canoncompliance · 11 months
@araneiid // from here.
The warning message is bright and buzzing on the screens surrounding them, and with his helm de-activated Miguel affords Briar something between a squint and a glare. He's irritated, but not hostile-- tired, but unwilling to have a real argument (especially with the hole ripping itself into Earth-90723 as they speak).
"It isn't about your skills," he says plainly. After all, if it were an issue of talent then half the people he's contacted wouldn't even be here.
"You've never been around this much volatile energy before. It'll make you sick."
Truthfully, being around the bigger rips in the multi-verse-- the ones that swallow worlds in, teeming with energy that shouldn't ever touch a carbon-based lifeform-- for too long makes even Miguel sick. But something as banal as his physical health is negligible, in the end.
"If you come with us and start feeling weak, you don't just become a liability, but you risk falling into that." One clawed finger points at the picture on the nearest screen: a black vortex sucks up what looks to be a mountainous version of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, colours exploding around the edges and the buildings wings starting to blip in and out of reality. "Are you sure you want to risk that?"
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stiiricidium · 3 months
okay so. i have. 16 asks for this blog, 1 ask for @araneiid and then i have,,, 11 drafts to do
im gonna get cracking on them tomorrow or so help me GOD
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sxrpxntbutlxr-blog · 9 years
Conitued from here
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"You don’t look fine” He translated, frowning. Snake had to agree with his serpent, the boy in front of him looked as far from fine as you could get. Taking no offense in the insult from the other he continued  “You are Smiles guest so I have to look after your wellbeing, or else Black will get mad with us. -says Emily.”
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maurlce · 9 years
Chrome wants it to /be/ one of those threads tho.
{ out; } There’s really nothing like smut to lighten up that angst.
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canoncompliance · 11 months
@araneiid sent: [ rest ] sender lays their head on receiver's shoulder and falls asleep there - briar being tired from training or something and accidentally does so? or something like that skjfdgjk ► from this meme.
Despite the impromptu jumpstart into field work, Briar hasn't disappointed since saving Earth-90723 from destruction. Her experience with V-forces had been palpable enough that Miguel chose to personally over-see her training after (something that Jess had teased him for, which of course he'd ignored to the best of his ability), and today they'd just finished another bout of conditioning.
It's noble, he thinks, that she wants to go out there and stop portals from collapsing. As he helps her out of the simulation chamber-- it had tested her movements and skills while applying artificial V-force, similar to how astronauts are supposed to train before going into space-- he can't help the slight curve of his lips at the sight of Briar's face once the mask comes off. She'd done well today, and he tells her as much in a simple but awkward "nice work".
The happiness on her face after, he decides, had been worth the embarrassment.
Miguel takes Briar to the cafeteria after, hoping to get food and water into her after she'd pushed her body to its limits. Together, they sit with their trays, but as he mixes the cheese into his chili, a weight lands on his shoulder.
And he freezes, spoon mid-stir and everything.
Turning his head has him seeing Briar's closed eyes and comfortable expression as she leans against him. His mouth opens-- surely he ought to tell her this isn't the time for it-- but as he thinks about everything she'd endured, he concludes that waking her up wouldn't be worth it.
So Miguel shifts his spoon to his other hand, mixing with it instead while the side Briar leans against is as still as possible. In the hustle and bustle of Society HQ's cafeteria, no-one pays them any mind, and for the minutes that she's asleep, Miguel has never felt more ordinary. He's hyperaware of her well-being, of course, and he eats his chili con carne much slower than he's used to, but it all feels normal in a bizarre, human way.
There are worse things to be than sitting in the middle of a cafeteria while someone uses you as a pillow. Smiling faintly, Miguel's head dips some as he finishes his food, because in the end it's nice to know someone trusts him this much to begin with. For that, he can wait for Briar to wake up from her nap, whenever that might be.
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stiiricidium · 11 months
i am...struggling when it comes to this blog, i think. i just sort of feel out of place lately and i'm struggling mentally with the way i feel about this blog so idk. idk idk idk.
i might spend some time over on @araneiid and i'm also thinking about making a sideblog for my Witcher OC. if anyone is interested in the witcher, i'll drop the url when and if i make that blog.
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stiiricidium · 5 months
thinking about moving @araneiid to her own full blog instead of a side blog.
also considering making her into a mumu for a couple spidersona ideas i have as well as perhaps so i can pick up writing gwen and maaaaaaybe migs??
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