#argothia's art circus
argothiathedreamer · 1 month
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Was a little nervous about posting this but when I told my sibling about that they reminded me that I should just do what I want forever so here we are.
Anywho I just got bored and decided to play around with some creepy Danny Phantom designs and this turned out really well! Even if I do think it's got my classic 'more pretty than creepy' problem lol.
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the-dreamers-art · 3 years
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Zoids/Digimon: Agumon
Aha-HA! I bet ya’ll forgot/didn’t know I can actually draw a serviceable mech!
Yeah, I got bored so ya’ll get a doodle of a mash-up/crossover thingy that I’ve been thinking of. I won’t be writing it but I figured doodling some digimon as zoids would be fun. Maybe I’ll even do some doodles for the reverse, where zoids get turned into digimon! That’d be fun.
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beyblade-society · 6 years
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“...What? What are you glaring at me for? What could I possibly be doing to earn that look? I’m just standing here doing nothing? Am I standing too close? Is that it? DON’T JUST GRUNT AT ME! USE ACTUAL WORDS!... OW! I SAID ‘WORDS’ NOT ‘FISTS’!!!!”
Two of my Beyblade OCs with their other two teammates to follow shortly. These two are from one of the two teams that get to interact with the Bladebreakers (and other canon characters) neither of which gets to be on the good guys’s side in their respective stories, but ya know that’s how the cookie crumbles... and they make for pretty great villains in my humble opinion. Most of my other OCs exist sorta kinda in their own verse.
More info below!
Blair Verity Age: 16 She’s the captain of the team. Always angry. Always. Everyone who knows her is fairly certain she was born angry. Nobody has ever seen her smile. Honestly she’s pretty intimidating for somebody who stands just barely over 5ft tall (she’s totally standing on a step or a box or something in this pic because Lamont’s like 5′8). The only person who will regularly talk back to her is Lamont. She is burdened with a glorious purpose, which I won’t get into because ~spoilers~ needless to say though, she’s a pretty badass lady who will break your face... and also is... kinda scary evil.
Lamont Devin Age: 16 He’s such an asshole, honestly it’s a miracle he’s still alive given how often he gets on Blair’s nerves. Fortunately for him he’s useful to her, being both a very capable blader and a superb strategist. Annoying as he can be he should never be underestimated as he’s extremely vicious in a fight. Also despite his bad habit of irritating Blair for apparently no reason, he is actually very loyal to her.
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argothias-worlds · 7 years
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These squirrel-like folk live in the thickest, tallest areas of the forest that grow on the Faril Chasers’ island. They almost never leave the trees on purpose and despite being incredibly skilled archers they do not eat meat. They generally use their skills to defend their home trees and to shoot down birds to make more arrows. The birds they kill are ritually dropped in a single spot far from their village where the forest’s scavengers reap the rewards. They regard black birds with a special esteem and  the acquisition of a black feather at all is considered an amazing feat. It also determines rank, the more black feathers an individual has the higher they place on the social ladder. our friend here is pretty far down the pecking order (also has a scarred lip and is missing part of their tail...)
Chitterers are all intersex, it’s hard to say if they have gender pronouns or not because (as their name suggests) they communicate entirely through chittering sounds which no one has yet deciphered or learned to imitate. Also they have an extreme dislike of the Faril Chasers as they seem to see the Faril as potential predators. No Faril Chaser has yet managed to convince them that this is not the case...
They live remarkably short lives in comparison to the other peoples of the world. Living only fifty to sixty spans in comparison to the Shie’s lifespan of hundreds of the same. Still over time the Chitterers have become less violent towards the Faril Chasers, and nowadays such visitors to the tall woods are less likely to get an arrow through the eyes for trespassing... though they might still get a pine cone bounced off their heads with uncanny accuracy.
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iratus-the-webcomic · 8 years
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Martin Sketches
Bunch of sketches of this little twerp.
The ponytail sketches are just because I’m bored. He’s used to his hair being down and likely would only tie his hair up when he was studying or something and then he’d properly tie it back.
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argothiasflight · 9 years
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Flight Rising: A Crimson Fox
“If the lion were advised by the fox, he would be cunning.” -William Blake (Proverbs of Hell)
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*Reposting because I fixed some stuff*
I do believe Shirazu has become my favorite dragon...
My ideas for him so far are that he was a wanderer who ended up crossing paths with the Dreaming Ones in his travels. Steerpike did NOT like him at first, like more than Steerpike usually doesn’t like other dragons, but he also seemed weirdly scared of him and wouldn’t just chase him off... So Shirazu sticks around, endears himself to like 90% of the population of the clan through being absolutely gorgeous, and proves his worth by being an excellent strategist and military adviser. Eventually, Steerpike asks him to become a permanent member of the clan and he accepts! Happiness all around... except for on Steerpike’s part because he still doesn’t like the poor guy...
He doesn’t actually have the Mysterious Mantle yet by the way... I’m working on it though.
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argothiathedreamer · 9 months
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Working on the Carousel Sea Slug today. This is as far as I've gotten, but I gotta go make supper now.
Still contemplating colors for it.
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argothiathedreamer · 9 months
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I need someone to come slap some sense into me real quick.
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argothiathedreamer · 7 months
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Still considering adding a couple things but I've lost my art tablet pen somewhere.
The Carousel series continues!
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argothiathedreamer · 4 months
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Got bored and finished up my fakemon starters. Water starter doesn't have a name yet, but the Fire starter is Cubire and the Grass one is Conifawn.
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argothiathedreamer · 9 months
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flipping through my sketchbook and I thought I'd go ahead and share this cute little carousel horse.
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argothiathedreamer · 9 months
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argothiathedreamer · 7 months
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Art RPG event is almost over and I participated in 5 out of the 6 weeks.
For once I feel like I actually got something out of it in that I loosened up enough to actually try perspective and effects that I otherwise might not have.
The last one hasn't been judged yet so it might need a few edits in the end, but I'm too excited to share all these with ya'll to wait and I can't wait any longer!
Look how pretty my art is!
Cerberus (big guy in the second pic) and Life (Kaiju sized Goddess in the fourth and fifth pics) are group npcs. All the other characters are mine.
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argothiathedreamer · 2 months
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Couple of villains from the same story as the previous characters I posted today. They're madly in love. Vampire dude is pretty minor in the grand scheme of things though, but Hot Pink Demon Lady (Eight) is one of the bigger threats.
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argothiathedreamer · 2 months
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Some characters from my latest project + the main character's pet mouse! I uploaded this pic to my Patreon on Saturday and waited a whole 2 days to post it here. I deserve praise for my patience!
Anyway on the left is Noir, he's an assassin who's so good at going unnoticed that people in his world forgot he existed. He now works for one of the leaders of the city I haven't entirely named yet who wants him to kill the main character. There are some major obstacles to that. Mainly a big, green obstacle.
In the middle we have the main character, Seven. His name wasn't always Seven but it might as well be that as anything. He ended up in the city like everyone does; lost and confused. He's just trying to survive and stay out of trouble. Of course that's not really working out for him.
On Seven's shoulder is Houston, a mouse Seven met upon ending up in the city. Houston is just a mouse.
And finally on the right is Romy. She's a giant, barbarian lizard and the afore mentioned big, green obstacle. When Seven first ended up in the city he accidentally runs into Romy and that's his first clue that he's not in Kansas anymore (so to speak). Seven is also the first real friend Romy's managed to make.
That's all I've got for the characters rn. Enjoy, everyone!
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argothiathedreamer · 6 months
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Because I've had this the idea of drawing Sheena doing this ever since I first saw the meme.
Enjoy this doodle.
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