#ashton iriwn one shot
cashtonwildflower · 4 years
Pas de Trois: I
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NOTE: Here is the first part to my Bi!Poly!Cashton Fic. This is an intro of sorts. The next part will be more eventful, and angsty. Maybe even some smut? Please let me know what you think!
She was agitated. 
She imagined that once she got her Masters and her license in counseling, she would have her own place with maybe a roommate. No, she was 24 and after 6 years of schooling and freedom, she was back where it all started her childhood home with her slightly, well excessively overbearing parents. Every single time her phone made the tiniest sound her mom was asking who was texting her and if it was a boy or not. 
She also imagined that at 24 she would have a somewhat stable relationship, not a bunch of random strangers on apps like Bumble and Hinge ghosting her (or vice versa) after the conversation had gone stale and no one cared enough to revive it. She just wanted someone consistent, and someone who actually cared for conversation and not just wanted her Snap to see private images she only shared out of sheer boredom, and admittedly filled the void she so longed to have filled. 
But that is not exactly why she was agitated at this very moment in time. No, she was agitated because she had an extremely strenuous day at work. She loved her job, but listening to other people’s problems and trying to think of ways to solve them simultaneously was exhausting. All she wanted to do was go home, take off her pants that began to fill entirely too restricting on her thicker thighs, and take a nice warm bath. A glass of wine and some Leon Bridges in the background also sounded like a well-deserved plan to her. 
But as always her plans didn’t always, well never seemed to totally work out in her favor. As soon as he crossed the threshold of her home, she was greeted by the sound of her mother’s laugh, which she knew to be fake because no one’s laugh was that shrill,  and an unfamiliar man’s laugh. This laugh was deep, warm, and a hint of sultriness to it. It took her no less than 10 seconds to know that she loved the sound of this laugh. 
Her thoughts were cut short when felt her dad place his arms around her shoulders and whisper, “Mom, is entertaining the new neighbors. They’re a newlywed couple from Australia.” Her dad said with an eye roll and a tilt of head towards the kitchen. She would be a liar if she said she didn’t feel a little deflated to know that the owner of one of the most beautiful laughs she has ever heard was married. 
She felt a twinge of jealousy. 
She Imagined the couple to be this perfect, fit, successful couple in their early 30’s. She imagined Mr. Beautiful Laugh to be tall, a little muscular, but also a little soft, with sunkissed Australian skin. She imagined the wife to be the exact opposite of her. Tall, blonde, tan, with a great sense of style, and a knack for making her husband laugh. 
She shook her head quickly to dismiss those unwelcome and quite honestly, toxic thoughts out of her mind. Why was she so jealous of a woman she never met? All because of a laugh? Or because she wanted to make someone laugh. She wanted a relationship. She wanted a partner. She wanted someone to share her intellect, and random world views and thoughts with. Yes, that’s it!
Just as she was finishing her war with her mind she heard her mother’s voice call her name from the kitchen. 
She took a deep breath, cleared her thoughts, and closed her eyes. As she walked into the kitchen she was extremely shocked to see two gorgeous men sitting in the barstools parked at the kitchen island.
As soon as her eyes land on them she feels ashamed for assuming that her new neighbors were a stereotypical, suburban straight couple. This is 2020 for fuck’s sake. 
“Hello, lovely to meet you,” the longer, dark-haired man says extending his hand to offer a handshake. 
She smiles and returns his friendly gesture. His large, masculine hand envelopes her small feminine one. “I’m Ashton and this is my husband Calum,” He nods his head to where Calum is standing.
She tears her eyes away from Ashton to glance at Calum. He has buzzed hair, but he is smiling warmly at her. He walks over and takes the hand that his husband just let go of and mutters a friendly greeting. 
Despite the fact that their greeting felt like ages, it was barely 30 seconds, and her mother is already announcing that dinner is ready. 
As they eat dinner she learns that they just moved to her hometown from Sydney. They have been married for about a year before Ashton got his job at one of the local universities as a Chair of the Photography department. She discovered that Ashton and Calum met in college when they were both 18, but didn’t start dating until they were 21. Then 9 years later they got married and moved across the globe to continue their journey together. 
As they are talking, she can’t help but analyze them. Individually and as a couple. She can tell that they love one another, but she also senses that there is some tension. The way Calum sort of shrugs off Ashton’s subtle embraces. The way that Ashton stares her down every time Calum is speaking to her. She also noticed how they both would roll their eyes when the other would crack a joke. 
She picks up on them quickly. Reading people as well as she does is good, hell even great when it’s in a professional setting, but detrimental when it’s in her new neighbors that she just met. 
Ashton and Calum stay until the third bottle of wine are finished and both of her parents retired for the evening. She did find it strange that they stayed to drink on the patio with her, when the host of the evening, her mother decided to call it a night. But she wasn’t complaining. She liked them. She was comfortable with them.
Maybe it was the wine, or that they seemed pretty genuine but she thought it pretty laughable that the therapist was becoming the patient as she vented about her life and lack of romance to two men she just met 4 hours ago. 
“It’s just, my best friend is having a baby, and I can’t even remember the last time I was fucked good enough to actually cum.” The words were already out of her mouth when she realized what she had said. 
Her mouth was always faster than her brain when she was tipsy, but this was the worst. Right before she was about to apologize, Ashton must’ve known what was going to come out of her mouth when he assured her everything was okay, and then he and his husband both laughed and thought it was pretty funny. Calum also noted how liked her honesty.  
 The three continued to chat when Calum asked her about her job. This question then turned into both, Ashton and Calum quizzing her on what she liked and disliked about counseling, what her thesis was, did she prefer treating adults, adolescents or children. Then Calum asked her if she ever treated couples. 
It took her a little off guard, but she played it cool and answered yes. 
Then Ashton asked the next question. A question that stunned both her and Calum:
“Would you ever consider counseling Calum and me?” 
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46 with ashton? :)
46: “we’re in public”
Of course! Thanks for the request! Sorry I got to it kinda late...
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
/clementine/part 2: Ashton Irwin
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Here is part 2! Thank you all for the love and kind words on part one of /clementine! Left it open ended, thinking of making this a series of dad!ashton so let me know if you’d like me to continue!🥰🧡
Read part one here
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, morning sex
• • • •
A few weeks have passed, and their garden grew with more flowers, a two-person double hanging egg swing chair, and three new koi friends in the pond that she rightfully named Felix, Oscar and Patricia.
“Patricia?” Ashton asked scrunching his nose when the fish were delivered.
“Yes, Patricia, it’s the perfect name for her,” she responded with an indignant pout. “Did you know koi fish represent good luck, abundance and perseverance?”
“I didn’t,” he shook his head and watched her happily as she twiddled her fingers in the water. The fish swam up to her fingers out of curiosity, one of them (Ashton can’t remember the name) kissed her finger and she giggled. “Which one was that?”
“Felix. He’s going to be the fun one, I can tell.”
Every day since they received the fish, she’s been out in the garden for hours watching them and recording videos of them swimming. While he was working on some more music or video chatting with the guys she’d send him a snapchat with one of the fish peering up at him.
Patricia misses you, come say hi.
“Sorry guys, I gotta head outside. Patricia misses me,” Ashton tells the guys with a dramatic sigh.
“Who’s Patricia?” Luke asks stopping his guitar playing.
“One of his fish,” Michael chortles cuddling his face into Moose’s neck.
“Is Patricia really a fish?” Calum clarifies.
“Yes, Patricia is a fish. As is Felix and Oscar that Y/N so rightfully named them.”
“Oh, well good. I was gonna come over there and kick your ass if you were two timing Y/N,” Calum defends in her honor. The other three join in on laughter. As if Ashton would ever think of cheating on her, the notion of it was ridiculous.
“I would never,” Ashton shakes his head solemnly.
“Well, I guess your lady and fish need you,” Luke says picking back up on the song he was playing.
“They’re more her fish than mine.”
“Nah, they’re both of yours. Don’t kill them like your damn lemon tree,” Calum reminds him with a shake of his head.
“Fuckin’ lemon tree,” Ashton mutters then gets another message from her that’s just a string of fish emojis. “All right, I’ll talk to you later.”
He exits the video call then heads outside to the flower oasis where he spots her sitting on the swing leaning over her legs so she can peer at the pond. Ashton added another small pond with sand around the edges and it had lily pads floating on the water’s surface. He joins her on the swing, his hand finding homage to the center of her back while hers rests on his leg.
“See! She missed you, look,” she points to Patricia (the golden yellow one) is swimming away from the edge of the pond.
“She’s swimming away!” Ashton laughs rubbing her back affectionately.
“She poked her head to the surface when you came, you just didn’t see. Right Patty? How was the call?” she leans back in the chair folding her legs beneath her. Ashton pushes his feet on the stones so the swing moves.
“Good, good. We were actually talking about getting together for Halloween at Michael’s. Just something small.”
“That’ll be fun,” she sighs resting her head on his shoulder then lets out a big yawn.
“You’re still pretty tired, huh?” he asks in mild concern. Since putting the flower oasis together, she’s been more sleepy than normal, and he’s worried she might be getting sick. Did he overwork her? Was she still in that murky space of being neither here nor there?
“Yeah, but I’m not getting sick, I promise. I usually get a sore throat if that happens. I should be getting my period soon so that could be why.”
“Still, let’s get you some vitamins and orange juice,” he kisses the top of her head.
“Yes, doctor.”
She wakes up to a mug of steaming coffee next to her side of the bed and Ashton playing guitar outside carries into their room through the cracked window. It’s a clear, sunny day and while she stretches her chest and lower belly ache at the pull. Thinking nothing of it, she grabs her cup and heads outside to join Ashton on the swing.
“Morning my pretties,” she says to the koi fish who splash excitedly at the surface. She turns to Ashton and smiles, “Morning my other pretty.”
“Good morning sleepy girl,” he smiles shifting a little to the left so she can fit in the space next to him. “How are we feeling today?”
“Well rested.”
“Yeah?” he raises his eyebrows as he plucks at the chords.
“Mhm,” she hums sipping at her coffee.
“So, you won’t be asleep on the couch in about an hour and a half?”
After breakfast she was fast asleep on the couch and Ashton couldn’t help but laugh at his prediction being accurate. He feels something nagging at him in the back of his mind that something is going on with her. The Halloween party at Michael’s is this Friday and she’s been so lethargic for almost a month now. She swears she feels fine and says her body clock must be off or this is her body’s way of catching up on sleep she’s missed.
Ashton thinks it’s neither because they haven’t been anywhere apart from the grocery store and a restaurant here and there. Last week they went to the costume store to pick up their matching ringmaster outfits (The Greatest Showman was on repeat for a straight week) and she yawned throughout the whole shopping process. Then, she was snoozing on the drive home.
“It’s creepy to watch someone sleep,” she mumbles but her eyes are still closed.
“If you’re talking to me then you’re not asleep.”
“I felt your eyes and it woke me up,” she frowns then pats the back of the couch cushions. “Come sleep with me.”
“I already slept last night,” he laughs, “like normal people do. Are you turning into a vampire or something where you sleep during the day?”
“Come here and I’ll bite you,” she smiles peeking at him through one of her eyes.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he situates himself behind her, his arms and legs pulling her against his body. She drags his hand to her mouth biting into the side of his hand. “Ow! Hey!”
“Told you I’d bite you,” she sighs snuggling into his chest. “Watch the show and I’ll sleep.”
“Are you sure you’re--?”
“I’m fine. No sore throat and no fever. Just sleepy.”
“I heard mono starts out like this…”
“It does and I had it when I was eighteen. I’m still eating so my appetite hasn’t disappeared. Who have you kissed that you think I’d get mono?” her tone turns sharp, but he knows she’s teasing.
“You know what I mean,” he nibbles at her earlobe and she squeals.
“It’s not mono or the flu or the bubonic plague. I’m just sleepy for some reason. Now shush, let me sleep or I’ll get cranky.”
He falls silent but his mind is still whirring trying to figure out what could be wrong with her. It’s not normal to be this tired and sleep all the time, is it? Is there some kind of sleep disorder that was onset somehow? Is she becoming narcoleptic?
Eventually, his 0-100 reeling thoughts make him tired and he joins her in a long nap on the couch. The next time he opens his eyes the sky is a dusty pink; his mouth is stale, and his joints are sore from laying in the same position. He feels something tickling his forearm, so he opens his eyes to see her finger circling over one of his moons.
“Are you awake now?” she asks softly.
“Yup,” he groans as he stretches his limbs and pulls her tighter against him. “You’re too comfy and your sleepiness is catching.”
“Welcome to the dark side,” she kisses inside the crook of his elbow. “I’m hungry, can we order pizza for dinner?”
“Sure angel, anything you want.”
She wakes up to two things: one of them being Ashton’s finger tickling designs up and down her thigh and the other being an insatiable desire for him. To be close to him, feel his breath on her skin and his fingers on her body.
She rolls over planting herself on top of him and presses her lips to his in a needy kiss.
“Well, good morning,” he groans when she rubs his morning wood with her hand. His own hands slip under his tank top she’s wearing to grasp at her breasts.
She moans at the contact, sucking on his lower lip and grinds herself on top of him. His thumbs and forefingers pinch her nipples and she lets out a gasp not usually feeling stimulated that way. Normally it’s his suckling and scrape of his teeth that get her aroused, she squeezes his shaft in reaction and Ashton huffs.
He removes his hands from her breasts to hook his fingers beneath her underwear.
“Get this off,” he sighs. She lifts her hips yanking the material down her legs then yelps in pleasure at his finger slipping between her folds. “Did you wake up this wet, pretty one?”
He holds her chin carefully with his fingers, loving the way her mouth opens in a small ‘o’ as he teases her lips but his actions make her retaliate by slipping her own hand below his boxers to circle her thumb over his tip. Ashton’s mouth falls open as well, their bodies curving into one another to feel more of each other’s touch.
“Ash…” she whines trying to tug off his own underwear.
It’s not normal for them to have morning sex, she’s self-conscious about her breath and bed head regardless of how many times Ashton tells her she’s perfect, he feels himself leak at the thought of slipping inside her now. They work together to get his boxers off and she holds herself up with one hand while the other gripped his warm, hard cock and nudged it between her folds.
She pushes herself down on him, his tip prodding against her opening, her slick acting as lubricant. She bites her lip in concentration as she pulls him into her the same time she pushes on.
“I got it, baby,” his hand replaces hers and he rubs his tip up and down her opening, gathering more of her arousal.
A small moan erupts from her as he coaxes himself inside her warm walls. It takes a few tries since they haven’t done foreplay but when he slips all the way in the moan she makes is sinfully delicious. She lowers herself the rest of the way, arching her back as she does and Ashton groans as he molds with her body.
She’s warm and snug around him as she rocks on top of him, her fingers twisting into his hair while his grip her ass and waist. He lifts his head the same moment she lowers hers, their tongues mingling together desperately.
Her hips dip and rotate as she rides him, Ashton’s hands guiding her movements as their kiss deepens. Starting at a steady rhythm to only increase his momentum with each thrust, her moans escaping into his mouth.
“Just like that, baby,” he praises on her lips, their hips smacking together.
“Right there,” she mewls breathlessly, their bodies rocking faster.
It’s intimate and sensual the way they’re making love, he needs her closer with each squeeze and roll of her body and she wants to feel every part of him. Their movements become jerky as they chase their release. He feels her clench around him, and he knows as her moans increase in volume that she’s close, that he’s making her feel good.
Ashton slides his legs up, so she’s angled as he fucks into her quickly, his hips snapping in quick succession against hers. She gasps as she comes on top of him loving how deep he is inside her. He transitions his hands to her face, holding her head so he can kiss her, his thrusts changing from quick snaps to a rolling pump so she can catch her breath.
“Have some more for me?” he mutters, fingers knotting in her hair. She nods and his long pulls shift to quick snaps yet again. Her hips meet his, her moans are louder than before and her pussy pulses around him in bursts.
This position, along with doggy style, makes her have multiple orgasms because he hits the perfect spot each time. She’s met with wave after wave of pleasure that rolls into one another, each one greater than the last. She peeks at him through half-lidded eyes and Ashton’s self-control falters.
Any time she makes eye contact while they have sex takes him to another level entirely. And now, seeing her in the morning sun, her face glowing and flushed has him reeling.
His strong arms hug her tight to his body as he fucks her relentlessly, her mouth sucking on his neck in his sweet spot. He’s giving her all he’s got, his body exerting his never-ending love and desire for her makes the bed rock.
“Mmm…come for me, babe,” she whines.
The sound of command in her voice has him stop mid-thrust as he reaches his climax, the lower half of his body suspended up in the air. She clenches with each release he gives her; his grunts tickle her toes as she’s filled with his warmth.
When he’s finished, he slowly lowers himself back onto the bed and she collapses on top of him so they can catch their breath. Their bodies are sticky, breaths hot on each other’s necks and she stamps kisses to his bare shoulder. His fingers move over the bumps of her spine that are sheened with a light layer of sweat. The tank top is damp and with a huff she rises off him to tug it off.
“Made me too hot,” she grumbles settling back on his chest.
“You are too hot,” he grins, and she rolls her eyes and attempts to lift her hips so he can pull out of her.
“Wait, wait,” he stills her movement by gripping her waist. His hands are hot on her skin and it makes her body shiver in the best way. With a groan he rolls over so he’s on top of her and still inside of her. The cool air on his sweaty back feels wonderful and the sight of her naked and pleasured in front of him is a sight for sore eyes. “Fuck, look at you.”
He cups her cheek and pulls a kiss from her, their bodies warm and electric in a post-sex haze.
“Why’d you flip us over?”
“So when I pulled out we wouldn’t make a mess,” he grins cheekily. Holding himself up he pulls out of her slowly but his release dribbles out onto the sheets anyway. “Ah fuck, that wasn’t supposed to happen.”
She joins his giggles at his attempt of a no-clean-mess, then admires the way his necklaces dangle and his dark curls cling and frame to his face. There are small bite marks on his neck from her mouth and his chest shines from the sweat.
“Remind me why I don’t like morning sex?” she cocks her head to side as her eyes devour him once more. His body is glorious, and she feels like she has to pinch herself in reminder that he’s real every time she looks at him.
He slips off the bed to retrieve a towel from the bathroom, her eyes zero in on his bare ass as he walks away from her. When he returns he wipes at the inside of her thighs then folds the towel in half and places it beneath her hips to catch whatever else leaks out. Ashton lays next to her resting his palm on her stomach.
“Because you’re crazy in thinking I’ll be disgusted by your morning breath,” he rolls his eyes and pokes her nose.
“Oh…so how was it?”
“You really have to ask? That was one of the best sex experiences we’ve had.”
“No! I meant my morning breath!”
“Oh…it was tolerable,” he shrugs then busts out a loud laugh at the expression on her face. “I’m kidding! Your breath doesn’t smell, so please, if you ever want to have morning sex again don’t hesitate.”
For the rest of the week they started their days by having sex as soon as she woke up. She pulled him from his slumber in very intricate ways. She was still pretty sleepy throughout the day, but she was only napping once a day now instead of three times. When Halloween finally arrived and they were dressed for Michael’s Halloween party, Ashton couldn’t keep his eyes off her in her costume.
The ruffles of her skirt stopped at the perfect spot on her thighs and the corset she had on made him groan at the sight. Her lips were painted a desirable red and he reminded himself he had to behave while they were around their friends.
Upon their arrival they were ushered to the Halloween back drop to have their photos taken then she was whisked away from his arms by the girls for another slew of photos. The night is filled with good laughter and fun until Ashton saw Y/N sprint off towards the bathroom.
He follows her quickly and arrives in the bathroom just in time as she kneels over it. He holds her hair as he crouches next to her waiting for her to be finished. She doesn’t drink often but when she does she always has a good handle on what her limit is and stops before she has a chance to get sick.
He tears off a wad of toilet paper and wipes her mouth when she slumps against him, her black heels scraping against the tiled floor.
“One too many shots?” he asks, and she shakes her head.
“I haven’t had any alcohol,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from throwing up. “I don’t think the mini corn dogs agreed with me.” Her face twisted in disgust at the mention of the food, Ashton tilted her head up so he could look at her.
Her eyes aren’t glossy and completely focused on him.
“You haven’t drunk anything?”
“I had some 7up but that’s it, I wasn’t feeling that well on the way here and alcohol didn’t seem like a good idea.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”
“Because I was excited to see everyone and I thought it would pass,” she clears her throat then winces.
“How do you feel now?” he caresses her forehead, but she doesn’t feel feverish.
“Better now that I threw up,” she chuckles.
“Do you think you’ll be sick again?”
She sits up a little straighter then pushes herself off the floor. Ashton helps her stand, keeping a steady hold on her arms in case she’s wobbly but she’s sturdy enough.
“I don’t think so,” she rubs her stomach then looks up at him. She smooths his concern from his eyebrows smiling softly. “I’m fine now, I promise.”
“Maybe we should go home, let you rest—”
“No, we’ll stay until Luke will inevitably pass out on the kitchen floor. Let me rinse my mouth and I’ll meet you back out there.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” he stresses his concern for her well-being.
“I’m positive.” She takes his hands in hers.
“And you’ll tell me if you’re not feeling well and we’ll go home?”
Ashton looks her over one more time, as if there will be a sign of an illness but she looks perfect in her get up aside from the pale in her face from getting sick. He sighs then brings her hands to his lips, kissing them. “Fine. I’ll be downstairs waiting.”
Ashton’s brainstorming all the possibilities of what’s going on with Y/N when he returns to the party. While he’s thinking of illnesses Y/N’s counting days in her head over and over as she gargles the mouthwash. It isn’t until she spits into the sink and stares at her reflection that she knows what’s going on with her.
Ashton had some errands to run and started rattling off all that he bought to Y/N while he pulled the items from the bags. He gives her a quick kiss while he continues, completely oblivious to how distracted she is and her constant glance towards the backyard.
“What’d you do today?” he asks when he’s finished his story.
“Uh, I decorated a little in the flower garden. Can I show you?”
“Sure, let’s go,” he smiles then follows her outside.
She steps carefully on the stones and sits on the swinging chair waiting for Ashton to approach. His eyes scan over the space, taking in the multitudes of colorful flowers then he stops on the fishpond. Felix, Oscar and Patricia are swimming lazily in a circle with a small orange rose floating in the center. He doesn’t really notice what she’s decorated then stops short when he’s at the middle of the path.
On top of the rocks where the water bubbles down are four white ceramic vases filled with orange and white baby’s breath and a light green ribbon tied around the neck. Each vase is perched on its own rock and Ashton loves the simplicity of the arrangement she’s done.
“They’re beautiful, angel,” he compliments.
“Did you see what’s on the vases?”
Below the ribbons on each vase is a letter painted in black. Ashton’s eyes scan over each one about five times before he gasps, his eyes widening as he looks at her. The vases spell out ‘baby.’
“You’re pregnant?” he rushes towards her falling in the space next to her on the swing, his hand flying to her stomach.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispers nervously.
He lets out a ‘whoop’ of excitement jumping up from the swing so he can peer at the vases again. Then he lifts her in his arms spinning her around in joy.
“Careful! I’m feeling a little nauseous today,” she laughs, and he sets her down on her feet. He kisses her. “Are you happy?”
“Of course, I’m happy! When did you find out? How far are you? Do we need to go to the doctor?” he fires off, his hazel eyes alight.
“I found out after Halloween and I think I’m three months…since it’s December. I made an appointment for next week already,” she answers all of his questions. “That’s why I’ve been so tired, and sex crazed.”
“So, you aren’t sick, thank God. Instead you’re pregnant!” he kisses her feverishly again, his hand hovers over her stomach and he kneels once more. “There’s a baby in there,” he murmurs pressing a kiss to her lower belly. “Hi baby love, I’m so excited to meet you.”
She pulls him back to his feet so she can kiss him. All her worries and nerves float away in the wind because he wants this just as much as she does.
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Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​ @atlcalm​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Requested by @cliffords-snapback go give her a follow she’s really cool :) requests are always open :)
Okay so, Michael would adore you to pieces. No question or doubt about it, he just would. When you first met, you laughed and that’s what got him hooked, he thought to himself, I just have to have you. Ever since he finally got you, he’d been addicted, you were the drug and he was the consumer. You met through Luke, you were quite close friends, he’d been hanging out with new people, and they came over uninvited one day. You both didn’t hear them come in and you carried on laughing and joking about together. “Who’s this?” A voice inquired one evening, both of your heads whipped around the voice, revealing three Aussies. “Uh, guys this is my good friend Alyssa or Alex,” Luke introduces and you smile, giving them a small wave. “Hello,” you greet and shake the one with weird hair, making a smile form on both of your faces. “This is Michael, Ashton, and Calum.” He points out, protectively wrapping an arm round your shoulder. When you and Michael first started dating, Luke was kinda annoyed at you both, but after a couple of weeks, he saw how happy you make each other, and it’s true. You make Michael so happy, he can’t live without you, you were the missing piece in his life. You guys come as two, wherever Michael is, you are, wherever you are, Michael is. If you or he got invited to something or a friends house, there is a 99% chance that you’ll both be there together, you don’t think of it at all, it’s just a natural thing that happens. Michael can be protective of you sometimes, because of your anxiety. Whenever you were both out and there were fans waiting around, he would hold your hand, no matter what, and either rub up and down on you hand with his thumb or whisper encouraging things into your ear. Another thing you both do is when you’re having your weekly clean up, you sing duets, you’d lost count on the amount of times people have walked in on you guys belting out the lyrics of Green Day or Mayday Parade together.
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Main Masterlist
Personal favorites: ✨
Crash and Burn series
“No one can know”
Feeling low and turn to Ashton for comfort (half text, half writing)
“We’re in public”
English Love Affair (Song: English Love Affair by 5 Seconds of Summer)
The tile says everything lol
Sweater Weather (Song: Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood)
You and Ashton get a little heated at a party when your guy’s song comes on
✨Woke Up In Japan 
Part of the Youngblood album requests! While on vacation in Japan you meet none other than the Ashton Irwin
Saw an open request and related so much that I had to write it... warning a lot of angst, sadness, emotion abuse, and father issues...but Ashton is there to help
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Crash and Burn
Part 5: Coffee?
A/n: Im playing with apps that will allow me to merge pics so I can upload more... Also next part is really where the drama begins...if you guys have questions lmk but by now hope it’s obvious there are some rumors about Y/n and Ashton...and of course Y/n thinks something may happen with Jae...guess we’ll have to wait for Calum’s party to find out just how it all goes down
Summary: You and Ashton were never on the best of terms, maybe since you guys were so similar: sarcastic, stubborn, protective and had a true love of art. After a misunderstanding and $200 on the line, you find yourself (fake) dating the campus’ most adored (and drooled after) art student... with friendships at risk and feelings emerging it was only a matter of time until the inevitable crash and burn
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