#as for people who stalk my acc. dont apologize. i love you
just-null-cult · 5 months
hi sorry for spamming but I love your blog, your art/hcs are amazing!!! ♡♡♡
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tysm !!! I try not to let compliments get to me, but my ego... I'm just a man, and I appreciate them a ton. I'm just glad you enjoy my cult as much as I enjoy running it and dont worry about spamming me. i get a little giddy when i see people interact with my posts in one sitting. i feel so honored...
The people who write things in the tags or comments, I see them all, and it makes me laugh. I love them lots! people who take the time out of their day to read or like my posts in general make me happy, so tysm again !!!
i hope you dont mind i kept your compliments in my pocket. i liked looking at them and showing off. still, here's to more of our cult in the future!! 🍻🍻🍻
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cxrdboard-cxstles · 4 years
I told myself specifically not to go public about this situation anymore because of trying to move on, but getting it out is a lot nicer since the people involved can’t go after me on insta anymore : ) and if y’all see this, fuck every single one of you. Especially you M. Thanks for being a fucking asshole.
This was only recent, but I know I’m probably just straight up cancelled in their eyes. Anyway, here’s my go at this shit show.
Pretty much the entire day [saturday] was normal, until I get a message asking “hey, I have a question”. Me, not thinking anything if it, mentions two names, who I’ll call K and M for privacy reasons. I basically say “if it’s about M [my ex friend] or K, then no”. The peson basically went on to say that they had no idea who those two were, which I find out was a complete lie later.
This person then basically goes on to ask me how I knew who this person named C was/how I found her account. Which I told the truth that it was through K’s account when I was still following her.
My suspicions rose when things finally started happening.
M, along with C, K, and their friend P, all come at me all at once, not even in a gc, it was individually, but thanks to K’s acc, I’m pretty sure I knew they were in person. K was calling me and shit aswell, which was also why I knew something was going down, and also how I knew they were all irl and were basically about to “take my ass down” or cancel me or whatever.
They basically accused me of this shit:
1. Trying to go through all of his mutuals just to talk to M again [not surprised cause I was known for doing that, but I didn’t know just fucking following people you didn’t really go through him to follow was a big fucking deal].
2. Acting like M’s friends were my friends [basically being all buddy-buddy with K, who I actually genuinely enjoyed talking to].
3. Following C’s twitch to “apparently” stalk M even more [i only fucking followed it to see what content she posted. Again, I didn’t know just liking someone’s content would lead to me being accused of something I don’t even fucking do anymore].
I mean yes I did have my mon text M a letter just to let him know I was sorry, and then I did something earlier back in April, GENUINELY giving my fucking all to apologize, but all of that still gets me called a creep, basically pathetic; and anything in that general name calling area.
I ended up blocking all of them after that situation happened, but I unblocked M on the account I felt more comfortable talking to him on [because the one he messaged me on was different from the one everyone else went on my ass on]. We ended up talking things out and shit [which really only benefited him because he was probably knowingly making me feel even more guilty than I already did].
I agreed to take down my vent amino because of this conversation [I actually thank him for having me do that, cause that community was really fucking toxic, so thanks M, genuinely. 🙂]. We also agreed to put this shit behind us once and for all [I only agreed to it so he wouldn’t get hurt anymore and I’d be the only one holding the pain, cause I kinda fucked up real badly].
Anyway, the only reason this shit really fucked me up, is because again, I feel like he sees M and MP as one in the same, and also because of something he said to me before we hung up for the last time. He said “I hope I never see you again”, and that shit has really stuck with me ever since then. And that is why I say Fuck you M.
I get why you’re saying that bout it just made me feel like you’re still a fucking asshole. I can’t even comprehend how someone can hate someone else this much, especially knowing that we haven’t talked in 4 years, but at the same time I get it. You can’t trust me, and that’s perfectly fine.
Ajyway holy shit. Talking about it was slightly relieving, but I better not wake up to all of them coming at me saying “OMFG you and M literally just fucking made up. Do you w a n t him to regret it?” Or threatening me to fucking stop talking about it.
At the same time, I know that if they see this and when they see the fuck yoy thing, they’re all going to either be like “right back at you” or say I have no right to fucking say that...
anyway, thanks for letting me ramble if you read all the way through. This situation has been bothering me ever since it happened considering its all that’s been clogging up my brain for the past two nights.
Thank you.
Edit: I do wanna add thet M wasn’t always the terrible guy I make him out to be. I’m pretty much always the problem. He barely did anything wrong [but he did do some shit I didn’t agreee with]. I only say he’s the asshole because of how this shit played out [and it was kinda shittt that he said he hoped he’d never see me again, but that’s justfied, so again I’m in the wrong.]
I don’t genuinely wish I’ll will onto him though, so if you know who I mean, please for the love of fuck dont go after him. M is a lovely individual, and I don’t say that to act like we’re friends, I say that because we were friends at one point. And that’s what matters. That is my closure.]
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