H-huh? Cleo? Is... is that you? What's going on? You look a lot less... violent. And did you get shorter or something?
Wait... are you a survivor now? Is... is that actually you?
- Brendan
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Despite her neutral face, Cleo was honestly quite confused. Did she know this person? Was she supposed to know this person? It would.. kinda explain the weird sense of dread she’s getting. Whatever, clearly he knew her- although, not well enough it seemed.
"..I look less violent-? Uh.. I’m not really a violent person in the first place. Also, what do you mean by “I’m a survivor now”? I always have been. Ah, well, more accurately I only just came here and had the role given to me. You sure you’re not just confusing me for someone else?"
( @avatar-idv )
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picnicbask3t · 1 year
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they’re like yaoi for straight people /j
@ask-idv-thrillseeker / @avatar-idv
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“Let’s blow this scene to ashes, and burn away the past in a blaze of fuckin’ glory.”
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– Stay out of my way. || Introduction –
Dear Detectives, running from the boredom of their past, they now leave a trail of red and screams in their wake. Let’s give an exciting welcome to our two new hunters, the Thrillseeker and the Radio Star!
Don’t get too close though… they won’t hesitate to cut you down.
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– You’re a fucked up little whiny bitch. || BLOG RULES –
The blog rules are the usual basics (Racism, homophobes, and the like are not allowed. This is a safe space for everyone!) and this blog is a SFW blog. Flirting, suggestiveness and such is fine, just don’t go completely overboard!
This blog is both a roleplay and an ask blog. Any responses will, for the most part, consist of written responses! Any IDV characters (canon, OC, crossover, au, etc. etc.) are free to interact!
The mun is currently still in school, so, please be patient with her!!
Remember that muses do not equal mun/mod. That being said, dark topics will arise in the future! You have been warned in advance 🫡
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Current Event: N/A
Recurring Events: The Runner and The Trickster
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"Mother would’ve wanted for me to interact with others more.. So I suppose this is the way to do it."
{ Ithaqua is now accepting asks! }
[ Ask Blog is Open <3 ]
- Rules are the same as my other blogs
- Rp asks are perfectly fine and even encouraged! (OCs, canon, AUs, crossovers, etc. doesn’t really matter to me ^^)
- Will contain a mix of text and art replies (Mod does tend to reuse art a lot so-)
- Also is an overall headcanon based blogs with canon components mixed in!
Basic Muse Info -
- Role: Hunter
- Title: Night Watch
- Name: "Ithaqua"
- Age: 19
- Pronouns: He/They
Event: Morningstar!Ithaqua
Other blogs
- @ask-idv-thrillseeker
- @ask-idv-outcast
( and more but I’m too lazy to list them-)
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manor-tea-time · 1 year
Music of the Night Essence:
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The stage has been set! The lights are lit and the curtain is rising! Welcome to The Empire Opera House's final dress rehearsal of the timeless classic, The Phantom of the Opera! Let's hope these new ghastly hiccups won't throw this show off of the rails. After all, the show must go on!
-Contact me to claim roles via inbox, dm, or on discord!
-One Person Per Blog (sorry fellow multi-character blogs).
-Don't be rude to anyone if you don't get your first pick on roles. Not only is this first come first serve, but it's also all for fun!
-Character genders aren't solid! Send whoever you'd like for whatever role!
-If you have any questions about any role or the essence in general please don't hesitate to ask me!
-Costume designs may take a while as I'd be designing them in between classes.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· In-Store S Tier: The Angel of Music - {Cleo/@ask-idv-thrillseeker}
A Spector masquerades as a man as it tries to put together the perfect recreation of the script.
Character Description: The once-unenthused actor chosen for the role of the phantom. Over the time of rehearsal, it seemed that the actor hadn’t been keen on the choice of role or that she’d gotten in the play in general. Rumors spread she had simply tried out as a joke between her and her friend who was the head of the light crew. However, after a strange event that happened after one rehearsal, they slowly over time started to act more and more akin to their role. While some people shrugged it off as some strange form of method acting, it's hard not to question the drastic change in personality.
Warnings: This character is possessed throughout the entirety of the plot line. They also commit multiple murders, kidnapping, stalking, etc (basically a good chunk of scenes from the play). ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
S Tier: “Christine” - {Ivy Nettle/@manor-tea-time}
3rd in line for the role of the ingenue, it is a wonder she made it to the stage. Bright lights of center stage await them along with a foreboding ghostly presence.
Character Description:
A part of the stage crew that was forced to take up a part of the show after the last understudy quit the production for mysterious reasons. She’s desperately trying to figure out how exactly to not let the show down and to make up for any lost time. However, as more and more incidents occur, the more on edge and freaked out she becomes.
Warnings: This character gets kidnapped and stalked like in the original play.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
A Tier: The Vicomte - {Finality/@finality-and-origin}
A talented new actor that appeared out of the framework, starring as Raoul in their debut show.
Character Description:
A sweet soul, albeit anxious for their debut show. Unsure of what exactly to expect from the audience and what they hope to be the beginning of their acting career. As many of the events caused by the phantom occur they start becoming more and more on edge as they question if staying in the production is actually worth it.
A Tier: Primadonna - {Tatya Baudelair/@tatya-time}
A well seasoned actress playing the role of Carlotta. 
Character Description:
While playing the role of a primadonna, they seem to be the furthest thing from it. Often giving small tips/advice to help any of the newer actors/actresses who need it (ex. How to help with stage fright, remembering cues, etc). The main reason she tried out for this show was to support her childhood friend who got the role as Pianji.
Warning: This character gets killed off at some point in the storyline.
A Tier: Aspiring Ballerina - {Bridget Meyler/@candymaker-idv}
Chosen from a local dance studio, this ballerina hopes to plant the seeds to blossom her career.
Character Description:
Playing Meg in the production, this ballerina has more or less put themselves in overdrive to not way down any other people in the cast. Often secretly taking small acting lessons from The Mademe to keep up with everyone else. During the events the phantom causes, she’s one of the first people to put together how the events are following the plot of the play.
A Tier: The Madame - {Rue/@voidproject}
Reprising their role as Madame Giry, this well seasoned actress returns to the stage for a small reunion for her fans.
Character Description:
The Madame is a fairly well-known actress, rumored to be looking towards retirement as their shows start dwindling for a variety of reasons. This rumor seems to be more and more confirmed as they start giving pieces of their acting knowledge to the acting troop’s aspiring ballerina.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
B Tier: The Baritone - {Matilda/@idv-ask-the-horatius-siblings}
A local actor that was chosen for the role of Pianji.
Character Description:
A very passionate local actor who dragged their friend, Primadonna to try out with them for the production. Extremely excited when they both were able to get in as a duo. 
Warning: This character gets killed off at some point in the storyline.
B Tier: Chief of the Flys - {Wayne Strickland/@manor-tea-time}
A local actor who was chosen for the role of Buquet.
Character Description:
An actor, while not much into the acting scene, wanted to support their daughter, one of the background ballerinas. They’re a fairly gentle soul who seems confused at all of the normal theater shenanigans but has the right spirit.
Warning: This character gets killed off at some point in the storyline.
B Tier: Building Manager - {Miss. Silhouette/@manor-tea-time}
“Gossip is worth its weight in Gold”
Character Description:
The building manager is a fairly greedy and money oriented person. During the events caused by the phantom, they insist that the show must go on for the payout rather than trying to keep the actors safe.
B Tier: Stage Manager - {Beth/@ask-idv-baker}
“The show must go on!” seems to be a redundant saying now.
Character Description:
An overworked stage manager who is slowly questioning why they chose to work for the theater. They’re essentially the equivalent of a tired parent who has to kinda deal with whatever the phantom throws at the show.
B Tier: Maestro - {Exile/@oletus-carousel}
A haunting melody echoes throughout the theater as the Maestro plays their song.
Character Description:
A fairly new Maestro to the musical scene, this being their debut show. They’re a fairly eccentric personality who takes every musical cue in the show extremely seriously. After all, they wish everything to be perfect for opening night.
Warning: This character gets killed off at some point in the storyline.
B Tier: Prop Master - {Kitty Nutella/@idv-artists-trio}
The prop master checks through their list. A noticeable amount of props have gone missing.
Character Description:
A secluded and unsociable person, the prop master often sticks to their own world of prop making. The only times that the acting troupe has seen them talk is to clarify certain things to the director before leaving once more. They’re the 2nd person to notice the strange patterns of the phantom.
B Tier: Light Crew - {Alden West/@ask-idv-astronaut}
“Perhaps you can scare a ghost away with a little illumination! Gentlemen!”
Character Description:
An experienced part of the backstage crew, they’re fairly confident in the abilities of the actors and stage-crew. They’re noted to make small jokes of their time in school with the actor that plays the phantom, but overall seem proud of their sudden seriousness they have taken to the role (at least till the incidents occur).
B Tier: Retired Understudy - {Vanadis/@idv-fifis-toybox}
The understudy knew once the strange occurrences started happening that their role wasn’t worth their life.
Character Description:
Known as the real primadonna that was formerly on stage, it was a strange occurrence when they quit the show for reasons she wouldn’t elaborate upon. With no one to fill in her place, she left the stage crew scrambling for someone that could fill in her spot.
Warning: This character was kidnapped and stalked like in the original play. It is also implied that this character was almost killed a few times.
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Me, @ask-idv-thrillseeker , @the-oletus-parlor , @askthepianist and @askgardenerwoods kept playing IDV all day long and somehow ended up making a silly RP that end up having a deep dark plot and is literally all about The Novelist being insane with his fanfics and idk how I can sleep knowing what we just made XD!!!!
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imaginearson · 1 year
@idv-ask-the-showman : Phineas
@finality-and-origin : Allison
@ask-idv-baker : Deadly Pâtissier
@nurse-idv : link
@janetheguitarist : link @idv-ask-snakecharmer : link @idv-thegroup-ask : Tecchou
@ask-embraceidv : link @ask-lyristidv : link
@ask-victor-grantzcampbell : link @ask-archer-idv : link
@ask-idv-thrillseeker : Carmilla + Taegan
@idv-thespians : Liam + Vanadis
@askthesurvivors : Dianna + Jane + Rayssa + Julia
If you're interested in anyone, don't be afraid to send asks to eachother <3 ! Theres a lot of fun to come! /nf/lh
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voidtwins · 1 year
Ocean of Butterflies
Thank you once again for waiting, for the skin essence is finally released!
Shout out to the ppl who joined!
@ask-embraceidv @idv-news-boi @ask-idv-thrillseeker @ask-idv-baker @engineer-idv @idv-thespians @ask-idv-shepherd
Below this read more is the skins! Thank you for waiting!:D
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
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Rarity- Angel
Fluttershy- Beth { @/ask-idv-baker }
Pinky Pie - Lily { @/ask-the-artist-lily }
Apple Jack- Allison { @/hypnotic-melody }
Rainbow Dash- Cleo { @/ask-idv-thrillseeker }
Twilight sparkle- Elaine { @/idv-thespians }
Bonus// Spike - Peter/ih
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idvask-hunterfinn · 1 year
[ For the greenhouse thing <3]
💐 - @ask-idv-thrillseeker
(|Ŏ - Ŏ|") : "She genuinely scares me, sorry."
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"What brings you to the manor?" - Cole Straub (You are one of the askblog mods, do I really have to @ it? You thought that you were going to send the first ask, but it was I!)
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“Who’s asking?”
Cleo turned her head, getting a good look at whoever asked the question. She hasn’t seen him before, but he reeks of being a survivor.
“Don’t you think it’s a little rude to not introduce yourself before getting to the personal questions, hm?”
( @idv-sinful-deities )
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dollhouse-tales · 1 year
Theatre of Darkness | Time's Amusement Essence [Extended]
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"My my my, welcome to Time's Amusement! We're open 24/7, 365 days a year, fun all day every day!! Isn't that exciting?"
If you would like to sign up for this essence, please respond with [amusement] in your ask!
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Essence Costumes:
S Tier Costume | N.I.M.S. [ Kitty Nutella | @idv-artists-trio ] A Tier Costume | Prize Winner A Tier Costume | Thrill Seeker [ Cleo | @ask-idv-thrillseeker ] B Tier Costume | Trapped on the Carousel [ Hugo | @idv-thespians ] B Tier Costume | Reflected Attraction B Tier Costume | Tired of Walking B Tier Costume | Aim and Throw B Tier Costume | Stuck on the Wheel
Shop Costumes: Shop A Tier Costume | Time Gem Shop A Tier Costume | Key to Freedom [ Ameillia | @ask-idv-gas-specialist ]
Costume Changes:
S Tier Costume | N.I.M.S. -> Name not Found
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Essence Description:
"In a pocket world such as this... where time doesn't move, how do we know how much time has truly passed?"
Time's Amusement takes place inside a supernatural amusement park run by an equally mysterious amusement park owner who goes by the name of Nims, [NIMS name stands for National Incident Management System] and her group of strange, supernatural workers.
Inside this amusement park, time does not pass, seemingly frozen in the moment. Despite this, the park's attractions all still run, and all the food is entirely edible! Everything in the park is free... however, there's always a price to pay, whether that price is monetary... or something more sinister.
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idvessence-etn · 2 years
All Characters
Admin: Please note that I know that some of these are titles given to existing Identity V characters. I'll change them soon to a more fitting theme just bear with me.
S Tier, The Savant:
S Tier, Greedy Sorceress:
S Tier, Carnival Master:
S Tier, The Collector:
Season 1/The Estate
The Renegade: Drosera (@idvask-hunterfinn)
The Fixer:
The Gambler: Tae C. (@idv-sinful-deities)
The Jazz Singer:
The Heiress:
The Scholar(Professor):
The Mobster:
The Hustler:
The Journalist: Laurence G. (@idv-news-boi)
The Big Game Hunter:
Season 2/Victorian Mansion
The Engineer:
The Outlaw:
The Railroad Tycoon:
The Archeologist(Explorer): Faust (@idvask-survivorfaust)
The Saloon Girl:
The Vaudevillian: Angel D. (@idv-artists-trio)
The Writer(Novelist):
The Mystic:
The Histrion(Thespian): Shiloh (@idv-thespians)
Season 3/Everlock
The Hippie:
The Daredevil: Kitty N. (@idv-artists-trio)
The Super Spy: Akihiko S. (@idv-news-boi)
The Disco Dancer:
The Investigative Reporter: Melissa F. (@idv-asktheconsigliere)
The Jetsetter:
The Record Producer:
The Detective:
The Troublemaker: Cleo (@ask-idv-thrillseeker)
Season 4/All Star
The Adventurer:
The Con Man:
The Enforcer:
The Pin Up Girl:
The Hollywood Star:
The Aviator:
The Socialite: Beth A. (@ask-idv-baker)
The Duchess: Rosalyn D. (@idv-artists-trio)
The Playboy:
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ask-idv-baker · 1 year
÷ : [sender] carrying [receiver] to dungeon ~ @ask-idv-thrillseeker
"E-Eh..? Y-You're.. sparing me..?"
Beth was both confused and slightly dazed as she was being carried, albeit slightly haphazardly, to the nearby dungeon.
When a few minutes earlier she had used her baked goods to try and buy her some time to get to the last person who was chaired before the mangled effect that was inflected on her took it's toll. While Beth had managed to get there before mangled took her out, so did Cleo from vaulting over a nearby pallet that was downed from a previous kite and she terrorshocked Beth. As Beth was being picked up, she could faintly make out the shouts of the chaired survivor calling to bring her back before they eventually turned into the shouts of a rocket chair blasting off.
Now she's just being dropped off at the dungeon after what felt like forever of being carried.
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avatar-idv · 1 year
[ For the meth ship!! /lh ]
» What's your least favorite thing about your ship partner? Are they too mean? Too prideful? Are they too busy?
Cleo and Brendan ( or well, y’know, “Fuck domestic violence we going international”)
- @ask-idv-thrillseeker
The fact that she’s a hunter, that’s really it. I don’t know much else about her to be honest, and I don’t need to. She’s a hunter and that tells me all I need to know.
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imaginearson · 1 year
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it was in my vision
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