#astarion standing by the open vault like ‘you were saying?’
kemendin · 4 months
Everybody else go home, Astarion wins for best lockpicker
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(He’s going to be insufferably smug after this, I just know it)
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rose7420 · 7 months
Astarion BG3 GT Story
I've been wanting a GT Astarion story so this is self-indulgent...
Warnings: Language, Nudity
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“I know how to cast a goddamn spell Astarion” You huff out as you stand up from the blanket you both sit on. He chuckles, standing up to follow you.
Ever since you’d been back to set up camp he’d been pestering you about your mishap. On your mission to set up, a group of goblins had ambushed and in attempts to take them out quicker, you’d sent a fire blast incantation. 
It backfired.
You wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t hurt like utter hell but to Astarion’s smug face, you’d never admit it. Thankfully at the time you had been carrying around a vial of healing potion and that cleared up the blistering burn. But for now, you were stuck with the irksome vampire until the rest of your party arrived. The group had split up into two; Shadowheart, Gale, and Karlach off to kill a nest of spiders and their matriarch. You made it very clear this was not an adventure you’d partake in with your arachnophobia and promised to set up camp. Astarion had conveniently left out through the whole previous weeks of the group’s journey of his fear of spiders too. But you knew how he was. A true diva to the core. Right now you’d almost rather take the spiders.
“You know it is rather unsettling knowing how undisciplined of a sorcerer you are. How in the world did you make it to be the unsaid leader of the group?’He clicks his tongue, steps matching with yours now as you trudge into the woods.
“Go find something to bite!” You groan coming to a stop.
“And leave you alone? Darling if something happened to you I couldn’t live with myself knowing I left such an atrocious spellcaster to defend themselves.”
His teasing words are the edge of the cliff for you. “That’s it!” You yell and cast a mute spell towards him in an effort to shut him up.
You know that it backfires again when a sudden, unexpected sensation washes over you. Your head spins for a moment with a wave of nausea. Then after a few seconds, it's gone. 
“Oh dear…” You hear a booming voice say. Astarion’s. You groan.
You open your eyes ready to yell some more. 
But then you stop.
All around you, everything is enlarged, and like you’ve entered a world of giants. Massive pebbles as big as rocks now, grains of dirt larger than your hand. It’s unrecognizable but it's the same place you’ve always known.
“Well now, that didn’t go as planned, did it? Was your plan to shrink me?”
Your head snaps up taking in the enormous form of Astarion now. And your mouth dries.
He was always a few inches taller than you, him having substantial height for an elf. But now he was godlike. It was mind-numbing to think about how fucking huge he was now. Your eyes follow the gigantic black, leather knee-high boot all the way to his crossed arms and smirking face. You stumble back, overwhelmed by his size and not bothering to mention the fact you cast a mute spell not reduce.
He continues to stand being the little shit he is. Not bothering to kneel.
“Are you going to say something or simply take in my charm little dear? I completely understand the latter choice mind you. What a pleasure I assume that you get to bask in even more of me than usual…”  Of course, he’d say that. He’s probably enjoying this entire thing. For all you know, he has a kink for tiny chicks.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as he shifts his weight slightly, making his boot crunch a leaf.
Fear is no stranger to you in this daunting lifestyle. That quick feeling of your heart skipping a beat and limbs electrifying as you meet your opponent's glare. 
But here you’re useless. One step from his boot and you’re simply another bloodstain on the ground. 
So that’s exactly when you start to run. 
Rationally you know he has the upper hand in almost every way. He’s fast, an expert at hunting, and the small detail of him having a hundred feet on you now. Except it’s you who's smaller than a dormouse and vaulting over twigs that minutes ago you'd snapped with your boot. 
The ground starts to rumble under your feet, causing you to stumble. No doubt Astarion is already on your heels. You still keep running, no idea where you’re headed but far away from-
You stumble, barely managing to avoid falling headfirst into a river.
Well a river to you, but merely a stream to the vampire not far behind you.
You dare glance behind you and see Astarion stalking towards you, his pace unhurried as if this is an afternoon stroll and not a chase. 
You wager you have less than seconds to clear the “river” before he’s caught up. You take a few steps back and start a running leap. You get ready to jump, feet just about to leave the ground when the earth shudders. You misstep, tumbling down the slight slope straight into the running water. 
Your lungs seize with the freezing temperature and you desperately reach out for anything to keep you aloft and not down the stream. The muscles in your arms strain paddling to keep your head above the rapid and take a breath before you’re swept under the current. For a split second everything is peaceful and silent. The only pain is the burning in your lungs. 
Then something cups beneath your body, a tad warmer than the current temperature but not by much. Then you’re lifted away, your body instantly curling up with the chill of the air and your sodden clothes. You cough the water from your lungs.
“I think that went well, don’t you? I’m personally delighted you ran off into the forest like a lunatic! What in the hells were you thinking?” Astarion says, his voice loud. You cover your ears, shivering now. 
He must notice how you don’t respond as he begins to tuck you into his chest with more grunts of complaint. His fingers are surprisingly gentle as he uses the collar of his ruffled undershirt to cover you with. Thankful for the refuge and warmth you close your eyes and pull it around you. You feel every thump of his heart here. An odd but not unfamiliar place for you since you’ve only been this close to Astarion once. 
The one night he was so weak he tried to drink from you in your sleep. You had woken up with his fangs bared at your throat. Immediately he scrambled away, the only time you’d seen him so unsure of himself. He’d explained how weak he was and how he only needed something that would be easy to drink from and no requirement of being hunted. Seeing him as a vital part of your team you allowed him to drink from you. Not to mention you couldn’t bear to stand the sight of the bags under his eyes, how desperate he’d become to make himself vulnerable enough to ask for your help. 
You remember how he’d leaned over you, how his eyes met yours asking permission one last time. With either hand planted beside your head, he’d tilted your jaw up tenderly before sinking his teeth in. The pain had been icy sharp, but his tongue lapped your blood and it settled into a dull, pleasant ache. 
You blink your eyes back to reality as his finger twitches from the sensation of your tiny foot brushing the soft pad. As you tuck your legs in you notice his many rings that adorn his fingers. The one on his middle catches your eye with the ruby gem atop it. The jewelry is elegant and you think of how much it suits Astarion. Your heart still pounds, even with a small twitch the movement of something so big startles you and your stomach flips. You wrap your fingers in the soft cloth of his shirt and deeply inhale to soothe your nerves. And for the first time, you notice how silent Astarion is. 
Peeking a look up at him you see his defined, taught jaw. He’s clenching it looking straight ahead. It’s astounding how much of your vision he takes up. And you can’t help but admit how attractive he is. His throat bobs as he swallows, at one point you’d imagine running your tongue over it but now the damn lump is bigger than you. And the firm chest under you is only a fraction of the rest of his solid, lean body. 
“Are we there yet?” You ask
Astarion looks down at you, huddled in his shirt collar and in a small puddle of water his palm had created. “Patience little mouse.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Why? It’s fitting no?”
“Well then I guess that makes you a…” You search your mind for a fitting creature of his stature compared to you now. With a sigh you have nothing. You settle for ignoring him.
“Don’t go quiet on me now…” He says raising you to his eyes. The sudden elevation is dizzying and you shoot forward to hold onto one of his fingers. 
“Astarion!” You chide him.
“Apologies…” He smirks not being apologetic at all. Probably secretly loving how your chest is pressed tightly against him in your embrace. 
“Serves you well making me chase after you on your mad run.”
“You didn’t have to chase after me.” You pout.
“And become some creature’s next meal? How dreadful of an end for you though…”
You roll your eyes, but notice how his hand curls around you as you shiver. He lowers you back to his chest and almost smothers you with his shirt collar piling it on top of you.
Later on when Astarion finally gets you both back to camp...
“You can’t sleep in wet clothes.” He says holding out a palm for you to drop them into. 
“It’ll b-be fi-fine As-Astarion.” Your teeth chatter and you bite down to keep them from clacking. 
You sit on his pallet with him towering in front of you despite his sitting position on the ground. His eyes darken as he looms over you. “You’ll take them off or I’ll take them off for you.”
Your heart quickens and you nervously chuckle, “I kn-knew y-you were kin-kinky bu-but-” 
Your words are cut off as his hand whisks you from the ground, placing you in his palm. “A pitiful attempt at seduction on your part my dear. You know I can’t in good mind accept your invitation when you are colder than me… now help me warm you up. You're tinier than a pixie.”
He’s gentle as his fingertips pinch the hem of your shirt to get it over your head. You undo the buttons at your breast to let it slip over your head. He sets them on the ground and lets you go about undoing your bottoms and the wet fabric falls with a slap to his palm. 
You don’t make a move to remove your undergarments. He gives you a questioning look with a lift of one eyebrow. 
“Oh no darling I meant it all. Don’t worry, although tempting I suppose I’ll leave you be tonight.” The side of his mouth quirks in a smile with your blushing face, revealing a glimpse of a sharp fang. 
You roll your eyes and shuck off the rest throwing your bra at his face. It lands on the slope of his nose, so he crosses his eyes to see it making you laugh. With an unimpressed look, he peels off the garment and lays it with the rest. 
“Cheeky little pup…” His eyes flicker up and down your naked form.
You blush and lean back into his palm, feeling very exposed. Not that you aren’t.
“I need some clothes you pervert.” 
Astarion’s eyes are heavy, darkening as he continues to stare. “I suppose you do. Though I don’t have a habit of carrying anything your size darling.”
“I’m not going to stand here naked! Besides I’m cold.” You whine.
He exhales. “Fine, I’ll see what I can do.”
Instead of setting you down on the pallet, he brings you to his shoulder. “What do you expect me to do?” You ask him. Certainly, it can’t be safe up here.
“Climb aboard my little pet.” He purrs. Your stomach jumps from the name.
“Astarion! I could fall! And then you’d miss me and my terrible spellcasting abilities.”
“Ah! You admit it! You were dreadfully awful at it. I suppose you being the size of a mouse and quite adorable make up for it.” He maneuvers you in his hand, instead of standing he has only two fingers gripping your waist. He deposits you right beside his neck. 
The sliver of bare skin feels intimate as you begrudgingly sit down. You even feel his pulse beneath you.
“Hold tight.”
He stands up without warning and your soul leaves your body as the ground moves. It’s all you can do to find something to hold on to which is his beloved hair. Your death grip is certainly noticeable but you can’t seem to care.
“Ow!” Astarion shouts as you watch his hand appear and part you from your only saving grace. You hold tight, not willing to let go while your heart races.
“A little warning next time you stand or anything for that matter! Fuckin hells…” You squeak out.
He must sense your racing heart and relents, pulling his hand away. “Fine… let's come to an agreement. You keep your hands out of my hair as irresistible as it is. I’ll make a better effort to forewarn you of any sudden movements. Deal?”
You grunt and let go of his white curls, hands still shaking from the height you’re at. 
“Oh darling, scared of spiders and now heights…what am I to do with you? Hold on.” You begin to snap at him asking what in the hell he means by both those sentences when his hand engulfs you, tucking you snugly against his shoulder. 
“Ah here we are.” He says lifting his hand away and nudging you to the side with a fingertip. You watch as he puts on a chain necklace. 
When his hand retreats your left staring at it. Did he feel he had a fashion crisis and desperately needed an accessory?
“It’s for you so you feel more… steady. I understand it may be quite daunting to be up so high. And so you quit pulling my hair.” You can tell its hard for him to admit he cares so you quietly thank him and scooch over to wrap an arm around the chain. Instantly you feel more secure.
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