of the things no little girl should ever be faced with seeing. 
The preservation of their lives was above all for her, but Elia did worry for what ghosts would haunt them and what would creep from the shadows to take them from her.
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lykosog · 2 years
❝ you’re young. you will learn. ❞ From Lyarra
House of the dragon starters / Accepting
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You are young, you will eventually learn this, there will be much time for that in a few years...that was what everyone always seemed to tell him! His father, his mother, Ser Rodrik and now even his grandmother...He was really tired of it! Not understanding at all how it could be that he was old enough for the boring parts but always was told to wait when it came to the interesting ones. Like getting a sword of steel for his practices with Jon so he could expierence how a real warrior felt during one of his battles.
❝  But we both already know how to fight!  ❞  the child almost shouted in complain. And what he said was not a lie, but he had purposely left out that it was with a wooden one. Though, the way he saw it, there was not that much difference to a real weapon. He would move, attack and defend himself the same way he did now. So there wouldn’t be any actual danger in the change  ❝  please, please grandmother!  ❞  his tone cleverly softened as his small hands moved to grabs her and his eyes looked directly to hers. Practically begging for her to actually say yes to him.   
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❝ Convince father to let us use steel in our practices  ❞  he was the Lord of Winterfell, the Warden of the North. A position that made hismelf have so much authority that, if he should order it, the master-at-arms would have no other option but to allow it  ❝  I’m sure he would change his opinion if you spoke with him  ❞  adults always seemed to take each other’s views more seriously in those type of matters. Plus, she was his mother, so he was sure his father would listen to her the same way he himself did with his.
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theredheadwildling · 2 years
❝ split his head like a watermelon! ❞ From Val
Ygritte laughed.
It was the first time she had laughed in a long time.
The man trying to steal her kept coming which left her no choice. He stood up from where she had knocked him down earlier.
She had already been stolen. Even if Jon Snow was a traitor, his stealing of her should have been recognized.
It was a member of the Ice-River clan who didn't seem to get the message. She wasn't being stolen by any man who ate human meat. As he grappled her, she threw her elbow as hard as she could into his stomach before running away. She pulled her bow out, followed quickly by arrow. She lined up the shot and shot him right through the eye. She grabbed another arrow, putting it through his chest, right into his heart. The man fell down dead.
"Ya could 'ave 'elp, ya know," Ygritte said as she stowed her bow and arrow.
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
@astormofsilk sent: ❛ It’s too beautiful of a day, to argue. ❜ (Allyria for Arthur)
Arthur rubs at his face in frustration, and finds himself cursing Allem for telling him the truth of it all. Had he been blissfully ignorant of the blasted truth perhaps he would not have been in this situation at the moment. Perhaps Allyria would not have been able to sniff out that he was lying when he told her that as far as he knew she was his youngest sister. No, Allem had to tell him that Allyria was not their parents’ final miracle child. No, Allem had to tell him that she was Ashara’s, that their beloved sister had been driven to grief on a lie.
“It is, and this is not a conversation that I want to argue on.” he states, a sour taste in his mouth now. He did not want to have this conversation at all, and it was one that Allem should have had with her before his passing. “You are not going to just drop this... are you.”
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righteousmen · 2 years
@astormofsilk says ““ have i done something to upset you? ” (Lyarra to Benjen)
Benjen chews on the inside of his cheek, avoiding his mother’s gaze. He doesn’t really want to talk about it, but he doesn’t want her thinking it’s her fault either so he shakes his head. “No...” He says slowly, trying to decide how much to tell her. “I just... don’t want to go with Brandon and father is all.” 
It wasn’t that he didn’t like riding and hunting, he loved it, the freedom that came from riding beyond the walls of Winterfell. The sounds and smells of the Wolf’s wood. Swimming in the icy waters of the river. He loved it all, but he didn’t exactly want to go with Brandon and his father. Of late Brandon had taken to teasing him about girls, and his father had grown more and more stern about which freedoms Benjen was allowed. 
“Can i stay here with you?” Ben asks, pleading grey eyes looking up at his lady mother, he knew it wasn’t exactly appropriate for a boy of his age to sit with his mother all day but he’d prefer her company to his teasing brother and strict father. “Or - or go play with Lyanna mayhaps?” 
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gcldencrownofsorrow · 2 years
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Mother   [ @astormofsilk​ ]
               At her side, jewled fingers curls in response to repressed aggression.  her claws digging into the palms of her hands letting her know that this was not a dream, and she would not be able to escape by simply waking up. She wanted to roll her eyes, SHE WANTED TO SCREAM. but instead she smiles, beautiful as a summer day. 
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                “I didn’t mean it like that, of course i’m grateful for the attention. ” To be dragged to this tourney, for men to gawk at. how fortunate she was, She feeks Like a Price cow brought to market, for farmers to inspect her teeth, and teats and her breedability.. No doubt ,  my lord Father will be pleased, when i prove to fetch him a most profitable price. pools of Green embers considers her mother for a moment. They all say you rule Lord Tywin, but you’re just a pawn, another dumb bit of livestock here to keep me from running away.... keeping me from Jaime. 
                “Not all knights and Lords though. The prince, has yet to pay his respects  although i suppose he will be asking his wife for her favor.“ Elia Martell could not hold a candle to Cersei’s beauty, and yet the king had chosen her for his good daughter. a slight which had stung, how she had cried bitter tears at their wedding, but iti also awoke a queer satisfaction in her. to see her parent’s scorned. 
                 “Do you think he’ll best Jaime in the lists?” 
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