#apparently a few generations ago it got misspelled on a birth certificate
anamelessdragon · 5 years
I've...never done an about me meme? Suppose now is as good a time as ever. Tagged by @veliseraptor.
Are you named after anyone?
Nope. And my parents accidentally misspell THE NAME THEY PUT ON MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE all the time.
When was the last time you cried?
No idea, I'm not a huge crier. I have a friend who jokingly describes me as dead inside and a robot.
Do you have or want kids? 
Nope, and probably not. (Although I was informed by a doctor I saw a few years ago that I had one of the highest fertility rates he's ever seen. I told him to be careful not to sneeze near me.)
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sarcasm, deadpan, usually combined with gratuitous immature humor which I tone down 400% online. (Penises, penises everywhere. Watch out.)
What’s the first thing you notice about others?
Usually I'm really conscious of the "vibes" people give off, I don't tend to outwardly interact until some initiation is made to help me read the situation. Voice, tone, words of choice etc. I'm not big with eye contact unless I'm a bit more introduced to the person.
What’s your eye colour? 
Hazel. I have a dark green ring around the brown, which becomes more obvious depending on the dilation of my pupils/my once in a blue moon of wearing makeup to make them pop. Generally my eyes kind of solidify in to a light brown color in pictures.
Scary movie or a happy ending? 
Uh? These aren't mutually exclusive, I feel. Happy ending, I guess? Unless I'm watching the movie specifically for whump purposes haha.
Any special talents?
I'm good with dogs (funnily enough, I never got to really interact with any until I was 18.) Training and grooming. Veterinarians in my area will sometimes recommend their clients with difficult dogs come to me for nail trims which is a bit ?????? but apparently I've developed a reputation. There's also a news story floating around somewhere of a woman in a winter soldier hoodie and green streaks in her hair using careful body language to coax skittish rescued dogs from a Korean meat farm into their first ever experiences with social human contact and leashing. (All of them were adopted out after a few months of work.)
Where were you born?
San Jose, California
What are your hobbies? 
Reading, writing, video games, running in the forest (combined with a shameful amount of Pokémon Go, yes I am coordinated enough to run over uneven terrain with five leashed dogs AND catch 'em all, thankyouverymuch.)
Do you have any pets? 
Not a one. I do have 8 oddly hairy roommates.
What sports do you play/have you played? 
Basketball (briefly, my teammates weren't very nice to other people), I've won a couple of races, done swim team, water polo. LOTS of water polo. Co-ed.
How tall are you?
Favourite school subject? 
English lit. I like the read.
Dream job?
Don't have one. I really like what I do, though. (So do my 8 hairy roommates.)
I tag @manip-loki, @starscreamloki and @rex-luscus. No pressure, of course.
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