bettaworldforbettas · 10 months
When betta fish are sold in tiny cups, many people assume that they do well in small spaces with minimal maintenance or equipment such as heaters or filters.
Tiny betta fish aquariums can only be profitable if consumers misunderstand the needs of betta fish.
Manufacturers like Aqueon, Marina, Penn-Plax Pet Products, and others are still making tiny betta kits -- some as low as 0.25 gal.
These companies are making money off of the suffering of bettas; they are profiting from the misconceptions that they perpetuate.
Betta fish are resilient and are capable of surviving in low-quality conditions.
Bettas should have an aquarium that is a minimum of five gallons, a heater, filter, and lots of plants and hiding spaces to create a stimulating environment.
Please sign the petition asking Aqueon to discontinue its under one gallon betta fish aquariums:
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dondidonde · 3 years
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#redtailshark #bluelobster #fishtank #aqueonaquarium #aqueonproducts #petco https://www.instagram.com/p/CR0YdqZruGi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bettaworldforbettas · 6 months
Ask Aqueon to stop making under one gallon betta fish aquariums. 
Sign the petition
Their five betta fish starter kits range from 0.25 - 0.75 gallon per fish, and they're advertised as suitable environments. They create low quality conditions with no room for adequate heating or filtration.
Betta fish need at least five gallons, a filter, heater, and lots of environmental enrichment like plants and hiding spots. 
Aqueon's tagline is "it's all about the fish" but they have been deleting comments and silencing the voices of concerned fish lovers. They will probably continue to sell these as long as they can make a profit from them.
Please help raise awareness about these harmful Aqueon tanks.
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Aqueon manufactures these 0.5 to 0.7 gallon betta fish aquariums and advertises them as ideal long-term environments for fish.
Do you think Aqueon should stop misleading consumers by making these under 1 gallon betta bowl kits?
Betta fish need at least 5 gallons, a filter, heater, and lots of places to hide and explore.
These kits force betta fish to endure low-quality, non-stimulating conditions their entire lives while making consumers believe that they are providing their betta with an ideal home.
Please fill out the "contact us" form on the Aqueon website and ask that they stop manufacturing these under 1 gallon Betta bowls.
Or send them a direct message on Instagram (@aqueonproducts)
Aqueon's tagline is "it's all about the fish" 🤔
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Sign the petition asking Aqueon Products to discontinue its production of under one gallon betta fish aquariums:
These tanks, ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 gal, are marketed as suitable environments for betta fish to live in. (The Betta Bowl Kit with divider is 0.5 gal or 0.25 gal per fish)
In these cramped spaces, there is no room for adequate heating, filtration, or swimming space. (Bettas need 5+ gallons.)
Aqueon continues to ignore fish welfare concerns, mislead consumers, and promote harmful betta fish environments for the sake of profit.
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dondidonde · 3 years
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#bluelobster #newpet #petco #aqueonaquarium #aqueonproducts https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpwlzqL8Gu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bettaworldforbettas · 3 years
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Help show Aqueon that there is a demand for them to stop manufacturing betta fish aquariums 1 gallon and under.
Their betta tanks are some of the smallest tanks on the market. Most lack a filter and heater, and they don't have enough room to create a stimulating environment.
Aqueon claims its goal has always been: "Doing what is best for the health and well-being of fish and aquatic life," but by manufacturing these betta kits, Aqueon misleads consumers and exploits the resilient nature of bettas in order to maximize their own opportunities for profit. Bettas in these tanks endure low-quality conditions their entire lives. Here are the betta tanks 1 gal and under we are asking Aqueon to stop manufacturing: Betta Bowl Kit (0.5 gal total or 0.25 gal per fish) Betta Castle Kit (0.5 gal) Betta Princess Castle Kit (0.5 gal) Betta Puzzle Kit (0.5 gal) Betta Falls Kit (0.7 gal) BettaBow 1 Aquarium Kit (1 gal) LED MiniBow 1 Kit (1 gal) A lot of people have already been raising awareness about how unhealthy these Aqueon tanks are. As consumers continue to learn about proper betta fish aquarium needs (5+ gal, heater, filtration, enrichment, etc.), the demand for these kits will decline. For a company that claims "it's all about the fish," should Aqueon be proud to have its name and brand associated with these betta tanks?
Ways to contact Aqueon:
Fill out the “contact us” form on the Aqueon website:
Send a DM/Comment on Instagram: @aqueonproducts
Send a DM/Tweet on Twitter: @aqueonproducts
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bettaworldforbettas · 3 years
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"How can Aqueon say it's all about the fish?" Acrylic painting of the @aqueonproduct Betta Falls Kit (0.5 gal per fish).
Aqueon should do away with its harmful and unnecessary line of Betta-specific tanks which are mostly under 1 gallon, some as low as 0.25 gallon.
Aqueon sells many excellent aquariums (5 gallons and above) that will actually provide Bettas with a quality of life.
The Aqueon Betta fish tanks are a way for them to maximize profit opportunities by producing cheap and "easy" tanks that mislead consumers. People buy them thinking Bettas must prefer tiny spaces and that these tanks are low-maintenance, but in order to keep water conditions tolerable they would actually need to do water changes every 1-2 days. The cramped size does not allow Bettas to perform their natural behavior of exploring, patrolling, and hiding.
How can consumers take Aqueon seriously when they claim, "it's all about the fish?" when with Bettas, it's all about profit?
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