illigalbutalive · 7 months
Apriciation post because I fucking can.
My favourite brimsley × reynolds fan fic writers in order of discovery:
1, @erraticprocrastinator one of the first brimsley × reynolds fan ficks I ever read was off you and your writing style and creativity is just so good, I must admit my favorite fics of yours are the slightly smuttier ones but that's self preservation because your head must be a dark place with the sadness you write. Amazing person as well, and I've had some wonderful conversations with you on my other blog acc thingy (iligalyalive) on both QC and shared social opinions (that one time i had a substitute teacher at college). Brilliant person and writer if u haven't read their work please do.
2, I don't know if this person has a tumbler if they do, plz @, because I wanna be their friend so bad, but their @ oh A03 is Tomlinlick and they post all the time and make some fucking amazing stories with such fantastic plots i mean their most recent being 'Heaven Can’t Help Me Now' was phenomenal and some quotes from their ficks often swirl through my head (a few favourites being:
-'Brimsley was kissing him. Properly kissing him. Okay, that sounded dumb. It was just that Brimsley was kissing him passionately and eagerly, the way he had only read about in romance novels.' - Heaven can't help me now
- 'However, he refused to touch himself. He was better than this. He was not going to touch himself to the thought of a man who couldn’t even admit he was into him.
He stuck to his plan.
For five minutes.' - meet me at midnight
- '“You’re the kind of man one could possibly be inspired by to create artwork about.” -the queen's man
Their just so fucking good)
3, @uselesscucumber or on AO3 A_pile_of_good_things
Fucking fabulous writer, their fic 'a lifetime' was amazing, fabulous just wow I mean it's the first long ish fic that I waited for updates on and it was worth it I mean getting the notification that they had posted was and still is a highlight of my day such a good fic and their one for wumptober 'exhausted' is most definitely in my top 3, no pressure but as I'm sure your aware we all need a part two and it's just a credit to you and your talent man. I hope that you and i could maybe become friends because you seem like such an awesome person with a brilliant perspective on things.
All these people write some amazing fics, and I can not urge you enough to check them out!
(My main- @iligalyalive )
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