iwannagohome1760 · 2 years
Kwazii head-canons:
(extremely long srry)
- He has adhd and dyslexia,that’s why he reads so slowly,hopeful to not mess up
- Omni(perf men),Demiboy,and poly
- Uses he/they
- Spyglass is one of his comfort items and if they lose it they’ll spend all day looking everywhere for it
- He loves cartoons,spends a lot of his time watching them (especially when he’s not on missions)
- He has a secret stash of teddy bears/stuffed animals that he has been gifted/bought,a few from his bfs and Calico jack
- Never has a plan for anything,always has done things head first a figured it out along the way
- Bestie is Tweak
- Knows the most about Barnacles (out of the main crew) Tweak is a very close second and Peso right behind her
- They have autophobia(fear of being alone) i don’t think he fears be alone as much as he finds it discomforting;They have heavy arachnophobia(fear of spiders)
- Uses all the hot water when he showers/baths (and gets lectured for it after he gets out of the bathroom,but he doesn’t care lol)
- Probably swears the most out of the crew, Tweak is a close second
- Every time Kwazii finds something of Calico Jack’s or something he’d be interested in,he keeps them close and well taken care of because he truly loves his grandfather(since he’s kwaziis only blood related family left)and misses him when they are apart
- Since he is known for crash the gups(especially the gup-b) he often has scraps/cuts on him and has given Peso one-too-many heart attacks
- Has trouble sleeping.He has reoccurring dreams of his ‘pirate days’ that bring him to tears;the only people who knows about this is Captain Barnacles and Peso.Often he asks if he can sleep with one of them(never is turned down)
- It’s not often but Kwazii sometimes gets hateful feedback for wearing an eyepatch,his eye is not injured but it is worn to help him see in the dark,regardless he never listens and continues to wear it
- Mirrors people often, especially those he looks up to (this includes picking up their habits and wanting to do what they do,and it’s very common of him to repeat them,like their catchphrases)
- loves to play with yarn bc cat
- His attention span left his years ago(same Kwazii😂)
- Loves fidget spinners and fidget cubes, although they have never lost one,he often miss places them,for example the captain found one of his fidgets in the freezer,why?Not even Kwazii knows
- He has definitely cried into Barnacles' shoulder for hours
- Since he is always looking for an adventure they always vaulters to test prototypes for Tweak, no matter how dangerous (and has injured himself too may times to count)
- Adrenaline junkie. If there's danger,then there’s no way they won’t be there!
- Has a horrible memory,could set something down in front of himself and still lose it
- Learned a couple of languages during his pirate days, mainly Spanish and French since they were encountered the most.
- When he was younger he learned to play guitar(doesn’t play it often tho)
- Flustered incredibly easily,he thinks he’s good at hiding it but isn’t lol
- Has frequent vocal/physical stims: "Yeow!", hissing, doing flips,playing with his tail and various other things.
- While the Captain is clearly the strongest, Kwazii is the fastest.Kwazii takes pride in that lol.
- He is into greek mythology and loves learning about the ancient civilizations,once he heard the professor say an incorrect statement about a greek god and kwazii shot up and immediately corrected him(in a nice way)and ofc the crew often get to listen to him rant about it, mainly Barnacles and the professor
- Music is his life,enjoys Sings Sea Shanties(or some random song)and encourages his crewmates to join.
- Kwazii has two grandfathers Inkling and Calico(very canon)
- enjoys wrapping his tail around the other’s arm/wrist to comfort or to show they love you
- Kwazii enjoys hugs(not because he is starved of physical touch or anything) and trys to purr super quiet(to not make anyone uncomfortable or seem needy);the Captain probably does notice but doesn’t say anything to avoid embarrassing him,Tweak also notices bc of her good hearing and teases them about it,and Peso also notices bc he is short and right at his chest,Peso didn’t say anything bc he thinks that it’s Kwazii’s normal purr
- (Someone did this one already but it’s true lol)Kwazii’s love of baby animals comes from Calico’s love of baby animals 
- Gets really competitive and always is up for a rematch(even if they win)
- Kwazii will randomly collect things then place them in the rest of the crew's rooms or work stations as gifts to show them that he loves them.
- Probably drinks(in controlled amounts)but swears on his life he’ll never smoke(and hasn’t)
Lmk if you wanna see something specific bc i’m super bored.
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