#aspen deleted twit
venat-enthusiast · 8 months
This might sound a little silly but one of the reasons why i want BG Tres is because im 80% who I'd romance, and. . ..,,, , , i kind of wonder if fake dating will help me open up into actually dating again
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venat-enthusiast · 8 months
I dont know how to explain this but I feel like my health is going to full on fail me in the next 5 years and I will be dead
It really feels like it's going to be sooner than that but uhhh anyway I needed somewhere to share it
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venat-enthusiast · 1 year
Im literally so stressed that ive passed the point of migraines and im completely disassociating from reality heeheehoohoo At least right now ive figured out how to calm down manic aspen in favor of logical aspen, she really has been pulling through lately, you go girl :salute:
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