#as always these are posted since it's her birthday japan timezone
northofsomewhererp · 6 years
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Your Name, Age (17+), & Timezone: Ry, 22, est
Your Birthday: March 1
Yoshino Hyūga turned twenty-one years old on November 1. She’s a dancer/choreographer in Greensville. Her face claim is Mina Myoui.
Admin Note: Hi Ry, welcome to NOS! We’re very excited to have you here. Send in Yoshino’s account whenever you’re ready, and I’ll get that posted for you. And get you a link to our ooc! Just make sure to run any major plots by the main (if any should pop up while you’re planning). And you have one week exempt from the starters rule - so feel free to post in our tag as soon as your follow link is up! If you have any questions, or I can help in any way, just let me know, I’m happy to help. We hope you have fun here! - Admin Tash
Bio (10+ sentences, include brief history, personality, potential plots):
Hyūga Yoshino was born in Nara, Japan, and lived there for most of her life. Her father was a Shinto Priest at the Hyūga Shrine in Nara. She grew up with loving parents, and her father taught her various forms of taijutsu as well as teaching her how to eventually take over as kannushi one day — if she chose to do so. She became good enough at the various martial arts he taught her that she could teach what she’d learned while she attended university. But rather than planning on continuing to teach, Yoshino became a dancer after she graduated.
Yoshino lead an average life, always being quite good at what she did. She was close to her parents and her extended family, spending most days with her cousins. She and her cousin, Tsubaki, were the same age and went to school together. They were incredibly close and spent a lot of their time together. Since they grew up going to school together and were so close, they were friends with the same people and were often involved in the same activities. 
Yoshino and Tsubaki had planned on attending university together as well, but Yoshino’s parents relocated to Greensville with her mother’s job right before what would be her freshman year of high school. So Yoshino graduated from Greensville High School and attended Rosewood University where she majored in theatre and dance so she could become a choreographer.
And once she’d moved, things changed from her usual average life. Compared to living in Nara, where she wasn’t all that different from anyone around her, living in the US meant that she didn’t look like the majority anymore. Now, she was in a minority. It grew to be very frustrating very quickly. Although she made friends and wasn’t an outcast or anything, she was on the receiving end of comments like how “there was another Asian” or how she must be good at all of her classes because she’s Asian, or even people referring to her as other East Asian ethnicities. She found that despite meeting plenty of lovely people, she was also meeting people who didn’t like her because she looked different from them. And while some were willing to learn and understand why they offended her, many just didn’t care. And Yoshino never grew to just accept it as a norm or ignore it, because even though she wanted to ignore it some days, it was so frustrating that she couldn’t.
When Yoshino was younger, she had been fairly passive with things, always letting her cousins choose what they would do and simply going along with it — or escaping and watching the clouds on her own. But after moving and having to stand up for herself when people made comments at her, she learned to be a much more strong-willed person. She would stand up for things she believed in, and she was usually involved in activism when she was in university. She always believed that anyone who did or said anything could learn, but she also didn’t believe that it was her job, as a Japanese woman, to educate every person she met, since there was so much information on the internet. But she still found herself trying to, because she wanted everyone to learn and grow and be better.
But her junior year, a man started yelling at her for speaking in Japanese in a café with her friend, and then insisted to the barista that Yoshino needed to move because she and her friend had taken the last seats in the café and this man wanted a seat. Yoshino had politely asked the man to stop, and he continued to shout racist insults at her, threaten her, and followed her to her car. Fearing for her safety, Yoshino called the police. Police came to the scene, but refused to even file a report for her, despite Yoshino wanting to.
The time after that incident seemed to spiral for Yoshino. She didn’t trust the police, and many people she knew also didn’t. And when she explained this to anyone who hadn’t been through the same things, she had to explain that it wasn’t that she thought that all police were bad, it was that because of this type of incident, and after seeing the way that other people of colour were treated, it was hard to actually trust them to help her when she was clearly not white. 
After that, she stopped trying to educate everyone she met, and stuck to just calling out friends, because she assumed that her friends would be smart enough and good enough people to understand. And when they weren’t, she dropped them as friends. She didn’t have time to explain to people over and over that making “slanty eyes” or calling someone a slur was wrong. She didn’t have the energy to keep going. And she didn’t want to associate with anyone who thought that it was okay to say or do racist things whether what they did directly affected her or not.
After her graduation, Yoshino moved in with one of her university friends, Declan, who she’d roomed with during her junior and senior years of university. They were close, and had known each other in high school. They’d been supportive of each other, and he’d even gone on a few visits home with her, so he knew Tsubaki and a lot of her other cousins, too. Declan was a year younger though, and Yoshino envied how he was still in college, while she had to be a full-time adult, despite wanting to just watch the clouds float by. Instead, she’d picked a job that required actual physical activity, and even though she loved dance, she was fairly certain that the thing she was most passionate about was lying in the grass or on her roof and staring at the sky. Or sleeping.
Activity (1-10): 6ish
Have you read the rules?: removed
Would you like to be paired with a buddy to have character connections with (For new applicants)? I’ve got some plots I’m working out with Morgi but I’m happy to plot with everyone :D
In the event that you leave, can we keep your biography for future use? no
Any comments/questions?:
Sample( 2+ paragraphs):
Yoshino glanced over at the dark-haired boy laying in the grass beside her. His eyes were shut and if she didn’t know him as well as she did, she’d have thought that he really was asleep. But he still looked too guarded to be asleep. Alec had never had many secrets from her, but he did keep his guard up when out in public, so she would be surprised to find him willingly just sleep in such a public location. Even with her there. She smiled, thinking back to the first time they’d hung out without Declan or any of their other friends.
Yoshino sighed, opening up hers and Declan’s closet, glancing around it before sighing again. He kept telling her he wasn’t touching her stuff, but her clothes had been moved around, the drawers opened. The clothes were all left in different places, some of her dresses finding their way into Declan’s side. She sighed, stripping down and slipping on a clean pair of jeans and then grabbing a black t-shirt from Declan’s messy pile of shirts he’d left on one of the chairs. She slipped into the shirt, slipping her feet into her usual boots and leaving them half untied before going into the bathroom, fixing her make-up to get rid of the smudges from sleeping in her eyeliner. Grabbing her phone, Yoshino stepped out of the dorm room she shared with her friend beginning to make her way to Alec’s apartment.
She stared up at the sky as she walked, wondering whether she could convince the boy to just cloud watch with her instead of actually going to some movie that she probably wouldn’t care about anyways, since that seemed to be the default first date. She had found that she was fairly uninterested in American pop culture, and the lack of diversity in film often disappointed her. Yoshino sighed. She didn’t usually date. It was too frustrating. And her parents wanted to set her up with a nice Japanese boy anyways, so was there really a point if she was going to eventually end up in an arranged marriage regardless? If anything, they might agree to let her marry Declan — not that her or Declan were at all interested in dating each other. But the boy had been nice, and she at least knew they got along.
Sighing, she eventually plucked up the courage to knock on Alec’s door, smiling when it swung open fairly quickly.
“So, I was thinking we could go to the park. Watch the clouds, chat, get to know each other. I made noodles to take,” the dark-haired boy smiled at her.
“You must be able to read minds,” Yoshino beamed, nodding enthusiastically.
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newskool · 7 years
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Happy 31th birthday Massu! (in Japan, it's 4th of July already, even in my timezone still not yet lol) It's been a while since my last Massu's birthday post, and this year I can't make any graphics or fanart for Massu's bday *sigh* Hope you enjoy your 31 years old day to the fullest, Massu. If you have a gf, go get married with her /slapped. I really want you to have a romance drama, hope you'll get a role for it as soon as possible ((I still feel a bit upset that I can't see Massu's romance scene in Strange Fruit anywhere lol)). Be shining as always, and wishing all the best for you. Special request: please Massu, make a comeback with テゴマス :"D or a regular TV show for NEWS. Or something like that. Well, I'm sorry for being a greedy fangirl. Lol.
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This ‘poem’ sucks but
Happy Birthday to you
(Note: there was originally like eight more cynical lines about how birthdays mean you’re that much closer to the end, but I scrapped it because when I try to use dark humor it usually just ends up kinda gruesome.
There’s probably something wrong with me and someday we’ll find out what that is, but today is not that day)
Congratulations! @(^-^)@  You were only sixteen but your mind was older- now you’re seventeen, but I’m sure the latter part of that quote still applies and the blog will blow us all away even more than before! Hope you have a wonderful, satisfying birthday despite how non-stop you are (don’t forget to take a break when you can) and one last time, congratulations!
(also depending on how the timezone difference between Croatia and Korea works, we’re only a day or two apart- my birthday is March 30th, which is tomorrow over here! :D so cool)
“Whatever you say ma'am, Furuta will pay for his behavior! I’ll use tumblr, I’ll write under a pseudonym(Evans)- you’ll see what I can do to him!
But at least since he’s dead, you can finally speak your mind?”
I know, I still like the idea of trans Mutsuki better but other than any hints dropped in canon, I just think it’s very unlikely that TG as a Japanese manga will add a 100%, conmpletely confirmed LGBTQ character. I believe Ishida himself is pretty open towards the LGBTQ community (Nico’s portrayal is a bit questionable but in an omake Yomo is shown thinking that anyone he dates could become Touka’s aunt OR uncle (though of course that could be a translation error), Shuu is a subversion of manga stereotypes regarding gay men and TG in general has a lot of interesting themes regarding sexuality and gender), but idk, the idea of a mainstream seinen manga like TG adding LGBTQ themes that go beyond heavy implication seems unlikely (though who knows, it could happen).
Mutsuki just makes me bitter. FIrst all the arguments about their gender and now I don’t even like them anymore (they used to be an adorable cinnamon roll but after recent chapters, while I still feel for them they’ve become a lot less sympathetic).
(Also this just makes me sound salty but I recently came across a very aggressive blog dedicated to reminding everybody that MUTSKI IS MALE AND YOU ARE ALL WRONG and reading through it just made me kinda mad and irritated all at once. Once a trans person made a post saying that despite being trans themself they didn’t think Mutsuki was, offering several manga moments as decent evidence and being quite polite, and the mod of this blog answered them with what basically boils down to 'lol no it’s possible to be transphobic even if you’re part of the LGBTQ community and you are clearly one of these people’.)
Don’t worry, cinnamon roll Hinami isn’t being forgotten! :) I’m really looking forward to her meeting Akira. I’ve always liked Hina but these recent chapters pushed her up on my ‘favorite characters’ list- she’s just way too sweet.
Reading the manga: wth Ishida you are officially my least favorite person like even Isayama is better than you
Reading Ishida’s translated tweets/the comments he makes in TG extras: why are you so nice
Yeah, I kinda hated Urie at first (I understood his goals and motivations but did he really have to be such a jerk? I honestly thought he was going to get somebody killed in the auction arc) but after the auction arc I started to like him better (I think the official moment I decided ‘I like Urie Kuki as a character’ was when Shirazu died) and I kinda freaked out when I realized what happened to him…
He would make a great Burr though. I think he’s way more willing to act than Burr and is not a ‘talk less, smile more’ kind of person (more like a ‘talk less and don’t smile at all’ type) but they’re still really similar. I could also see Urie singing Wait for It…with Kaneki as Hamilton. Not because Kaneki particularly fits Hamilton but because of how Burr is clearly somewhat jealous about Hamilton’s progress despite not approving of his methods in Wait For It (in an interview about the song I think LMM said something about it describing the feeling of watching your friends and acquaintances getting so far ahead in life and thinking 'Wait for it; someday I’ll get there too’).
Am I the only one who headcanons that despite acting super classy and not knowing much about rap/hip-hop before someone (maybe Hori?) gets him to listen to it, Tsukiyama actually turns out to be a really good rapper?
Speaking of Tsukiyama though, I want to see more of his interactions with Naki
Hmm, since Mado died after he was already an adult couldn’t Akira technically count? We know from omakes that Mado was a doting father and made her childhood as happy as possible, so while her life might not have been 100% perfect it was still really good in TG terms. Takizawa before he entered the academy also counts.
but even those two had so much tragedy happen to them as adults…
(also, have you started reading the manga again? :D)
ok, that sounds creepy. Not going to be watching that.
Thank you so much for the recommendations though! Not sure if I’ll get the time to watch those but I think I saw some Magi volumes in a bookstore here so maybe I’ll check that out when I have the time!
And yeah, if you have any good animes/mangas to recommend, please do! And genre doesn’t matter- though I usually prefer dark, psychological stories I’m willing to make exceptions when the series in question is really good (that’s what I did with YoI after all :) the only genres I’m really reluctant to read are horror and high school romances).
I’m glad you liked them! And nope, don’t mind at all  :D fangirling
I am back! Again, happy birthday ^^ I hope the day went well for you :) How old are you now, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m guessing it’s either 14 or 15.
And thank you very much for the poem, it’s very cute! I wouldn’t have minded the extra verses. They might’ve ruined the mood a bit, tho ^^;; The theme sounds like something baroque poems would write about... Don’t mind me, I just had an exam dealing with baroque, so I’m probably prone to making bad references to it. 
I will never manage to reach your level of puns... I’ll just say that I’m very satisfied with the amount of them.
“Just because he’s dead doesn’t mean he won’t come back. He died so another villain can take his place.
No matter how much I support trans Mu, I’d be very, very surprised if it actually become canon. I mean, as you’ve said, Japan and lgbt don’t quite go together that well... I guess we’ll just have to see... And nope, I still haven’t started to read the manga again. No time ^^;;
I’ve started to dislike Mu after the chapter in which his past was revealed. I just don’t have the will to stomach stories like that, honestly... Good horror/psychology manga/anime might interest me once in a while, but there’s a border I don’t like crossing. TG is waaay over it (which is probably a part of the reason why I dropped it, after all)
Gaah, it’s people like that that make dislike the lgbts... Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against people in that community and I won’t discriminate (though stuff like fictionkin and made-up pronouns do make me roll my eyes), but it’s these people that give people the wrong image about the whole community. Unfortunately, I’ve had quite a few encounters with those... aggressive people. I could go on and on about the things I saw as a part of this site, mostly concerning those ridiculous people who are probably in it because they think it’s ‘cool’ or ‘trendy’ to be bi or genderfluid.  I get waaay too worked up over this theme, don’t I?
Oh, I’m so happy about her not being forgotten! She is a precious cinnamon roll and doesn’t deserve the life she has, she deserves so much better.
Boy, that sounds fun. Well, Ive had experience with the ‘reading manga’ part, but I don’t particularly follow tweets ^^;; I hope things work out in the manga!
Idk, I mean, I disliked him at first, but I got to like him very quickly. I just seem to like silent types like him (I say that, and yet I also like Phichit, Viktor, Haise and so on, who are nothing like him.... WHOOPS).
Signs that I’m slowly forgetting TG: *reading the message* ‘who... are these characters?’ I mean, I know the most important ones, like Haise, Urie, Akira and so on, but the other ones... This makes me very sad ;-;
Yeah, I guess that would make Kaneki a good Hamilton. STILL DON’T WANT BURR (COOKIE) TO KILL HIM, BECAUSE KANEKI IS A CINNAMON ROLL WHO DOESN’T DESERVE TO DIE! The dynamics between Kaneki and Urie don’t make a good Ham-Burr, but their positions in their job, so I guess they really are the best pair for Hamilton.  Why did Ham have to die ;-; That makes casting so much harder for me.
Oh yeah, Tsukiyama would be an amazing rappers, I don’t doubt it at all. In fact, I’m sure that he’d be able to do Guns and Ships perfectly. 
Fun fact: You made a typo saying ‘Mado died after SHE became an adult’ (I changed it) and you gave me the biggest heart attack. Pls, my phone wasn’t used to the speed with which I typed ‘TOKYO GHOUL WIKI AKIRA MADO’ to check if what you said is true.  Yeah, Akira could count, I guess. That makes a total of ONE character... Not much, eh?
I don’t know if I count Takizawa... I think that the way his life is now, it very much makes up the lack of angst in his childhood.
Oh yeah, one last concern about The World Is Still Beautiful!
I’m done. 
One last recommendation:
LOVE LIVE AKA CUTE IDOLS. I invite you to join me in the pits of idol hell :) It(s not a romance, don’t worry. Also, there’s a mobile rhythm tapping game if you’re interested :))
Ooh, I’d be so happy if you’d start reading Magi! During the later volumes, it gets reeally psychological, so I think you might like it! I’d say something, but spoilers!
Well, I’ll go add the text to the post, then ^^
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