#arnheid my girl
childofaura · 1 year
That newest episode of Vinland Saga...
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Poor Arnheid... She doesn’t deserve any of this. Holy shit.
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softshuji · 1 year
It's the thorfinn "I'm going to kill everyone" to "I never want to hurt anyone else ever again" pipeline for me
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pinkmirth · 1 year
vinland saga s2 ep18 spoilers below . . .
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as always, this episode was so fucking wild!!! ketil beating on arnheid? after she just lost her husband?! goddamn. she let this man know that she’s carrying HIS baby and he kept on anyway! this iron fist mf is just terrible. he acting worse than his own damn son, and that mf beats children and kills men like it’s nothing! I thought ketil was one of the good ones— I stand corrected, I fear . . . arnheid doesn’t deserve any of this mess. girl almost got r*ped, and then she’s flogged until she loses conciousness?! yeahhh this gone be her last episode alive. yukimura must hate her fr. for arnheid’s own sake, i hope she doesn’t wake up; and i mean that in a good way! so she can reunite with Gardar and Hjalti in the spirit or something. if she survives, ketil won’t go easy on her ass. and thorgil’s back on his warrior bullshit! he bout to bring the entire farm to ruin with this foolish war against the king. i wonder if he knows that his bloodlust isn’t enough to defeat the jomsvikings, especially with farmers and slaves as his ‘army’ 😭 not really related to this latest episode, but im just remembering what went down in ep 12 with thorgil . . . iykyk. that man thorgil gives a new definition to fear! okok end of my ramble. im just utterly obsessed with this series 🤭
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ultraericthered · 3 months
Anime Update V3 6
Vinland Saga S2 - Ketil and his family's return to the farm was all that I could've dreaded it would be. Thorgil is rallying people up to fight and die to defend the farm from Canute's approaching forces, Leif still has not been able to meet with Thorfin, and Ketil, already not in the best of moods, completely snapped when he learned Arnheid had tried to escape the farm with her now dead ex-husband. I had to watch Ketil butalize a pregnant Arnheid in his impotent rage at her "betrayal", which as you could imagine was not pleasant, and now the unhinged yet emboldened Ketil is fully committed to killing any who dare try to take away all that belongs to him, meaning he is ready to lead all the soldiers and slaves at his farm into war against Canute! But I hope he doesn't even get to the front lines 'cause Einar had damn better fucking murder this piece of shit for what he did...
Hunter x Hunter - So I was recovering from my first ever case of Covid-19 for much of the last week and it might've effected what I thought I saw...did I really watch a fight between Leol and Morel where Leol was surfboarding on top of orange juice? I think they said it was water, but that's not what it looked like to me! The fight ends with Leol finally dead while outside Palm continues her undercover work at the creepy old perv's Don Corneo-esque setup, and Knov infiltrated the castle only to freak the fuck out and run away just from sensing the stronger Ants' sinister aura: I really think the experience drove the guy mad, and he didn't even have to fight anyone! And of course, Killua finally recovered and is back on his feet, but not alone since Ikalgo is willing to brave the world with him as his new friend, and that whole last scene and Ikalgo's thoughts really did touch me. Like, I was not going into this ready to feel things for this dynamic between a psychotic albino asassin kid and a scrawny, silly-looking Octopus Chimera Ant, it's a surprisingly wholesome development!
SHUFFLE! - Could not say much on this episode, as it was centered on Primula, easily my least favorite girl. I don't even dislike her per say, but her character is thus far very shallow and used for these painfully unfunny "lol, you're a pedo lolicon!" gags at Rin's expense, and from her set-up I am very skeptical, fearful even, that she's being set up to play the Ken Tennyson from Ben 10 Omnitrix role and essentially force Rin together with the girl she thinks needs to be his one true love. And what was even up with the plush cat business? Rin failed to get out of the claw machine the same brown plush cat that Primula already has? That one's ragged and worn out so he buys her a totally different yellow one? I wasn't following the thread.
KonoSuba - The whole episode was Kazuma and his party having to put up an actual fight against Verdia, which was both challenging but also as frequently hilarious as I'd expect. With Verdia being a headless knight, it figures that at some point his head would have to be taken and kicked around like a soccer ball: he was just asking for it! And since he's an undead fiend, Aqua gets to make the kill with her healing water spell. Kazuma and his party earn a reward, but have to use it to pay off the damages Aqua's flood caused to the town!
Symphogear XV - Following a government investigation closing things off for S.O.N.G, what's meant to be a day off leads to a bit of friction between Miku and Hibiki when Miku calls her girlfriend out on her inconsideration of Tsubasa's feelings. And then a Alca-Noise attack occurs nearby, leading to Millaarc tracking down Miku and Elfnein, having them kidnapped while also initiating the gory death of one of the traitorous government guys. In the next episode, Chris and Maria team up to fight Vanessa when she's on the move, cut short when a golden light shines from the newly reappeared Chateau du Triffages, from which a mysterious new foe seems to be emerging...
Eureka Seven - The episode "Helter Skelter" was easily the most intense one seen yet. Holland has Renton, Eureka, and the kids locked in the cooling cellar again but this time for their protection from what he knows is iminient: Ray and Charles infiltrate the Gekko, shut down the power, and go on a sniping mission. Ray manages to corner Talho just as she's retrieving the kids, and seeing Eureka with children who look to her as a mother is deeply triggering to her for some reason. Charles, meanwhile, gets his fight to the finish with Holland, who fatally shoots him during a moment of distraction. Credit to Charles, though, he goes out with one last "up your's" to Holland, shooting him in the leg before falling and breathing his last. Stupidly they let the captive Ray go look at her husband's dead body, and she triggers an explosive on it that allows her to make an escape out into the open sky. As Renton narrates that this was not the end of this ordeal, I decided to watch the next one, "Memeto Mori". From the title alone, you can guess what happens and oh God is the route to getting there unsettling as hell. Ray lost the ability to bear children years ago and Eureka is apparently to blame for why it happened. Having lost her husband and feeling she has nothing left to lose, the very depressed and completely unhinged Ray uses her Swan ship to assault the Gekko in hopes of killing everyone on board. She doesn't come even close to accomplishing that, but she does finish what Charles started and nearly kills Holland just as her ship's shot down with her getting maimed and burning to death in its explosion. And because the world hates Renton, he can't even mourn his one-time surrogate parents in peace before he's pulled into a blood donation to save the life of his abuser, who's the guy who killed them both! Damn, I knew the Beams' story wasn't going to end well but geezus, Dai Sato did not feel like pulling punches here. An utter tragedy.
Gintama - None this week.
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kaedeakeshisworld · 1 year
Vinland saga spoilers episode 18
Ebi-san is a snack I'd have a bite of 🫣 he so fine, why?? Anyways... this dude triggered an 'Alucard(from helping in count form) type of admiration' I hate his ass so much but love him too (my life is a fecking joke)
Girl I thought Gardar had killed Ebi-san but he didn't like ????
Dude really said I can't die yet 💀
Gardar is such a strong man!?! Why is it the long haired dudes with beard having this effect on me always(nah I think it's period me🥰)
Anyways arnheid got beat up so bad I knew the baby wouldn't make it through or her
Ketil made her his punching bag and refused to sell her saying shit among the Lines of she's mine she belongs to me
Crazy bitch I gotta say
But he really thought after violently beating her she would make it through
'Couz you a different type of dim with a sprinkle of naivety coating your eyelids 🤭
If Ebi-san didn't stop him he'd continue
I didn't read the manga but Arnheid is going to die y'all such a beautiful woman gotta go through all this shit a fucking gain
I'm so mad😤
Einar and Thorfinn were sold at least their enslaved life could possibly end (fingers crossed)
Canute with his beard and scar could make me go cross eyed from mere eye contact (I can't keep living like this seriously 🥲)
stuff from other episodes which marked me
Askeladd's backstory was too much to handle but I hate his ass still
thorfinn's dad could choke me and I'd die happily( my size kink doesn't help one bit added to my strength kink)
how could I forget thorkell (he's voiced by my favourite seiyuu of all time so I am overjoyed whenever I hear his voice.)
I need thorkell injected into my bloodstream like Tatsuro Yamashita's discography to live!!
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rukia-writes · 3 years
Could I request a scenario where Thorgil marries an ex slave girl and he defends her when his mother is being a bitch again
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A/N: sorry this took so long 🙇🏼‍♀️
Warnings: Thorgil’s mother being ..her. Swearing.
It was the usual on Ketil’s farm.
Thorgil was bonding with brother Olmar, teaching how to use a sword properly. Even if his younger brother said he didn’t need any lessons. Thorgil have Olmar a tip and then downed the ale in one moment before his younger brother asked him out of the blue,
“How are you and your wife brother? I bet you’re excited.”
“Hm? Of course, why do you think I married her?”
“Right, even though of her background-“
“What about her background?”
Olmar instantly regretted saying anything as Thorgil crushed his drinking horn giving Olmar a pissed off look making him cower behind a nearby tree.
“Don’t look at me like that brother! I didn’t even know of her past until mother said something!”
Olmar stuttered most of his words but Thorgil made out what he said as he then had a look of confusion as he pouted his upper lip. Thorgil told his father about his wife’s past but he didn’t tell his mother, but as he thought it was possible his father told.
“When did mother mention (Name), Olmar?”
“Hm? Oh, the other day. She mentioned how she should be plowing the fields or-“
Olmar stopped talking when he heard his brother walk away and while Olmar wasn’t an warrior of any sorts he knew his and he knew his brother was livid. Not one for missing the action the younger brother followed him.
“This is disgusting. My son would never eat this.”
A plate full of meat and vegetables was thrown against the wall and food was everywhere as Arnheid and (Name) winced at the plate shattering into small pieces. Thorgil’s mother had a look of disgust on her face at her supposed daughter in law.
“A slave who can’t properly cook is a waste of space. Oh, how my son should have married someone more capable. What a disgrace.”
“What did you do girl? Did you somehow put a spell on him? Whatever, clean this up at once girl-“
Thorgil’s mother was just about to leave when she bumped into someone, a tall someone. Looking up it was indeed her son who was anything but pleased as a cold shiver went up her back and (Name)’s for that matter. Quickly smiling and backing up a bit Thorgil’s mother tried to soothe the situation knowing Thorgil heard everything she said, however it was a bit too late.
The only thing Thorgil told (Name) was “I need to have a talk with fucking mother. Leave.” Both Arnheid and (Name) didn’t have to be told twice as both left while by passing a curious Olmar. Soon enough, the whole farm heard a few crash noises and of course Thorgil yelling and swearing at his mother that made everyone cover their ears.
Ketil was away on some business and had made it back home. The moment he stepped through the door he just knew something had happened. His family was sitting around the table eating but the atmosphere was tense and if he knew better his wife was in a better mood. Welcoming his daughter in law he gave her a gift, a few clothes he picked up while away.
They looked expensive.
While Thorgil’s mother didn’t like the sight of (Name) having fancy new clothes, she was silent. Didn’t speak a word. On contrary, she asked (Name) if she was hungry and that she would get her something. Thorgil however had other plans as he told his father that he and (Name) were going to their room. While Ketil protested saying that he just arrived, however Thorgil had a word with his father and while Thorgil was rough with his words with his mother he was a lot more calmer with his word with his father about his wife.
Thorgil that night made sure his wife was tended to and that she didn’t feel bad about what his mother said to her. While he was rough with his love making he had his moment where he was thoughtful and passionate.
After all she was his wife and it was his job to make sure she was taken care of and he would defend her against any enemy.
Even if that enemy was his mother.
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ultraericthered · 4 months
Anime Update V3 4
Vinland Saga S2 - The manhunt for Gardar continues, but it turns out that a wounded Gardar is being hidden in Sverkel's farmhouse by a still distraught Arnheid. Einar and Thorfinn offered to help her and Gardar escape, but the plan of passing off Einar as a fleeing Gardar didn't quite fool Snake, who knows Gardar is supposed to be wounded and shouldn't be able to run too fast. So he returns to the farm and catches Throfinn in the act of abetting Gardar, threatening him with his sword if he doesn't back off. And dammit, Askeladd appearances should come with a jumpscare warning 'cause I was not ready for him to pop up in Thorfinn's head at this moment, but he was very efficient at challenging Thorfinn's commitment to pacifism even when there might be no other recourse but to fight. Leading to a really cool ending where Thorfinn, without any weapon, goes into the stance he used for fighting with twin knives, to face down Snake.
Hunter x Hunter - Two episodes spent on Morel facing Cheetu inside a closed space, where he can't leave unless he manages to catch him within 8 hours, but Morel just straight up refuses to play the game, which I found really cleverly subversive and it made it all the more rewarding to see how Morel was able to trap Cheetu without ever needing to run after him. However, the best parts were with Meruem back in the palace, playing rounds of Gungi against the blind, frail and endearingly dorky young champion, Komugi. It's fascinating to see him learn and adapt to the rules of these games so fast, yet in this one game against this one opponent he finds himself unable to win. Even when he effectively ensnares Komugi, it's only through a strategy Komugi herself originated and thus knows how to beat. Meruem is learning the true gaming experience, where he gets frustrated yet ever more compelled to keep playing....
SHUFFLE! - Seeing Nerine get pissed, unleash her demonic side and blow up the whole school gymnaseum was pretty terrifying. But it becomes funny when Sia and Mayumi (still the best girls) actually want to exploit that destructive demon power to escape having to pay consequences for their poor grades, with casual talk of "blow up the school, please?" Nerine's soft nature comes back into play when a picnic is planned where everyone must makes their own food, and Nerine seeks help from Asa to teach her how to cook better. And just when I was wondering when Asa would get more involved, too!
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works - Got to bear witness to the epic final battle, where Saber found herself once again fighting the persistent Assassin at the temple, Shirou clashes with Gilgamesh, and Rin endures the terror of the Holy Grail itself to pull out Shinji at the core and stop it from storing wishes to destroy the world with. And it all came together pretty perfectly. Shirou's realization and declaration of "my whole life has been Unlimited Blade Works!", activating the subdimension to fight Gilgamesh in, gave me chills, as did Saber's noble sacrifice to push back the Angra Mainyu, Gilgamesh's villainous breakdown and final defeat, and the return of Archer, now looking more like his true self in one last talk with Rin. The one thing I was bothered by is the continued insistence that Shirou is a "hypocrite", now in ways where I don't even think they're using that term properly. Striving to be a hero of justice and fighting to realize ideals of a world where everyone can be safe and happy in a toxic, self-defeating, self-sacrificial way that perpetuates his own sffering yet still doing so purely for the sake of seeing his own happiness emulate Kiritsugu's happiness over having saved a life is a hypocritical contradiction. But a guy simply being an idealist who at times has to fight to get his way and who talks righteously about being a hero of justice even when such a person can't possibly save everyone everywhere all the time isn't exactly a "hypocrite" or "fraud", just a foolish, childish moral idealogue in over his head.
KonoSuba - Another hilarious entry from this series where Megumin makes a daily routine of practicing her big explosion spell directed at a nearby castle, which Kazuma encourages and always accompanies her for, only for it to have consequences when the Headless Horseman-esque demon noble who owns that castle (in the dub voiced marvelously by Patrick Seitz) get furious and terrorizes the town in search of the magic user who's been constantly doing that. The punchline was also perfect, with how Megumin got afflicted with a death spell that would take effect over the next week, so Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness vow to challenge the demon at his castle to get the magic broken....only for Aqua, who Kazuma had earlier been castigating for her utter uselessness, to use a healing effect that totally undoes the death spell on Megumin so nevermind!
Symphogear XV - OK, S.O.N.G really, really needed to learn by now to stop trusting the American government with anything, as they have been consistently horrible throughout this series! Tsubasa also came out of her brief depression coma only to be further shaken by her horrible grandfather/bio father's horrible words and attitude regarding strength and defense. We learn that our new enemy, Noble Red, are literal vampires who survive off blood transfusions, and while Kirika and Shirabe seem to have only gotten dumber in some areas ("Ketchup? They're planning barbeque parties - what a truly terrifying enemy!"), they get the last laugh against the opponent they fight for a second time in a row, so in some areas their competency has improved. But nothing prepared me to have my mind utterly blown by the absolutely astonishing, shocking plot twist revealed at the last minute. What? The old incestuous rapist and abusive family head voiced by Mugihito is EVIL! No way, I never could've guessed!
Eureka Seven - To be honest, coming off last time, I found this episode fairly dull and a little creepy. I do not quite get what Bill Baxter's deal was and his warm, sunny hippie-dippie attitude was sort of offputting, especially when crossed with a Johan Liebert sounding voice. Holland's bit teases at his past with his brother, Ray, Charles, and Adrock Thurston, but hasn't made anything clear yet. Only the very end was befitting for the halfway point of the series, as Renton now knows for certain where he belongs - back with Eureka.
Gintama - A whole episode and half another one just to cover this one story of Shinpachi's date with a cat-eared girl was a little strange, but the jokes in this story were just firing on all cylinders that I could not really complain, so many moments had me laughing so much. Probably the one real critique I could make is that it was way too predictable that the cat-eared girl would turn out to be a thief of some kind not just because it's the payoff that most likely matches the setup, but Gintama did the "cat-eared female thief" thing before already with a character who became recurring, so it was a bit of a letdown to see it go that direction in spite of how hilarious the fallout ended up being on Shinpachi's end. Also, why was there zero follow-through on what was building up with Kondo and Katsura? That's more of a nitpick but c'mon, there was more comedy to be had there!
Spy x Family - Oh joy, an anime that builds its premise on the "fake relationship" trope a la Nisekoi. Only in this one, it's a secret agent and an assassin going out with each other as part of their respective covers on their respective missions, and they adopt a daughter with telekenesis who's thus the one person aware of both their secrets but doesn't tell either one 'cause she wants to live this cool spy thriller life? OK, that really is a joy! I can see why this one took off like it did.
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rukia-writes · 3 years
Heyy my wifi was glitchy when I send in a request so I don’t know if it went properly. Just in case I requested a scenario where snake and thorgil fall for a beautiful shy slave girl. However she’s scared of them
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I’m glad you resent it 😭 I didn’t receive it. I’ll be glad to write this for you.
Short scenario
Warnings: cussing
The day started peaceful enough..
Everyone looked to see Snake on the ground with a wooden bucket on his face, completely still in motion. Einar was the first to see if Snake was okay, while on the other hand thought she was definitely going to get a beating for hitting Snake in the face with a bucket and to add she was already scared of Snake to begin with. Hiding behind Arnheid as Snake finally rose to his feet while rubbing his red nose in agony.
Everyone looked to see Snake on the ground with a wooden bucket on his face, completely still in motion. Einar was the first to see if Snake was okay, while on the other hand thought she was definitely going to get a beating for hitting Snake in the face with a bucket and to add she was already scared of Snake to begin with. Hiding behind Arnheid as Snake finally rose to his feet while rubbing his red nose in agony.
“Damn, that hurt.”
“You scared (Name) that’s why.”
Snake heard the shy and beautiful servant girl apologize over and over, stumbling over her words as well. Snake grumbled a bit as he was still in pain but tried to say he “that it was okay” but Arnheid and (Name)’s had to leave as the headmaster’s wife called for them making both servant girls rush off. However, Snake was able to catch Arnheid and give her a message to his newfound shy crush who he had just found out had perfect aim.
Arnheid had delivered Snake’s message of “it’s okay, the bucket didn’t hurt. Great aim.” The little message from Snake gave ease of not only (Name)’s freight of him but the the repercussions that she could of received for hitting him.
Although, Snake did no punishing master Ketil’s wife did no such thing. Disappointed that she didn’t have breakfast on the table (Name) received an harsh slap to her beautiful face. Nevertheless, (Name) still went about her day with Arnheid. In the evening, Thorgil and the master had arrived at home.
Thorgil was another one who (Name) was scared of, and with good reason. Thorgil, was a complete opposite Snake. Ruthless and war loving so much that even his father was scared of him. What (Name) didn’t know was that Thorgil had also fallen for the beautiful servant girl.
Currently, (Name) was outside hanging the laundry by herself while Arnheid was making dinner. Unlike Snake, Thorgil made himself known as he slid back a shirt with ease. Still, (Name) was freighters by the sudden appearance of Thorgil.
“Heard you hit Snake in the face. You must have some good aim, girl.”
Thorgil smiled scaring (Name) even more as she could only nod her head, her knees were shaking at this point and her eyes and head were down. Thorgil sneered as he then pointed to his cheek, not that (Name) noticed as her head was still down.
“Arnheid told me you received a slap today, is she telling the truth?”
“Yes-but that was because I didn’t have breakfast on the table this morning.”
“Hm? Yeah, then I suggest you have breakfast on the table next time. Eh?”
Thorgil “patted” (Name) on her shoulder making her cough and flinch. However, once Thorgil said good bye she wondered what the interaction was all about.
While inside the headmaster’s home Arnheid was making dinner when she “overheard” Thorgil tell his mother not touch (Name) anymore. More specifically,
“Don’t fucking touch (Name) again.”
Thorgil wasn’t shy or quiet about it either. Arnheid thought to herself surely everyone on the farm heard Thorgil. Arnheid poked her head outside to see Ketil’s wife talking with (Name), later that day Arnheid had found out that Ketil’s wife had apologized. Which she thought to be the strangest thing she had ever seen, Arnheid however knew the reason and kept it a secret.
The next day, making her way to the well again to wash her face (Name) saw the same three people there from yesterday except this time they were crowded around each other looking at something (Name) didn’t know until she came up to see what the fuss was about. Low and behold, a dagger and a small bracelet were on the stone surrounding the well.
Einar told (Name) that Snake and Thorgil had placed the dagger and ring there early in the morning. When (Name) asked who the items were for all three pointed to her making her turn quite bashful and looked at the items which both were quite nice looking. The dagger came from Thorgil no doubt to use for protection and the bracelet came from Snake knowing that was most women fancied, everyone pretty much deducted which was true.
Even though was initially nervous of the two men she became a bit more comfortable around them.
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