#as far as I know neither Gen 8 or 9 have really solidified where they are in the timeline
quibbs126 · 5 months
So today (and yesterday) I’ve discovered that like, all the Gen 5 songs are bops, including the remixes of old gen characters in the Pokémon World Tournament
And I’m also sad because it only stretches back to Gen 4, since at the time Gen 5 was the latest one. Like I need to hear Gen 5 remixes of the newer Gens’ Gym Leader themes (since that’s the majority of what I’ve been listening to for older Gen remixes)
So now I want a new Pokémon World Tournament in the games, presumably in like Gen 10 or something since that’d probably be a fitting time, that has Trainers from all the old regions and new renditions of their old themes. Granted I probably wouldn’t play it, I’m not much for the competitive battling scene, but I’d listen to the music
I’d prefer it in the Gen 5 music style since that’s my favorite, but I’m given to understand the recent music has been pretty good too (I haven’t played much of Gen 8 and especially 9 (I’m not even past getting to the Academy), so I can’t personally say myself), so Gen 10 could have banger renditions too
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