#assassin’s creed Elizabethan era
mythawolf · 7 months
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Remember my assassin’s creed Tudor era post? I decided to make an OC. Tbh I’m more pleased with the ‘hoodless’ image than the rest of it lol. I did spend all day on this on IbispaintX though so be nice.
She’s a bit of a WIP. I’ll post an updated and more detailed character sheet sometime.
Name: Alice Aigle
Gender: Female
Age: 17-22
Time period: Mid to late Elizabethan England
Occupation: Master Assassin (by default), Lady-in-waiting.
Affiliation: Assassin Brotherhood (English branch).
Personality: Jittery, over-cautious and nervous when it comes to Assassin missions when she first starts out (grows more confident as time goes on), and also has an acid wit and sarcasm not unlike that of Edmund Blackadder. Despite this she is kind towards her friends and allies. Has a tendency to overthink things.
Quote: “I send you a message two months ago to fortify your defences, and here you are, snoozing while your blooming servants and useless guards help Templars carry off your valuables! I suppose you don’t want me to assist by giving your jewels a kick! Well?”
Likes: Peace and quiet, science, teaching, cards, books, painting, cats, blanket burritos.
Dislikes: Loud noises, itchy sensations, London’s part of the river Thames, William Shakespeare’s plays.
Backstory: A descendant of one of Henry VIII’s illegitimate children, Alice’s mother was the grandmaster of the English Brotherhood and even helped put Elizabeth 1 on the throne. Being minor nobility, she grew up in a country house near a village, where the family enjoyed an unusual relationship with the villagers - one of friendship.
However, spies in the Brotherhood lured the Chapter to an ambush at the pretence of discovering a Templar plot to conquer Europe and with the help of several other Templars, massacred the lot of them. Alice’s mother escaped, but was soon hunted down and shot with a Templar crossbow bolt. As she lay dying in Alice’s arms, she told her to look in the chest in her room. After the funeral, Alice looked and found:
-An ‘if you’re reading this, I’m dead’ letter from her mother.
-A book on the Assassin Brotherhood.
-A hidden blade with a hidden pistol (which she broke by mistake).
Thrust into this new life and feeling like she had to rebuild it for the good of the people of England, Alice cobbled together a makeshift Assassin outfit shortly before getting a letter from the Queen - she had been given a job offer as a Lady-in-waiting (which, to those who don’t know, was a paid friend to a rich Lady - particularly Queens). This was done partly because they were related, partly because she felt sorry for the girl, and partly to keep an eye on her, as she had had a somewhat complex relationship with Alice’s mother.
To summarise, at this time of writing the canon is that she’s-teaching herself assassin skills, managing Lady-in-waiting duties, and trying to fight the Templar order all by herself! No pressure, then!
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unreadpoppy · 3 years
Hey hey 😎
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
Candlelight: I don’t remember last night’s dream but the most recent that I remember, I had gone to the Ukraine to watch the Eurovision, but it was kinda weird cause it had acts from many different years (Russia 2016 and Italy 2019) and the stage looked like an olds schools stage, and Natalia was there, and for some weird reason I just came back to Brazil and asked her to keep me updated, and when I got here I put black dye on my hair but it turned all colorful and some parts even got bleached and white and really damaged (which is weird cause I hadn’t bleached it before hand and it was like box dye black). And my mom found out and was pissed and then later I wanted to go back to the Ukraine but I couldn’t
Cuddly: Afternoon and nighttime. Edit: I don’t it my time period it was day time period or historical time period but if it’s historical than I really like Elizabethan and Victorian era for the aesthetic and Italian Rennaiscense because it has some of my favorite historical figures and arts and culture (and it gave me a 10 in history and the assassins creed games and I also like the aesthetic)
Cupcake: white roses and forget-me-nots
Daises: I don’t really know if I had one of those but I think the closest to it was whenever I performed on stage and when my mom let me wonder alone in the shopping mall (did I get lost? Yes but it was fun and I bought a book!)
Fluffy: Ocean, cause I love the seas and ocean
Thank you!!!
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ap-kinda-lit · 4 years
I rreeeeeaaaaalllyyyy wish they made an Assassin’s Creed game set in the Elizabethan era and the plotline would include Francis Walsingham’s spy work and the Babington Plot and Mary Queen of Scots. That would be awesome because those are goldmines for ideas that fit Assassin’s Creed.
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skylordhorus · 7 years
aaaaaa there are so many time periods for more assassin's creed games like ancient egypt or ancient greece or ancient rome or feudal japan or the elizabethan era or the viking age or wwii or-
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