#apologies to any hisame/shigure fans i recognize they ended up in a bit of a hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby situation
fireemblemyaoipoll · 1 year
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Introducing the official Fire Emblem Yaoi Poll bracket! These are the 32 pairings that will be fighting for their lives to become the tumblr fire emblem fandom’s most beloved dudes.
Round one will be split into two sections, with the first half (left side of the bracket) going live TOMORROW, May 6th!
Campaigning for your favorites is not only allowed, but encouraged! I want to see some impassioned cases for why your funny little guys deserve to win.
In case the image is hard to read, the matchups are under the cut
Python/Forsyth VS Gerik/Innes
Zelgius/Sephiran VS Sigurd/Eldigan
Ike/Soren VS Leo/Takumi
Roy/Wolt VS Vander/Mauvier
Leif/Asbel VS Ephraim/Lyon
Abel/Cain VS Chrom/Robin
Lucius/Raven VS Hisame/Shigure
Marth/Merric VS Tobin/Gray
Ashe/Dedue VS Kieran/Oscar
Leon/Valbar VS Eliwood/Hector
Ferdinand/Hubert VS Niles/Subaki
Xander/Laslow VS Perceval/Elffin
Felix/Dimitri VS Heath/Legault
Gerome/Inigo VS Ares/Seliph
Cormag/Artur VS Tibarn/Reyson
Libra/Lon’qu VS Alcryst/Fogado
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