#arthur isn’t quite that unreserved but you get the idea
myrddin-wylt · 1 year
you know when you get so deep into a niche character's characterization that they become totally unrecognizable from what they were in canon? yeah. anyway NyoAmerica/Caroline is mostly similar to Alfred except I have a weakness for openly power-hungry female characters so she's a lot more intimidating than Alfred is.
which is very fun for AUs where I keep certain other og characters because Arthur Ratman Kirkland interacting with his eldest and lowkey terrifying daughter is fascinating and hilarious to me. especially during the 'New Imperialism' period where she's especially domineering and arrogant and Arthur is just introducing her to people like "haha this is my darling baby girl, we have our differences but I'm proud of what she's become and I'll always love her" and meanwhile Caroline looks you up and down like she's considering selling your soul for a cornchip.
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