#as you sit atop a very expensive armchair near a warm fireplace
teavyy · 1 year
haiiiiiiiiii hi haiiiiiiiiii mrrp mew meoww mrrp nya mreow :3c
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In response, (Bottom) hiiiii~~~ haiiii~ mreow mrrrp mrrp mew mrrrrrrm hiii :333
(English) Good evening indeed, I myself am faring quite well as of the moment, most recently having poured myself a glass of exquisite brandy, thank you for asking. Now, I simply must inquire how you yourself are doing my dear anonymous fellow.
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Introduction - World of Color: Season of Light
And now we get into the meat of this year's stories! This is the beginning of the World of Color: Season of Light show, which this year is based off of. And where the title came from. The introduction to the show is a conglomeration of Christmas songs; I highly suggest watching it. It's one of the most beautiful shows to have ever existed.
Just a reminder, I am writing the 1987 DuckTales, not the 2017 version of the show. Not much is different except the nephews; they are very different.
This chapter is short, but they get pretty lengthy as we go on.
Scrooge ensured all the guests were gone, the doors to the lobby shut tight, before instructing the banquet captain to begin clean up. He then turned and made his way over to the fireplace lounge. Though his cane softly clacked on the polished floor to signal his arrival, not a single person stirred as he approached. His eyes swept across the group to make sure everyone was present.
Donald and Daisy were talking softly, squished into an armchair that was entirely too small to fit both of them comfortably. Daisy's smile was easy, relaxed and Donald regarded her with a soft expression whenever she looked away. Scrooge was pleased to see that they had stopped fighting; they'd argued the whole party long.
Huey, Dewey, and Louie had rounded up cushions and pillows from the sofas and chairs around the ballroom and created a nest beside the hearth. They were on their phones, showing one another posts, videos, and whatever else was on the internet, laughing and giving their own commentary. It warmed Scrooge to see them all together; their childhood had been wrought with the need for independence and individualization. But they had long ago abandoned the desire for separation, instead growing closer over the years.
Launchpad had acquired an armchair and ottoman, atop of which a large platter of food sat. Goofy was stationed opposite him in a matching armchair and they worked their way through the impressive pile of food. They conversed between mouthfuls with Drake occasionally giving his commentary. The mallard sat in between them, curled into his own armchair with a steaming mug cradled against his chest.
Gosalyn was sitting on a couch with Max lying across her lap. His head pillowed on the armrest, his torso sprawled over her lap, and his lanky legs stretching to the other end of the sofa. The lad appeared to be asleep and no wonder; he'd been working overtime the past few weeks, desperate to get as much work done before his vacation over the Christmas holiday. Gosalyn, too, seemed to have dozed off, slumped forward with her head resting on Max's shoulder and one arm draped over his waist. Their hands were lightly clasped over her knees, both of them holding onto one another even in sleep.
With the fire crackling happily, the monumental wreath mounted above the fireplace, and the garland expertly draped along the perimeter, the room might have been an advertisement for the esteemed party.
Truth be told, most of the night had been photograph worthy and advertisement ready. What with the towering tree that had stretched up to the second level of the ballroom that was adorned in every Christmas finery his staff could find. The live carolers who'd serenaded the gathered guests throughout the night. The sprawling gingerbread city — this year having depicted Spoonerville's homey charm — that had filled the grand ballroom with its spicy scent. Hotel McDuck was nothing less than a wintry wonderland.
Scrooge stood straight, clearing his throat to get the group's attention.
The boys put their phones away and looked up expectantly. Donald and Daisy shifted to face him, Daisy leaning back into Donald's chest, his arms wrapping around her. Launchpad, Goofy, and Drake were all able to look over at Scrooge without having to change their positions. Gosalyn and Max didn't seem to move at all, but Scrooge caught their fingers tightening around the others's. The lad shifted, blinking awake, but Gosalyn remained resolutely "asleep."
Confident that all ears were tuned to him, Scrooge started with, "I wanted to thank all of ya for your help puttin' this party together. The McDuck Christmas Party has always been somethin' the people of Duckburg have looked forward to, and over the past few years, its popularity has spread to our neighboring cities, making this one of the most anticipated and exclusive events of the year. That's due in part to all your hard work, and I appreciate it.
"So," he paused, glancing around to ensure he still had everyone's attention, "I would like to invite all of you to spend your Christmas with me. I've booked a cottage near a ski resort that should easily accommodate all of us."
The group eyed him in surprise before grins broke out.
"Are you serious?"
"Best Christmas ever, I'm calling it right now."
Donald met his uncle's eyes. "I don't know if I can stay the whole time. I invited Jose and Panchito to the States for Christmas."
"I already factored them into the numbers, lad," Scrooge assured him. "They'll just need to take another flight up to meet us, which I've also arranged."
Donald grinned and Goofy perked up. "So, me and Maxie are invited along, too?"
"Of course yeh are. I would not have asked ye to stay after the party if I didn't intend to invite ya."
"That's very generous of you," said Drake matter of factly. But his eyebrows were knit together, suspicion lurking there. Which was warranted, what with Scrooge's penny pinching reputation.
He shrugged. "It's very generous of Duckburg. I'm using the proceeds we earned from last year's party. Rightly, a portion of the money belongs to all of you since you helped make it such a success, and I just invested it into a vacation rather than cutting everyone a check. Although, after our excursion to Hawai'i, I probably I owe Gosalyn a few all expenses paid vacations."
Gosalyn opened one eye, the brilliant green alight with understanding. She seemed to bear him no ill will, which was far more than he deserved.
"What do you mean?" Donald demanded, glancing at the boys for an explanation. "What happened in Hawai'i?"
"Nothing," said Huey.
"Normal island stuff," said Dewey.
"I learned how to surf," said Louie.
Drake sat up to peer at his daughter, but she had closed her eye again in feigned sleep.
Turning to Launchpad, Scrooge asked, "Would you mind flying everyone up to the cabin?"
"Sure thing, Mr. McD!" he said enthusiastically, flashing him a thumbs up.
"We leave in two days," Scrooge said, pleased that everyone seemed on board. "I'll see you all at the Duckburg airport at 9:00am sharp on Sunday morning."
"Thanks, Mr. McDuck," said Max, sending him a smile.
Everyone also sent their thanks to Scrooge, who only smiled in return.
"No, seriously," Drake said, leveling Scrooge with a fixed stare. "What happened in Hawai'i?"
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