#are actually at the shareholder meeting and he sees that it looks wobbly or its just a negotiating tactic. etc.
stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
thinking about 2x10 in terms of the tomshiv and kenstewy parallels and feeling slightly insane. there's something there with both of those relationships, about sacrificing the relationship in the name of saving the other person. how shiv seemingly throws tom under the bus in the breakfast scene ('to save you I can't be seen to be acting in self-interest') - but she does look out for him in the end, and chooses to save him even above her own brother. but the damage is done, and the way their relationship develops afterwards is very much affected by this moment. and then stewy denying the deal, at least in part because it includes ken losing his board seat (this is only hinted at in the scene but you can definitely tell there's some nonverbal communication happening between them when logan mentions the board seat and Arian later confirmed in an interview that this was how he played the scene. plus, they do want the deal. they seem eager for it at the shareholder's meeting, which is only like two weeks later? and the fact that stewy even agrees to meet them and seems optimistic about logan's proposal to get the deal done and eat some octopi, AND the deal being objectively pretty good for them makes it seem likely that the board seat thing is why he ultimately says no right away without even consulting the Sandys, as Logan points out) thinking he's looking out for him but obviously not knowing that he's actually dooming him, as a deal would've been the last chance at saving Ken from being the sacrifice.
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