#ask and thou shalt cringeceive
Eridan and Sollux dressed as their ancestors and they are frotting missionary style
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It's late as shit rn but I was compelled to finish this. I hope you're happy, Anon. I didn't really get it when I first read the request, but now… now that I've actually drawn it... oh man oh god oh fuck— *horny screams echo in the distance*
Oh, and here's a bonus:
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and also the REAL bonus (R18):
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Unlike pru, I am not a silly wuss and I'd ask you to draw azdaja or mallek for my soul, make it as sensual as you want~
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Anyway ilysm I hope you like the gift as well as the Tasteful Censoring.
And of course, Nook and Bulge version is here!
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Totally and obvious anon asking for an obvious cute art (?) of Karako, obviously you wouldn’t know who ask you such thing… obviously. Anyway please I am on my hand and knees because I eat every single crumbs of your art. gRRGRGRG
Anyway, amen to you.
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*drops this and runs*
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I got one: mituna and Kurloz skinsuit frottage and pretty much kurloz ruins the purple undies over his skeleton skinsuit (he cums first).
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"I'm just gonna make a quick sketch." ― Me, a Liar 🤡
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Equikat pro wrestling kink
Me: Lmao I don't even like Eq that much tbh Me, 5 minutes later: t i d d y
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It would be so hot if you drew Lanque sitting seductively in a chair beckoning this anon with his finger. (This is totally nobody you know. Just a random person with a Lanque fixation.)
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This may be my best Lanque yet! But man, tbh I am all Lanque'd out, y'all. Hope that was enough to keep y'all fed for now lmao.
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tegiri getting gut punched in his underwear, by lanque
I have a feeling this request may have been meant for my Good Friend the Men Provider... but how could I let an anon down?
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Please draw Lanque who decided to embarrass anon to death and kisses his neck
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I don't usually do self-insert stuff so idk what I'm doin' tbh
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What are some of your homestuck/hiveswap character voice headcanons?
To be completely honest, I’ve never tried to do voices before, but both have such a colorful cast (haha yeah yeah pun intended whatever) that I wanted to help bring them to life, so it was kind of a matter of ……. seeing what I was capable of.
The first character I volunteered to be was Zebruh, of all trolls. I dropped in on my friends who were going through Marvus’ route in friendsim and I basically went:
“Wow! This Zebruh guy is an infuriating, insufferable, obnoxious, pompous asswipe! Please let me read his lines!”
So he has THE snootiest, grating British Accent, with the pitch of his voice warbling up and down to be over-the-top expressive.
Some other roles of note—
Diemen: a nasally huhuhhuh sort of voice. Inspired by boys I dated in high school.
Kuprum: I don’t know how to describe this except as a lower register of my gremlin voice. This is the voice I hear in my head when I read 4chan posts. Also based on boys I dated.
Azdaja: Admittedly like Sollux’ voice, but more nasally and without the lisp. Also based on b—okay, you get the picture.
Lynera: high-pitched, jittery, and nervous, until she goes on one of her tirades where she goes shrill and caustic.
Daraya: a voice that really just sounds like a low, groan; the sort you draw out when you have to listen to a particularly inane speech from someone you don’t give two shits about.
Ardata: I couldn’t get a consistent read on what her voice would be like, but I think I nailed her wide range of Maniacal Laughter.
Galekh: In University, I was an English Major. The Literary Snobs were my brethren. I gave him a low, pompous British accent, a very Darcy-like tone, and read all his asides (read: walls of inane text) at 120mph.
Chahut: Gave her a low, foreboding voice. When she got accusatory, I tried to channel something booming and all-encompassing, like a monstrous entity from my more sexy-horrific dreams.
For the original HS cast, I can’t hear them as anything other than the Octopimp voices, but I’ve gotten pretty good at Karkat and Terezi methinks….
Anyway, sorry for the infodump! I hope at least, like, 40% of that was entertaining to read.
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You want an Eridan request? I'll give you an Eridan request Draw Eridan giving anon a striptease in his god-tier outfit~
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It is my firm, unwavering belief that Eridan is incapable of being seductive intentionally. Unintentionally, however...
God idk what happened here I'm sorry Anon wish I coulda made something nicer but my hands are just ???? how draw??? rn
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Can I get you to draw Xefros or Dammek from hiveswap? you can also draw them together if you want! love your art!
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Sorry this took so long!! For some reason, it just wouldn't come out the way I saw it in my head and after redrawing it like 235982 times I eventually just said screw it lmao.
They're both so cute tho.... their friendship is toxic af but that's my flavor anyways heehee.
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ene draw dave RIGHT NOW
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Heeheehoohoo Dave is hot Here's a lil quickie for you, fwiend uwu
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Lanque and Tegiri nippleplay and tegiri is like in a speedo for shits and giggles. He is also very sweaty and horny and breathing heavily. Lanque also horny and is heavy breathing. As a request. Too extreme i can think of something else.
Y’all horny fr
(But so am I)
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what's ur biggest homestuck ship?????
E R I S O L ! ! !
I will probably be drawing them a LOT from now on btw so just a heads up!
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If you could make hot passionate love with any homestuck or hiveswap character, who would it be?
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I'm gonna.... Yeah, I'm just gonna let my deranged discord messages speak for themselves.
BUT. Eridan is still a very, very, very close second because me simping over his pathetic, egocentric ass was literally the catalyst that finally sent me tumbling head-over-ass into this gaping, bottomless pit of hyperfixation.
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I want a try at the lanque x teggiri: they are in the the showers in swim briefs and they are doing something naughty.
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Y'all really like this match up, huh?
I am trying so hard to draw Lanque as hot and whorish as he deserves to be, but I am fighting for my life here lmao
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