#apollo's drawn pre-transition and pre-realization here lol. just so you know
hychlorions · 1 year
PokéPollo and KlavierMon give me life!
Do you have anything else to share about them? Maybe there daily routine, fun things that have happened to them or how they met in this AU.
Ace Pokémon for the soul XD
hehe thank you for liking the au !!! an interesting little tidbit is that some pokemon they have on their teams have actually been with them since childhood! for example lucario's been with the gramarye family for A While now:
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(yes they babyproofed him)
and klavier used to be extremely shy as a kid, so chatot was given to him to help voice out thoughts he couldn't say on his own :P
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as for like. first meetings? idk about that, but here's what happened one hour after meeting each other 🥴
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