#aol contact number
gyokujyn · 4 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Tagged by @blackwood4stucky - Aspen, thank you for the tag, but I am breaking all the rules and changing most of the some questions to really get to know me (and hopefully you)! Pretend I tagged you at the bottom, too, cause it won't let me tag you twice!
1. How did you get your nickname (or url)?
I don't really have a nickname, but my url is the first long term OC I used to RP back in the day. I see a lot of hate for RPing OCs these days, but when the internet still screamed at you before you could logon, almost everyone RPed OCs--in fact it was looked down on to RP an existing character or an OC that was related to an existing character. Gyoku Jynnae was a Star Trek OC, but I also RPed Star Wars, D&D, and a few others in AOL chat rooms, forums/message boards, and email. I keep the name in case I ever run into anyone from that time in my life because some of those people helped keep me alive and I'll never forget it.
2. What's the last thing that made you cry?
Therapy yesterday. I'm trying to be less allergic to feelings. Go me.
3. What's your latest guilty pleasure?
I generally don't feel guilty about the things that bring me pleasure, lol, but I'm a little embarrassed that I realized my Stucky playlist on Spotify has long since exceeded 200 songs (sitting pretty close to 230 rn) so I created, I shit you not, a spreadsheet to help me most effectively split it into more specific lists for various timeframes or feelings and I am really enjoying listening to all the songs and organizing it.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I never did organized sports, but I did regularly get dropped in the wilderness with a map and a compass for "fun" when I was in high school--does that count?
5. What are your pet peeves?
I hate the sound of chewing/lip smacking/swallowing. I probably have misophonia because it makes me want to vault the table and punch someone.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hair and hands, usually. Eye contact is not my forte, so I am way more likely to remember someone by their shoes or something than by their face.
7. What is your eye color?
Hazel. I have a ring of brown around my pupil, then a ring of green outside of that like some kind of ridiculous YA novel.
8. What super specific trope or genre is your kryptonite?
Not sure how super specific this is, but I love psychological horror and body horror. I love the kinds of stories and movies where I walk away thinking I'm moving on with my life and then days later, something happens and my heart is pounding and I'm thinking about it again. I love horror that lives under your skin and in the back of your mind until it grips you out of nowhere.
9. What is your superpower?
I am very observant of details, which might be a superpower, but it usually feels like my villain origin story. It makes me good at reading people, but terrible at finishing projects because all I see are the faults and I get overwhelmed and it never gets finished.
10. Which fictional world would you be happy to call home?
You remember that late-aughts Bruce Willis movie where everyone plugs into an interface that lets them leave their bodies at home and navigate the world in an idealized, customizable body with no pain? Yeah, me, neither. I don't think about being able to have a pain-free body that reflects my personal image of myself everyday. Not at all.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, creating art, and video games. Between kids and COVID, my other hobby, tabletop RPG, is on a long term hiatus.
12. Do you have any pets?
We've recently lost a dog and a cat, so we're down to 1 cat and about 27,000 fish (not really, but we do have 8 running fish tanks, 3 of which are each over 50 gallons, so, like, there's a lot of fish).
13. What is your biggest toxic trait?
Oh, man, when I am in a relationship with someone, I want to be the center of their fucking universe. Which is weird because I am not monogamous and I am my wife's number one wing man, but it's not about jealousy. I want to know that I can trust my partner to have my back. That they're thinking about me. That they want me. I want to be wanted desperately. I will and have broken up with partners who weren't bad people or a bad match for me, they just weren't as mad about me as I wanted them to be. I feel like a narcissist typing this out, but it's the truth.
14. Is there anything you're afraid you won't accomplish?
I don't know that this is really an accomplishment, but I always wanted to have lots of kids and I always wanted to foster and adopt some of my kids. I knew kids growing up that needed safe homes and never got them (I probably was one, but I was afraid to get into the system, so I just kept my head down and dealt with it) and I always wanted to be the safe place I never had. But, it's expensive. Not the kids--I know kids are expensive (I already have 2). I don't understand why fostering and adopting is so expensive.
15. What's number one on your bucket list?
I want to go back to school to become a teacher, but I'm really finding it daunting right now.
Tags: I'm just tagging a dozen recentish mutuals that I don't know so well, yet... no pressure, but I'd love to get to know you better! @winterscrump @basnatural @eloquentreverie @vellicore @milarca @the-kestrels-feather @iceandironbars @sarahowritesostucky @natashadied4oursins @thepiper0fhameln @hypnxrchy @shurisbedroom If I didn't tag you, but you want to play, please feel free to jump in and tag me anyway!
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Field Log. 250317 16754
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Mention of death, mention of self-harm scars (specifically on the face), brief mention of weight (underweight).
250317 16754
>FILE [Field Log. 250317 16754] FOUND...
The file you are trying to access has redacted data, to recover the redacted data enter your key card pin.
ENTER PIN: _____ 
The file you are trying to access may be corrupted, would you like to run a recovery?...
>Yes   No
Running recovery...
Recovery unsuccessful...
>Yes No
Field Log. 250317_16754
The data in the following log has been blocked for the safety of the doctor, staff, family and patient.
Log Date: 25/March/2017
Member of Staff: Nurse Kaitlyn Amari (Level 4 MOS)
Patient no. 16754
Patient Name: ███████ ████████ ███████
I was given word on Friday the 24th of March of a female possessor that had been found in a catatonic state outside of her home in █████████, Lochton at around 5 P.M.
I travelled alone to Lochton Regional Hospital on Saturday the 25th of March, arriving at 2 P.M. On the same day, I was given the task of checking the legitimacy of the hospital's claims. Initially I believed that the eye witness and hospital had greatly exaggerated the tragedy they'd come across, we have been getting a number of false call-ins as the number of Fatal Manifestation Incidents have continued to rise within the last 5 years.
My hope that this particular incident was over exaggerated was quickly silenced when I was introduced to ███████ ███████. I don't think I will ever get used to seeing the look of fear and confusion on a newly manifested possessor's face, and this girl was no exception. She was terrified when I entered the room, broke into hysterics as she begged me to let her see her mother, that she didn't know what had happened and just wanted to go home.
It was clear to me then that she hadn't been debriefed on anything that had transpired in the last 48 hours, that she was convinced that eventually she would be cleared and allowed to go home, she was not aware that her mother was in police custody and to be moved to mental health facility and that her younger brother and paternal grandmother were being moved to an undisclosed location, she had also not been told that none of her extended family had offered to collect her and act as her temporary guardian.
She was not aware that her mother had surrendered her to the state and that I was there to make a decision on next steps. Aol uval P yljlpclk myvt oly tvaoly dhz zovya huk jvsk, aol avahs vwwvzpal vm ovd Hyplssh klzjypilk oly. Tf hzzbtwapvu pz aoha zol dhz jvlyjlk puav npcpun oly khbnoaly bw iba P ohcl uv jvumpythapvu vm aopz.
When I sat down with ███████ to explain everything she started to cry again, it was clear to me that the deaths that had occurred at her hand were not something she could aptly remember or something she had planned, a common thread through most Fatal Manifestation Incidents, she did seem almost relieved, however, when I listed the two people killed. Her paternal grandfather and her father. P ohcl uv kvbia pu tf tpuk aoha aopz npys ohz zbmmlylk mvytz vm ltvapvuhs huk wofzpjhs hibzl, aol zjhyypun vu oly mhjl jhu'a ohcl illu hu hjjpklua.
After talking to her, gathering any information she had I excused myself to see if I could get in contact with some of her extended family again, they gave the same responses the hospital staff were given, they didn't want to make an eleven hour trip, that she'd be better cared for in the state's custody and that they didn't want to be involved with the case. Which was disheartening and frustrating to hear but there isn't much that can be done, and telling her as much when I returned a half-hour later went about as awfully as I imagined it would. Zol wba oly olhk kvdu huk kpku'a zhf h dvyk, aol svvr vm klzwhpy vu oly mhjl thkl tl mlls zpjr, aopz whya vm aol qvi ulcly nlaz huf lhzply.
I told her that I worked for Derben's Home for Gifted Individuals in Briar Glen and that she'd be transferred to the facility as soon as possible, that we'd be able to help her and that she'd be able to come back from this and lead a normal life. Liar. When I got up to leave the room and sign her discharge papers she grabbed my hand, squeezed it so tight, and asked if she'd see me again. She was shaking and pulling, trying to get me to stay.
I broke protocol. I sat back down and hugged her, asked the nurse to bring the papers to me instead so I could sign them at her bedside, I know we're not supposed to allow the patients to form emotional connections with us but I am only human, and I cannot continue to pretend I do not care for the children I come in contact with, I cannot continue to brush them off when I know that the comfort would be far more effective to their recovery. I am more than willing to take the penalty it will cost me.
This girl from what I can see is not a cold-blooded, dangerous killer. She is a frightened teenager who has had her entire world torn to shreds in a matter of hours with absolutely no support, our lowest level is all she should need and I doubt she'll be in the facility for more than a year.
Attached below is a full description of ███████.
Name: ███████ ████████ ███████
Age: ██
Date Of Birth: ██/██/██ 
Location: Lochton Regional Hospital
Arrival Time: 24/03/17 5:24pm
General Appearance:
███████ stands at 4 feet, 10 inches tall (147.32cm) and weighs in at 60lbs (27.2kg), she has white skin with freckles that cover her cheeks, the bridge of her nose, her shoulders, elbows and knees. She has light green eyes and her hair is blonde, cropped short just below her chin.
Her skin shows signs of dehydration and lack of sleep, bags under the eyes, chapped lips and dry cuticles etc. She has scarring on her face, the scar tissue on the two most prominent scars is between three to four layers deep and doesn't show a clear laceration pattern but is more a concentration of lacerations in the same area. These two scars appear on the right side of her temple, travelling and expanding downwards to her jaw and the other is located on her left cheek and stops again on her jaw.
It's not clear from the injury itself what caused the scarring and ███████ explained that they started small when she was around ten or eleven-years-old, growing in size and depth overtime with no explanation, it was initially thought to be a rash and then some kind of skin-eating disease but neither theories were ever confirmed, ███████ said that the scars haven't changed in size since she was about fifteen-years-old but she does sometimes wake up to them bleeding. Svvr puav yljvykz vu alslrpulapj zlsm-ohyt?
Aside from the facial scarring and the state of her weight she is perfectly healthy and of sound mind. Through talking with her it seems to clear to me that her ability is ███████████ and that her manifestation was latent, she seemed confused by this information as her mother did not possess any abilities, I asked about older relatives but ███████ noted that her mother's side of the family has long been dead, her maternal grandmother passing away almost thirteen years before she was born.
My theory is that ███████ has experienced either a genetic mutation or a Matriarchal Ability Skip (MAS), however, there are no records I have currently that can confirm this.
Under current circumstances, ███████'s case will be handed to Head Doctor ███████ Waller, with additional support given by Doctor Gino Herring, Waller will oversee ███████'s progress and facilitate her rehabilitation as per the most recent facility-wide mandate on Fatal Manifestation Incidents (FMI), I am also able to lend my support wherever it may be needed.
███████ is scheduled to arrive at the Briar Glen facility on Sunday the 26th of March at 2 P.M.
Insisted I call her by a shortened version of her name, due to staff procedures I am not authorised to carry out this request
It is unclear how much she is willing to trust unknown people, she seemed to warm up to me after talking for a while but there were certain topics of conversation that she seemed closed off to, I imagine questions and conversations about the facial scarring, her family and school will be difficult to start with.
Admitted to feeling safer because I was a woman, it may be worth having a female staff member present for early sessions until she feels more comfortable.
Is not aggressive unless she feels threatened/provoked
Final Notes: 
When ███████ arrives in Briar Glen she is to be escorted by three Level 2 MOS and to be handled with care, she's had a tough week. Armed personnel will not be necessary for this escort.
I have classed her as Passive Level 1 for the time being, but I doubt this level will change through her initiation. -Kaitlyn
Log Signed by: Nurse Kaitlyn Amari
Date Signed: 25/03/17
Timestamp: 9:44:27PM
I do not appreciate the tone you have taken in this particular log entry Kaitlyn, although it isn't exactly a shock, perhaps a well deserved break is in order? 
Given the severity of this situation I will let the normally penalised behaviour go, I know our rules stipulate that we not let the children in our care become too attached as is the nature of things but I do believe that the comfort you gave, while disallowed, was beneficial to 16754's emotional stability.
I look forward to the challenge another FMI will bring us, many new things to learn. -███████ Waller 
Log Approved by: Head Doctor ███████ Waller
Date Signed: 25/03/17
Timestamp: 10:06:44PM
Next Chapter
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aasiann · 2 years
Finding a Professional SEO Company
In the present in fact driven reality where pretty much every business procedures are constrained by innovation, Search engine streamlining (SEO) is viewed as a significant web promoting method to work on a website's perceivability in different search engines. In the event that your website figures out how to get high rankings in the search engines, it will result in acquiring a lot of guests towards it. Thusly, it will result in the development of your business house. These days, there are numerous such SEO specialist co-ops accessible in the market which vows to offer quality types of assistance to its clients. Yet, you ought to be careful about bogus commitments and choose an organization which is veritable and is notable for giving compelling and proficient SEO administrations to its clients. SEO is a developing business sector and to that end there are an enormous number of such specialist co-ops accessible on the lookout. So it is in every case better that you really do some research prior to choosing a specialist co-op for you. A decent SEO organization will help you to get best SEO administrations which will help in the development of your organization a ton. Following are a portion of the things you ought to deal with while picking a SEO specialist co-op for yourself:
• You, most importantly, ought to make enquiries about the long stretches of encounters of different SEO firms in your city. An accomplished organization will continuously give you much better administrations when contrasted with a somewhat recently settled one. Additionally generally remember to ask and actually look at their portfolio. It will give you a thought regarding the nature of their work and as per it you can choose a SEO organization for yourself.
• Make sure that the organization whom administrations you is considering employing has great rankings in different search engines. In the event that an organization can't figure out how to get great rankings for them, don't expect that they will actually want to give great rankings to you.
• Get data about the value they are citing to give you the necessary administrations. Look at costs of different such specialist co-ops. Excessive organizations that are providing significant expense estimates will continuously give you best administrations. Take some time in accessing every one of these and go for the one which will give you proficient administrations reasonably affordable for you.
• It will be better assuming you contact previously existing clients of these organizations. You can request their perspectives. Peruse client surveys and tributes. Their viewpoints will be of extraordinary help for yourself and afterward go for a specialist organization which gets the greater part of the positive surveys.
• A decent SEO organization will continuously give month to month investigates the advancement of your SEO program. This ought to report that shows your catchphrases as a whole and ranking in Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, and Ask.com. Find out if, they will deliver this assistance or not.
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briamichellewrites · 6 months
A pink bedazzled Juicy Couture Sidekick II. Mike was so impressed by Bria’s phone. She got it at the launch party in 2004. It had a web browser, email, AOL instant messenger, a camera, texting, phone calls, and a speaker. He wanted to see how her camera worked, so she took a picture of him. His phone didn’t have a way to get picture messages, so she had to show him what it looked like. Her phone was configured in French, so only she could use it.
Yes, it was the same kind as her sister’s. She had her phone number changed to prevent it from being hacked. Her new number was given to those whom she trusted. Paris also had her number changed, as did a lot of her contacts. Bria found out that they both had ADHD. Did she ever sincerely apologize? Yes, she did. She had the suspicion that she was forced to do so. They talked about how much what she said hurt.
They didn’t have a choice to be sisters because they had the same father, but they had a choice to be friends. She decided to have a friendly relationship, even though it would take a lot of time before they could ever be friends. Paris had no choice but to accept that.
Mike and Bria were in the bathtub together. It was huge! They could move around and not worry about getting water on the floor. They had gone out to dinner together and were caught by the paparazzi walking back to his car. Of course, they had to photograph them. The flashing of their cameras lit up the darkness. It made it almost impossible to see. He had to get them to move because he didn’t want to risk running over anyone. They did move, but they didn’t stop taking pictures.
Not until they drove away. It was frustrating but there was nothing they could do about it. Getting angry was what they wanted. They wanted to poke the lion until it attacked. That’s what sold tabloids. She put her hand on his arm and asked if he was okay. Yes, he was. At a red light, he took her hand into his and kissed it. When they got back to her place, it was forgotten about.
He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. The band was going back into the studio in about a year. They wanted to do something different than their first two albums, so they were throwing around ideas. Nothing was concrete yet, though they were hoping to work with Rick Rubin. He was a Grammy Award-winning producer, who worked with just about everyone starting in 1980s hip hop and rap music. But he also worked with Johnny Cash.
Brad was going to see if he would be interested in working with them. Their past two albums cemented them as a nu-metal band. Everything they worked for was finally coming together! After starting their label, Machine Shop Records, Bria invested twenty percent in their business. They appreciated it because they were not expecting anything from her.
She believed in them as a band and they owed so much to her. In return, they gave her thirty percent of their earnings. Donn helped draw up paperwork to make it official. They wanted more artists on their label, besides just Linkin Park. Brad was their A&R guy, so he was looking for new talent around LA. She would become a billionaire before she was fifty. Maybe even forty. Rob was continually watching the stock market for her.
Mike pulled her into his lap. He then came in between her legs. The water made it easy for her to move on him. He kissed her before kissing her neck. She moaned in satisfaction. This was what they were missing. Being with each other. If he could, he would have never broken up with her. Phoenix was a great boyfriend, but it wasn’t love. She was love.
Everything about her made him want her more. He saw it the first time he met her. 1998. He played that moment over and over in his head, like a movie. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He had gone back and told Joe about her. Joe teased him for being in love with a girl he didn’t even know. What was so great about her? When he met her, he finally understood why he had been so giddy. She turned heads when she walked into a room.
She had a magnetic personality that made people want to be around her. He thought for sure she had a boyfriend. But, no. She didn’t. For the first time, he met a girl who could match his friends in sarcasm and humor. She wasn’t afraid of fart jokes or other immature humor. He remembered when he brought her home for Christmas dinner.
She talked to his family like she had known them for years. Even when he found out about her wealth, she never looked down upon him. She was the definition of perfection. He lost her because he thought he wanted to experiment with his sexuality. Phoenix never knew how much he regretted hurting her. He couldn’t bring himself to tell him, but he never should have broken up with her. As he finished inside of her, he sighed in relief.
She kissed him before swimming off his lap. He needed that.
“I know we haven’t talked about this, but I need to be honest with you. I am so incredibly in love with you. I never should have broken up with you. I thought I wanted what was in front of me, but I didn’t. I wanted you. I knew I loved you when I saw you. That’s corny, but it’s true. You were the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I don’t want to lose you again. Will you give me another chance?”
“Yes. You are adorable and I love you!” He laughed. “I love you too.”
She got his hair wet with water. It was black and gorgeous! Her long hair was already soaking wet. He kissed her again. When the water started getting cold, they drained it before getting out. They wrapped themselves with towels. Once they opened the door, they saw Tiny waiting for them angered. Humans, you missed dinner! We’re starving to death!
You can’t reason with a cat, so don’t even try. He laughed. She dried herself off, got dressed, and then went down to the kitchen to feed her two impatient cats. He came down a few minutes later. Yes, they were demanding. They had no sense of time. When they wanted something, they wanted it meow! Would she get another kitten? She was thinking about it, even though she didn’t know what breed she wanted. It didn’t matter, as long the breed was good with other cats.
She used her phone to take pictures of the cats eating. Her phone was going to be full of her cats because they were so cute! He laughed. She had a text message from Chester. He also had a camera phone, so he sent her a picture of himself lifting his shirt to show his abs in the mirror.
Oh my god. My best friend is a stud! Fucking 10 out of 10! You’ll be in the next issue of fucking Playgirl! – Bria
Mike laughed at the text. She also had text messages from Rob, Brad, Joe, and Phoenix. They were mostly inside jokes and goofing around, as they always did. He could visualize Chester laughing his ass off. After putting her phone away, they went out to the living room to play with the cats. Garfield came over and sat on her lap. He took her phone and took a picture. That’s adorable! He laughed.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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simpsonpennington94 · 9 months
Microsoft Commits To Eu's Digital Services Act Dsa For Transparency In Ads
We perceive that reaching the right audience is essential for the success of your promoting efforts. That’s why we leverage the superior focusing on choices offered by Microsoft Advertising to make sure that your ads are shown to the proper individuals, on the right time, and in the proper context. Microsoft Advertising, previously generally identified as Bing Ads, presents a powerful platform for companies to reach a vast and diverse audience. With the Microsoft Search Network, businesses can reach as much as 655 million month-to-month unique searchers online, an underestimated pool of untapped potential. microsoft ads services Microsoft has a status for recommending merchandise such as Bing and Edge via alerts or pop-ups in Windows. For occasion, a beforehand noticed pop-up in the handle bar of the Edge browser reminded customers that Microsoft's browser adopts the same tech as Google, however with the added trust of Microsoft. The Digital Services Act (DSA) is a regulation in EU law that aims to update the Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 relating to illegal content material, transparent promoting, and disinformation. If you aren't already profiting from the Microsoft Advertising alternatives, then get in contact with us right now and we’ll show you how one can grow your business utilizing this platform. As you can see, while it will not be Google’s billion-strong audience, Microsoft Advertising nonetheless has a significant attain, allowing you to connect with clients you would possibly have in any other case ignored. Microsoft Advertising is a latest rebranding of Bing Ads, with the name change occurring in the spring of 2019. An earlier report by Windows Latest's Mayank Parmar indicated that Microsoft is aggressively promoting Bing on Chrome. If you’re trying to learn the way we will provide consistent and sustainable progress for your business, get in contact with our pleasant group at present. We’ve obtained a real interest in studying about different businesses like yours, and exploring what objectives you wish to achieve and why. July continues the pattern of speedy change within the digital advertising world, fueled by volatility on Google... To build model consciousness and to extend gross sales we created a variety of cross-channel ad campaigns which delivered a 61% ROI for Saints. In truth, we needed to halt considered one of our campaigns due to success being so excessive that that they had hit capacity. Desktop search market, which implies that roughly one in five individuals are utilizing Bing, Yahoo, or AOL over Google. Worldwide, that accounts for 44 million desktop searchers that you wouldn't have reached should you neglected Microsoft Advertising. The advert highlighted numerous benefits of utilizing Bing, together with Microsoft Rewards and AI chats. Additionally, with Microsoft Audience Network, you'll have the ability to reach audiences across premium websites, apps, and experiences which are unique to Microsoft, corresponding to MSN, Outlook.com, and Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Advertising offers access to a novel and various audience by way of its default search engine standing for Microsoft Edge, the default web browser for Windows gadgets. This will allow you to reach tens of millions of customers worldwide who may not be as accessible through different promoting platforms. While Google is undoubtedly a powerhouse within the internet marketing area, it’s important to contemplate the benefits of diversifying your advertising efforts throughout a number of platforms.
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askpromptly · 1 year
How to contact AOL customer service?
AOL is an American email service provider based in New York. It has spread its services in a short span of time and impressed its users. However, if you get any problems while using AOL services, you can contact AOL customer service to resolve all the problems and improve your experience. You can contact the customer executive at AOL in many ways, and further, we will discuss them one by one. Therefore, it will become easy for you to get help from them.
How to speak to someone on the phone at AOL? Whenever you are in need of quick help from the customer service of AOL, then you can get in touch with them on the AOL customer service number as it is the only way that will connect you quickly with AOL. They will listen to your queries carefully and provide instant and mandatory solutions: 
Dial 1-800-358-4860, the customer service phone number of AOL, and go through the IVR menu.
You need to press 1 to pick your preferred language at the help center.
Press 2 if you are getting account-related issues at AOL.
If you want to update your account, press 3.
If you have forgotten your login credentials, then you can get help by pressing 4.
Press 5 to speak to the live executive at the customer service of AOL.
Does AOL have live chat support? If you are having issues connecting with AOL on the AOL phone number, then you can get to the live chat support of the Airline. The live chat assistant will listen to your queries and provide guidance that will resolve all your issues. Go through the below-mentioned steps and talk to the live chat agent:
Visit the official website of AOL https://www.aol.com/.
Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Help.”
On the contact page, click on “Chat” at the bottom right corner.
Pick your issues from the given list, and the instructions and guidance for the same will appear by the live chat agent.
Can I email the customer service of AOL? You can also share your experiences and complaints with AOL. Whatever the suggestions they will receive, they take action on the same and make improvements in their services accordingly. You just have to look upon the below procedure and submit the email form so that they will get informed about the inconveniences you are having:
Visit the official website of AOL.
Get to the contact page by clicking on “Help” at the bottom of the page.
Scroll down and click on “Email Us,” and the form will appear.
After filling in your personal details and issues in the comment box, you can submit the email form.
How do I contact AOL on social media? AOL is on social media, and you can ask all your queries to them on whatever social media platform you like. Though Twitter is the fastest to respond, Facebook and Instagram are not bad as well. You just have to write your query, mention AOL and post it. The social media team is quick and will provide the solutions immediately:
Twitter - https://aol.it/twitter
Facebook - https://aol.it/facebook
Instagram - https://instagram.com/aol
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fundamedic · 1 year
Using the Palm Centro Smart Phone to Communicate
At the point when cells previously showed up available, the alluring component was the capacity to take a telephone with you any place you went. There were no extravagant varieties, ring tones or camera highlights. The telephones were utilized to keep in contact with your reality when not at home. It was inconceivable to utilize a phone to make an impression on someone else. Wasn't that the general purpose of settling on a telephone decision - to tell somebody something?
  Today, one of the really alluring highlights of a wireless is its visiting highlights. The Palm Centro PDA doesn't dishearten here. Contacts for in a real sense many individuals can be kept in a location book situated in the telephone's menu segment. Notwithstanding phone numbers, other data, for example, email address; birthday; and personal residence can likewise be put away. While making a phone call, there are three principal ways of doing that.
  The conventional way is to dial the seven or ten digit number of the individual, hit "send" and make the phone call. In the event that it is a number utilized frequently, speed dial capabilities can be used. At long last, the Palm Centro PDA takes into consideration contacts to be reached straightforwardly from the location book. When the call has been set, extra call visiting highlights are accessible at the hint of a button. This incorporates three way calling and speaker telephone choices.
  The most recent cell frenzy is message informing. With the Palm Centro PDA, this is simpler than any time in recent memory. The telephone comes furnished with a full console. This is effective in sending instant messages on the grounds that the console is like that of a regular PC console. Messages can be sent as quick as the client can type and send them out. It allows a client to send a speedy message to someone else without the need to put a call. As well as sending instant messages, video and sound bites can be shipped off someone else. This is an appealing component since it considers virtual data imparting to the snap of a "send" button.
  Staying aware of the text informing insane is the Texting pattern. This takes into consideration at least two individuals to 'talk' online without settling on a telephone decision or meet up close and personal. The Palm Centro PDA permits a client to take a PC texting account like AOL; MSN or Yippee along on the PDA. Discussions being done on the home PC can be gone on in the lounge area of a specialist's office. The telephone keeps generally texts in a visit style view so it is not difficult to monitor all discussions happening at one time.
  The last talking element of the Palm Centro Advanced mobile phone is email. Like texting, a client can download a prior email record to the telephone. When in a hurry, just sign on and browse email. At the point when new email shows up to the in-box, the client gets a notice on the telephone. Messages can likewise be conveyed and welcomes can be answered to also. This element permits a bustling client the capacity to keep in contact regardless of where life might take him.
Centro De Rehabilitación En Guayaquil, Ecuador
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dynamicdigital360 · 1 year
How can businesses nurture leads and increase revenue through email marketing?
Let's get right to the point and say that email is still very much in use today, just as it was when AOL first went online.
Email is still a major route for communication; according to the Radicati Group, around 2.5 billion people connect globally via email, and it is estimated that 196 billion emails are sent daily, 109 billion of which are business emails.
You're not utilizing the most popular form of communication in the world if your company isn't using email marketing.
Let's get right to the point and say that email is still very much in use today, just as it was when AOL first went online.
People who claim that email is no longer a useful marketing tool because customers' inboxes are clogged up are mistaken; all they need to do is step up their email marketing efforts. While it's true that distinguishing out in today's crowded inboxes of leads and consumers is harder, it's still doable, and the reward is well worth the added work.
Email marketing is still the most effective and economical marketing strategy available. Companies may send newsletters, promotional offers, company announcements, and invites to events using platforms like Mailchimp, Salesforce, and Constant Contact.
In comparison to conventional marketing methods like TV, radio, and direct mail, and more to a big number of consumers for practically nothing.
In addition to these advantages, email marketing is a more intelligent method of reaching consumers than conventional marketing platforms. Email marketing is more customer-centric than print ads, direct mail, or TV commercials since campaigns may be tailored and individualised to certain customers. By segmenting your recipients into lists (current customers, leads, influencers, etc.), email marketing enables you to offer personalised communications that will appeal to each individual audience member rather than speaking to your audience as a whole.
In conclusion, email marketing is still king of the marketing channels since it may be effective when done thus.You create and maintain more intimate connections with leads and clients. A strategic email marketing plan should include the following elements:
Engage them with compelling material. Draw them in with compelling email marketing content Both being thrilled and having their lives made easier are priorities for modern customers. So, ensure delivery of your emails. Use captivating subject lines to entice readers to open your email marketing communications, and then story them by emphasizing information that delights and resonates to specific audience members.
Utilize email marketing campaigns to tell your brand's narrative using eye-catching images and first-person testimonials from clients and workers about how your company is changing lives. Utilize these tales to then engage your audience at the precise point in their decision-making process. To add value on top of delight, use your content to present them with the details and information they're seeking for.
Show that you are aware of and respect your audience. Personalization is beneficial.
The answer is straightforward: the modern consumer doesn't have time for unfocused or irrelevant material. Your emails will be deleted without even being seen by the recipient if they don't immediately demonstrate that you are familiar with and comprehend them.
Therefore, be sure to demonstrate to your receiver that you understand them in every aspect (method and substance) of your email. The beauty of automated email marketing is that it enables you to deliver offers that are specific to the recipient's interests and demands and personalize emails in the subject lines. It pays off to personalize email campaigns like this.
According to Campaign Monitor, tailored subject lines increase email open rates by 26%.email open rate, and using segmented lists to send tailored messages to recipients increases revenue by 760 percent. Personalization and hyper-targeting not only helps ensure that your recipient is more likely to open your campaign, but also engage
Keep track of the success of each campaign.
How can you learn about your recipient and discern what they need from you?
Your email marketing campaign data is tracked and analyzed. It's also never been simpler for marketing and sales professionals to access real-time data: insights and reporting tools are now included in email marketing platforms, making it possible to evaluate a campaign's engagement-boosting elements right away after sending an email, as well as identify which subject lines and content your audience finds interesting and which links and calls-to-action (CTAs) encourage them to act on your message.
Utilize this information to review and enhance your email marketing efforts on a continuing basis. This is an opportunity to develop a closer connection with your customers.
Keep your email lists up to date! keep your email marketing lists clean Treating your email list well is essential for the survival of your company.
You may lose more than one-third of your list each year because frequent bounces, unsub subscribers, and address changes. You may potentially lose more than one-third of your list each year. Regular bounces, unsub subscribers, and address changes Utilize your email marketing report to regularly monitor the activity of your list's subscribers.
Send out re-engagement campaigns to inactive contacts to encourage re-engagement, such as "we miss you" emails with incentives or "fish or cut bait" emails that ask recipients to confirm their desire to remain on your list.
Cut connections loose if they are still inactive following these re-engagement initiatives, even if it means losing a substantial portion of your contacts. You don't want to waste time and resources on ineffective marketing.
Continue building your subscriber list by adding sign-up forms to your website, blog, and social media accounts. By providing incentives and holding competitions that require participants to provide their email address in order to compete, you can gather fresh email addresses at events and expos. The secret is to aggressively but morally collect emails. Prospective customers must understand that when they give their email address, they are consenting to receive emails from your company.
You want people who are already interested in your brand to subscribe to your list; otherwise, you might be barking up the wrong tree. This is not only a requirement of all email marketing platforms, but it's also just good business practice.
Marketers continue to use email despite the proliferation of new technology in recent years. And it's understandable why—we are currently residing in the "Age of Me," in which customers are in control and direct their own shopping experiences.
Consumers don't have to listen if marketers don't react and adjust their marketing approach and message to them; they may simply hit delete.
You must demonstrate to leads and customers that you are aware of who they are in this era of buyer control by offering material and information that is pertinent to them. And email remains the simplest method of sending the appropriate
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hassanxrazza · 1 year
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AOL is named initially as America Online and is an online service provider and an American web portal based in New York City. In the mid-1990s, AOL was one of the early pioneers of the internet, and it is one of the most leading brands on the web in the United States. After ages, it became one of the most popular online service providers. It is a brand marketed by Verizon Media. AOL ensures to provide the best assistance to its clients through the AOL customer service number. The services and features of AOL are quite impressive. Apart from this, still clients contact AOL if they fail to take advantage of its services. Therefore, the victims who seek help for all of them, AOL phone number is the right way to reach the professionals to get rid of the Aol error.
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divinelement00 · 2 years
Not Receiving Gmail Mails
Many people today utilize Google's Gmail. In 2004, Google introduced its email service, Google Mail. It is widely considered to be one of the best email services available. Since it was released on April 1, many people assumed it to be fake.
Paul Buchheit is credited with conceptualizing the account. While employed by Google, he created Gmail. To begin with, only Google employees had access to Gmail. It was an internal memo sent to all employees. One thousand people were polled. This newly uncovered Google account was put through its paces in a testing phase.
Gmail, Google's email service, is available to Blogger.com users in beta. They might ask their loved ones to come and enjoy the party with them. Some additional invitations were sent out a few days later. That's why Gmail became so popular so fast. We're also seeing Gmail get easier to use. Users of Gmail can instantly invite several people by entering their email addresses.
Users of Gmail were notified after a year that their storage space had been increased. When it first launched, users had access to 2 GB of inbox space. It claimed to have 2 GB available. Later, sensitive messages sent and received by Gmail users were compromised, resulting in widespread outages. Soon later, though, Gmail's developers patched the vulnerability, thereby rendering the service immune to cyberattacks.
Google has steadily expanded the number of languages it supports for its email service, such that it now works with a wide variety of scripts. For the sake of increasing client satisfaction and loyalty, the company has begun including more useful add-ons. It wasn't until 2006 that the site's primary navigation bar had a delete option. The addition of chat rooms only boosted the service's reputation and user base. With Gmail, users have access to their message history and contact lists at any time.
Customers rarely consider switching email providers due to the platform's increased ease of use in recent years. After the enhancements were implemented, Gmail users could view Word and Excel files in their inboxes.
In this release, you can choose to keep tabs on your actions. Preferably, there would be a tab labeled "Tasks" near the top of the page. Emails can be converted into individualized to-do lists for each user.
If you need help with Gmail, please contact their support team.
Gmail now has as many users as Hotmail and Yahoo combined, thanks to its rapid growth in recent years. The number of people using Gmail has skyrocketed in the past two years. The precise figure is unknown. No one knows how many people have accounts that are Android-only. More than 425 million people across the globe use Gmail, as of a survey conducted in October 2012.
. The free version of Gmail already supports mailboxes greater than 5 GB, and this capacity is just going up. The second unique quality is disregarded in today's culture. It implies that you can use Gmail in place of your preferred web-based email provider (Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.)
The other features are all upgrades from the free accounts of competing sites and are therefore not distinctive. Due to its many advantages, Gmail has become the industry standard. Gmail's free users can only reach the company by email, but the support staff is responsive and helpful nonetheless.
Several concerns related to email accounts are discussed in depth here. One of the most effective approaches to finding a moral answer to your dilemma is to participate in a self-help program.
You must have a paid version of Gmail to access the live chat feature. The rent is due every month. More space for your inbox and no ads on Gmail are further benefits. If you don't want to work with the government or the healthcare system, you have other options for finding assistance. These businesses are not affiliated with Microsoft despite providing similar support.
You don't have to go into debt trying to solve your problem when you hire them because their prices are so low.
For solving the not receiving Gmail emails problem
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freeappall · 2 years
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Please allow up to a 1-3 business days for an email response. If you have reason to believe that one of our content is violating your copyrights or some of references to illegal contents, please Contact Us using the contact menu we provide. Unless you have settings that disallow cookies, the next time you visit a site running the advertisements, a new cookie will be added. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.ĭeleting cookies does not mean you are permanently opted out of any advertising program. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. You can choose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. You can opt-out of this ad serving on all sites using this advertising by visiting It does NOT track personal information about you, such as your name, email address, physical address, telephone number, social security numbers, bank account numbers or credit card numbers. DART uses “non personally identifiable information”. The ads served will be targeted based on your previous browsing history (For example, if you have been viewing sites about visiting Las Vegas, you may see Las Vegas hotel advertisements when viewing a non-related site, such as on a site about hockey). This cookie is used to serve ads specific to you and your interests (“interest based targeting”). This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).ĭoubleClick DART cookies We also may use DART cookies for ad serving through Google’s DoubleClick, which places a cookie on your computer when you are browsing the web and visit a site using DoubleClick advertising (including some Google AdSense advertisements). Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. We also use third party advertisements on to support our site. This could include only showing you a popup once in your visit, or the ability to login to some of our features, such as forums. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site.Ĭookies and Web Beacons We do use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our site. Log Files As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. We never sell your personal information to third parties. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use and visit, and how we safeguard your information. IPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad iPad, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, 9.The privacy of our visitors to is important to us.Īt, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important.
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thesportsgrail · 2 years
Proudly Associated with Academy of Legends (AOL) cricket Academy as Digital Media Partner. Franchise opportunity available. Contact now on the name and phone numbers mentioned on the post. www.thesportsgrail.com
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urlwint · 2 years
Aol verizon mail convert pop to imap
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However, if you have a large number of contacts, you may want to try exporting them to a CSV file (comma-separated values), so you can import them to Gmail. If you only have a handful of contacts in your old e-mail account, you're probably OK to just enter them in manually in Gmail. If you're sure you want to delete it from Gmail, go back to Settings > Accounts, then under "Check mail from other accounts (using POP3)," click "delete" next to the account. It wouldn't hurt to leave it enabled, though, just in case you get new messages there in the future. Once you've verified that the import is done, you can remove the account from Gmail. Go back to Settings > Accounts, then under "Check mail from other accounts (using POP3)," click on "View history."ĭepending on how much old e-mail you have, the import process shouldn't take very long, and the mail fetch history should help you figure out if the process is complete. Step 7: Check your mail fetch history to make sure your messages are being imported. Click "No" if you don't want to set up the custom From address or want to come back to it later. Step 6: Click "Yes" if you want to set up a custom From address for the account you just added. Archiving incoming messages is probably a good idea so you don't fill up your Inbox with all your old e-mail.Using the default label of your old e-mail address might help you find older messages a little easier, but this is totally up to you. You can label incoming messages if you'd like.SSL is more secure and will help protect you when you're using Gmail in public Wi-Fi networks. We recommend using SSL to check for new messages.If you want to delete your old e-mail messages off of your old account provider's server after Gmail imports them, check the box.For example, AOL's POP server is "" and Comcast's is "." Gmail will enter the settings of known providers for you, but if you run into any problems, check with your provider to make sure the settings are correct.
Step 3: Enter the password for the e-mail account you're migrating, as well as your e-mail provider's POP server name and port number. Step 2: Enter the e-mail address of the account you want to migrate (your old e-mail address). Step 1: Go to Settings > Accounts, then under "Check mail from other accounts (using POP3)," click "Add a POP3 mail account you own." This way, you can store all of your old messages in Gmail for later reference, while receiving new messages at your new Gmail address. Your old e-mail messages can be imported into Gmail as long as you haven't deleted them from the mail server.
So if you're ready to go ahead and migrate your old e-mail to Gmail, sign up for your free Gmail account, then come back to this tutorial and follow the steps below: Importing mail Migrating your old e-mail account to Gmail isn't that difficult and Gmail actually makes it pretty painless. And if you spend any time at all on a tablet or smartphone, the Gmail apps provide an unrivaled experience. In other words, it's secure, reliable, and convenient. Gmail offers a ton of storage (currently at 10GB and growing), spam filtering at the server-level, two-step verification, and access from any Web browser or mobile device. If you're still holding onto an old AOL e-mail account or using the one your ISP (Internet Service Provider) gave you, it might be time to consider switching to Gmail.
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askpromptly · 1 year
How To Speak To AOL Customer Service?
AOL is a web portal, and you can create an account on AOL to send and receive emails and use other internet services. There are several users worldwide that use AOL webmail to drop and receive emails. Though many users complain about various issues, they come across using its services. Suppose you already have an account on AOL and are running out of mailbox storage; then you can contact AOL customer service and get the required assistance to upgrade your storage and revive the account.
How to call AOL customer service? If you have an account on AOL and you are not able to receive or send emails, or there are some glitches in signing in to the account, please call customer support for assistance on AOL Phone Number in the given steps: Call on 1 800 827 6364 The call will connect with IVR Press 1- to choose your desired language Press 2- for account support Press 3- for technical support Press 4- for password reset Press *- to speak to an AOL support person. Availability time of AOL Customer Support: Customer support is available 24 hours daily to assist and guide the customers with their account-related issues and provide other related information.
Does AOL have a live chat? In case it is an urgent query or there is a shortage of time to go through the call process, just use the live chat window of AOL and get immediate assistance on the issues. To start a live chat with AOL Customer Service and discuss the queries through texts, do the following: Go to the official website of aol.com Click on the support options A chat window will open on the screen Write the messages on the chat window Send them to the customer service Your queries will receive instant replies from the chat representative.
Can you send an email to AOL? You can write the queries and send them to AOL customer service in an email. To get into email communication, you can first fill out an email form in the manner mentioned below: Reach the AOL web portal Click on the support tab Choose the email us option Fill out the email form with compulsory information, including your email id Submit the form. An email will be received within a few days from AOL customer service for further correspondence.
Does AOL have social media handles? Suppose you want to get a quick response from customer service, in that case, try to send messages from the following social media handles of AOL, Facebook Twitter Social media is also helpful for getting a quick update on the latest news and services of AOL.
Can you give feedback to AOL? While using the services, if you wish to give reviews, suggestions, or appreciation, send feedback through the form provided on the AOL website for this purpose. Customer service will respond to your feedback in a short span of time.
Hence, to learn more about AOL services and their usage, please go through the above points to AOL Customer Service Number and other ways to reach customer service.
Source — https://askpromptly.blogspot.com/2023/04/how-to-speak-to-aol-customer-service.html
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srusjust · 2 years
Pgp command line for mac
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#Pgp command line for mac mac os x#
#Pgp command line for mac serial number#
#Pgp command line for mac software#
#Pgp command line for mac software#
bzip2 1.0, a freely available high-quality data compressor, is copyrighted by Julian Seward, Application server ( web server ( Jakarta Commons ( and log4j, a Java-based library used to parse HTML, developed by the Apache Software Foundation. Acknowledgments This product includes or may include: - The Zip and ZLib compression code, created by Mark Adler and Jean-Loup Gailly, is used with permission from the free Info-ZIP implementation, developed by zlib ( - Libxml2, the XML C parser and toolkit developed for the Gnome project and distributed and copyrighted under the MIT License found at Copyright 2007 by the Open Source Initiative. If you would like a copy of the source code for the GPL software included in PGP Universal Server, contact PGP Support ( PGP Corporation may have patents and/or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this software or its documentation the furnishing of this software or documentation does not give you any license to these patents. PGP Universal Server as a whole is not licensed under the GPL. Some third-party software included in PGP Universal Server is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
#Pgp command line for mac serial number#
PGP Corporation has secured a license to the patent rights contained in the patent application Serial Number 10/655,563 by The Regents of the University of California, entitled Block Cipher Mode of Operation for Constructing a Wide-blocksize block Cipher from a Conventional Block Cipher. The CAST-128 encryption algorithm, implemented from RFC 2144, is available worldwide on a royalty-free basis for commercial and non-commercial uses. patent number 5,214,703 is licensed from Ascom Tech AG. Licensing and Patent Information The IDEA cryptographic cipher described in U.S. All other registered and unregistered trademarks in this document are the sole property of their respective owners.
#Pgp command line for mac mac os x#
Rendezvous and Mac OS X are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. SSH and Secure Shell are trademarks of SSH Communications Security, Inc. HP-UX is a trademark or registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. AIX is a trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Solaris is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Red Hat and Red Hat Linux are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. AOL is a registered trademark, and AOL Instant Messenger is a trademark, of America Online, Inc. Windows and ActiveX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Trademark Information PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, and the PGP logo are registered trademarks of PGP Corporation in the US and other countries. No part of this document can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of PGP Corporation. PGP Command Line Version Released March Copyright Information Copyright by PGP Corporation. 3 Version Information PGP Command Line User's Guide.
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