#argues with a bunch of quotes from her past self because she doesn't remember saying them
downtroddendeity · 4 years
glueblade replied to your post “I was all set to finally sit down and read The Count of Monte Cristo,...”
As an aside, do you recommend that people read the Dumas Pastiche with magical elves?
The books in question are the Khaavren Romances by Steven Brust. It’s been a long time since I reread them, so I can’t make the most informed recommendation right now, though I can warn that the worldbuilding is pretty impenetrable if you go into them blind. They’re spin-off prequels of the author’s preexisting fantasy series with a much more conventional narrator who’s aware that he’s explaining the nature of the world to someone from outside it, while these books are in-universe historical fiction that takes for granted that, for instance, the in-universe audience knows what species most of the characters are.
On the other hand:
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