#as i said i know there are some sweeping generalisations in this post but. plops this down runs away
saintbleeding · 2 years
hi im thinking about fundamental character contradictions. here are some of my favourite character contradictions.
i know it’s a pretty superficial one but im never not going to be tickled by peter being The Supreme Lonely Guy with his Excellently Crafted Affable Dude Persona
the fact that melanie cared so much about her work and her field of interest that the pursuit of it caused something to happen to her that made her disaffected and violent and angry to the exclusion of all else
similarly(ish) basira’s very granular, specific pursuit of knowledge (alchemy comes to mind) and how that attention to detail is exactly the thing that helps her to escape the unknowing by actively shutting out information (eye/dark basira forever)
daisy’s change and pursuit of recovery is the thing that is killing her
tim’s deep love and care for those close to him is exactly the thing that fuels his resentment and rage (the loss of danny being such a blow to him, and, later, his becoming so abruptly disillusioned with jon despite their prior relationship)
elias being so terribly afraid (an extremely human way to feel, initially) that it causes him to express it outwardly as inflicting pain and suffering and terror on anyone and everyone (though, ofc, it could be argued that this is less a contradiction and more the natural progression of someone allowing themselves to be fueled by a single selfish desire for two and a bit centuries)
is it sufficient for my martin dot-point just to be “martin”.
ok i guess not
martin’s selfishness and spite coupled with his deep capacity for love and empathy (”i think our experience of the universe has value. even if it disappears forever.”); his generally rules-for-thee-but-not-for-me ethos, especially when it comes to impulsive reactions to his own emotions (eg. oliver.)
similarly, and almost directly opposite, jon’s particular brand of selfishness—which yeah i know sounds bonkers but listen.
one of the most fascinating traits of jon’s (in my interpretation) is his near-compulsive need to flagellate and heap extra guilt and castigation upon himself—regardless of how undesired by others or unproductive a thing it is to do. in fact, i think there’s an argument to be made that his drive to do this to himself, if anything, ultimately heightens his culpability in his actions, insofar as it further skews his unavoidably subjective view of things, and his insistence on heightening his own pain becomes self-perpetuating, even as his internal motivation continues to be a desire to mitigate as much harm as possible to those around him.
just to be explicit jon did nothing wrong and should have eaten more brains if anything.
there are a lot more than just these and i do think there’s more nuance to each of these but i wanted to write em down bc ough do i ever love ppl fighting themselves as well as external obstacles <3
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