#are pirates monsters? or have we twisted them into beasts to suit our own narrative?
thejurassicparty · 4 months
"They took everything from us, and then they called me a monster?... This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around."
This particular quote - honestly, this whole scene - has the nauseating force of a sucker punch directly to the gut
#honestly I could write an entire essay about Black Sails and its use of monster imaginary#Black Sails forcing the viewers to acknowledge society and 'civilization' as the true villains of the series is so intriguing#the show flips the typical historic narrative surrounding pirates on its head and makes us ask 'are pirates truly monsters or are they men?#we as viewers have preconceived ideas about pirates that the series makes a point to address#ideas can squirm and crawl into our brains they can snarl and heave and become twisted disgusting things#ideas grow more terrifying and monstrous as time progresses#they shift into nightmarish beasts of our own making#things that we recoil from and that we fear#we created this monster in our heads so it must be true#right?#are pirates monsters? or have we twisted them into beasts to suit our own narrative?#an 'other' for society to lay its blame upon so it can resolve itself of its own sins#OUR sins#society needs its 'monsters' to function#but the so-called monsters in Black Sails aren't just villains#they're martyrs#men we've demonized and cast aside#so why not become the monsters that society fears?#Captain Flint is a monster of their own making#but society will never ever shoulder that blame#you reap what you sow#and all that jazz#Flint being good or bad isn't the point and honestly I'd argue that his moral character as little to do with his identity as a monster#he's a scapegoat he's a man he's a martyr he's a lover he's a god he's vicious he loves to the point of his own destruction he's a monster#he's all of those things and none of the above#I'm gonna stop now lol#Black Sails is fascinating and it makes me what to chew on glass :)#Black Sails#I'm just ranting and raving at this point#so just ignore me
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