hyolks · 3 years
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man, those two performers… they kept doin heart eyes at each other on stage… …!!
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nathiyy · 3 years
here to give you diabetes<33
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froogooo · 3 years
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damedamedame · 3 years
aoinene week ; day 3 prompt - fairytales
- “in every reality, i still find you.” (a god/goddess au) 
warnings : there’s also fire???? somehow, main character death
notes : wrote this weeks ago for my friend but didn’t think i’d share it. was proved wrong </3
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Aoi stares off into the distance. A melancholic gaze adorns her eyes as she sat at the stairs of her shrine. Unbeknown to those around her, she had been thinking of someone far too... ordinary, for her tastes. 
The goddess thought of a mortal woman.
'Amusing. Funny. Just hilarious.' She laughs dryly, putting her chin on the palm of her hand. 'Only weak gods have issues like this,' and, as far as she knew, she was one of the most esteemed. Problems, such as falling for mortals, were far beyond her. But the silver-haired woman refused to leave her conscience. It was as if she had already built herself a home inside the comfort of her mind. 
She bites the inside of her cheek, frustration evident. Who gave her the right to occupy every inch of her being? To invade the barrier she had so carefully put up? To belittle an honored maiden by giving her these ridiculous feelings? But, even after how badly this mortal sinned against her, she could not find it in herself to punish her. She could never do anything to demean her in any way, which was not fitting of a god. 
"Oh!" Aoi perked up, hearing her angelic voice beat at her eardrums. "I didn't think I would find you, here, of all places, Aoi-chan."
"I've always been full of wonderful surprises," She turns and looks at the silver-haired woman just a few steps behind her. The woman, in turn, grins sheepishly at her. "Especially for you, Nene-chan."
"Aww, you flatter me." Nene sits right beside her, and Aoi's never felt her heart beat so fast at their proximity. Their fingers were so close to touching, yet a goddess only had so much courage. So, she remains still, unmoving despite the thrum of her emotions. "What brought you to this shrine, anyways?"
She had no way of telling her that this was her shrine. "Decided to offer prayers, is all." Nene looks at her, utterly unconvinced. Aoi coughs, attempting to avoid the infuriating blush about to fall on her cheeks. "It's normal to praise our god, right?"
"It is, yes, but considering that.." She sweats, immensely, at the way Nene's face seemed to be inching closer and closer at hers. By her own name, this girl shouldn't be inflicting these ridiculous feelings on her. But she is, and not even her own abilities could stop her from falling hard and fast. "You swore on her name mere hours ago. I didn't think you'd bend over so quick."
Ignoring how her mind seemed to wrap around the words, 'bend over,' Aoi huffs. "I'm not giving up just like that! I-I came here to.." Looking around for some way out of this situation, she eyes a display packed with various 'emas.' Then, she gains an idea. "I'm here to write a wish! Surely, the goddess won't mind a joke or two."
Nene looks at her, startled by her friend's surge of bravery. Yes, she wanted to see how much Aoi could do before she succumbed to fear. However, she didn't want to cause her, or anyone else, any harm or disdain. 
After buying an ema, Aoi scribbles down a joke. It was a light-mannered joke, maybe a bit insulting but nothing that bad. She was writing to herself, of course, and it was funny enough to make her giggle. Beside her, Nene shifts uncomfortably. 
"This isn't going too far, right? I don't want to offend the goddess.."
"I bet the goddess would think it's hysterical." Aoi looks at her, a comforting grin on her lips. It comforts Nene a bit, and she squeezes her arm in reassurance. 
"I'll take the blame if needed be."
Yet, she didn't.
The razing flames shined bright under the evening sky. The smell of burnt wood enveloped the entire neighborhood, and Aoi found herself standing amidst it all. Her face pales at the sight in front of her, but the house only blazes aflame.
Her stomach churns, unable to take in all of her surroundings.
"This-This isn't-"
"Aoi-chan, hey, Aoi-chan." Aoi perked up, thoughts running a thousand miles stopping, as she heard her angelic voice beat at her eardrums. She turns and looks at the silver-haired woman just a few steps behind her. But, her body stood there, charred, blackened, and remnants of her fluorescent magenta eyes stared back at her. 
Her fingers touch hers, warm to the touch, almost as hot as a phoenix's wings. If Nene could smile, she would have. But she couldn't. Her face melted and went up in dark smoke, and Aoi desperately tries to catch some of the mist before it wanders away.
"I'll find you, Nene-chan." She swears, quietly, maddeningly. "In every reality, I will find you."
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notes : i hope i wrote the ema part right ;;
#aoineneweek2021 taglist is open for anyone who wants to be tagged for more !
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magioftheseas · 3 years
AoiNene Week Ficlets #1
Day 1: Hairstyles/Holiday
Yep. Doing this too.
It’s the summer, so Nene’s been suffering.
“Hoooot. So hoooot,” she whines, rubbing her face into Aoi’s pillow. Even doing her hair up has done little to alleviate the heat. With a sad smile, Aoi offers a damp handkerchief. Nene takes it with another suffering whine, flopping onto her back as she plops it onto her face. “Aoi... Summer sucks.”
“I’m sorry, Nene-chan.”
“I don’t even have a hot boyfriend to go to the beach with,” Nene sniffles next. “Or the amusement park or the theater or mini-mall or, or, or... Uu...”
“I’m sorry, Nene-chan.”
“It’s so hot! Too hot!” With another pained groan, Nene melted into her bed. “Urgh...”
“I’m sorry, Nene-chan,” Aoi repeated dutifully as she watched over her best friend keenly. Her eyes sweep down before she quickly squeezes them shut and forces her brightest smile. “How about I get us some ice cream? Papa bought some just the other day.”
Nene threw her hands up in celebration.
“You’ll have to sit up, too,” Aoi chided her gently. “After all, I don’t want ice cream on my sheets, Nene-chan.”
Nene did, yelping. “O-Of course, Aoi! I wouldn’t dream of it! Aah...” She trails off, realizing. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be...”
“It’s fine, Nene-chan,” Aoi chirps with ease. Always with ease even as Nene tosses her ponytail over her shoulder. All day, Nene’s been showing off her neck and nape. All. Day. “How about I redo your hair? It’s gotten a bit messy.”
“Oh, Aoi, you don’t have to...”
“I think a bun would be better,” Aoi says, making a grabby motion with her hand. “Like, a bunny tail. Bunbun.”
She tries not to think about a bunny Nene as Nene perks up.
“That...sounds really cute...”
Yes, you would make for a really cute rabbit. Oh, Nene-chan...
Aoi can’t help but laugh.
“I’ll fix it after I get you ice cream.”
“Aoiiiii!” Nene shouts after her as she leaves. “You’re such an AAAAAAANGEEEEEEEEEL!!!”
No, Aoi thought, her heartbeat picking up with each quickened steps. I’m really, really not. Sometimes I wonder if I’m even human.
Nene hadn’t told her the flavor she wanted, but the two of them were best friends. Obviously, Aoi would know her favorite without having to ask at this point. She makes her own mindless, worthless selection after snatching up Nene’s before heading back much quicker than before.
“Strawberry!” Nene exclaimed happily, laughing brightly as she took the cup. She pops it open as Aoi moves behind her. Aoi sets her own ice cream aside—a cursory glance reveals that she grabbed chocolate—and already, Nene squeals under her hands. “Cold!”
“Sorry, Nene-chan,” she says, running her fingers through the other’s hair.
“It’s fine,” Nene hums. “Feels nice. Thank you, Aoiiii.”
“Nene-chan, Nene-chan,” Aoi hums right back, tugging her hair free and fluffing it up. “Did you know? I want to go with you to the festival this weekend. You’ll let me do your hair for that, too, won’t you?”
“Oh! Of course!” Nene agrees so easily. “It’s not like I’m gonna have a date or anything.”
“You’ll have a date,” Aoi says. “You’ll have me. You don’t need anyone else anyway.”
Nene nods, but she stills so that Aoi can do her hair up. So adorable.
“I love you, Nene-chan.”
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nyanrial · 3 years
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Day 6: Future🌻
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nathiyy · 3 years
Am friggin hype dis week-
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nathiyy · 3 years
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nathiyy · 3 years
here's an art for the road mate
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froogooo · 3 years
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nathiyy · 3 years
oh ya- forgot abt this-
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froogooo · 3 years
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froogooo · 3 years
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nathiyy · 3 years
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froogooo · 3 years
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hiii I was bored and I decided to participate in the aoinene week!!
for this day i decided to do the prompt of hairstyles because I didn’t know what to do in the prompt of holiday lmaooo. btw nene is with aoi’s hairstyle and aoi is with nene’s hairstyle :0
Im not in my house so I just have those colors haha, hope you like it :))
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damedamedame · 3 years
aoinene week ; day 4 & 6 prompt - pride + future
- “don’t you ever forget my worthless pride.”
warnings : like one mention of fire but not an actual fire
notes : oh god yeah im super late but here’s pining lesbian aoi as compensation. the title’s a birthday present for oikawa tooru since it’s his bday <3 
(and and the setting is like a college au wherein aoi and nene haven’t met yet so um ehe)
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Being anxious wasn't out of character for Aoi. However, despite being the perfect and pretty woman she was, it was crystal clear how awkward she looks right now. Although it wasn't her original idea to spend her Saturday on a Pride Event, she still thought going here was a horrible decision.
"Maybe I shouldn't have come..." She mutters under her breath, unease settling in her stomach at the judging glares she knows she's getting. Or, maybe everyone's attention wasn't on her this time, though it definitely felt like it. "Hey, Akane, can we go ho- Akane?" 
The brown-haired man seemingly disappeared from her side out of nowhere. And, coming from him of all people, was as rare as a blue moon.
'Wait. Does that mean I was talking to myself this entire time?' Grumbling, she tugs at her hair in absolute frustration, cursing at how she even bothered to come. 'Stupid. Stupid Akane.' 
The only reason she even came was because of him. Akane once fell completely and overly in love with her charms but acknowledged how uncomfortable she got when he tried his advances on her and backed off. She truly admired how he stopped flirting with her any chance he got. But, she did not appreciate how perspective he was. Especially at how he examined her blushing reaction when a girl told her she was stunning. Then proceeding to figure out she might be a little more into girls than she had intended. Which, by the way, he realized before she even informed him. 
She recalls the feeling of utter astonishment at how he had mentioned it when they were walking back to their homes. After that, she quickly speed-walked forward out of embarrassment with her face in her hands. 'That was the most iconic moment of my life.' He told her the next day, smirking smugly at himself. She resists the urge to pinch his ear until it turned red.
Aoi crosses her arms, looking around to check if Akane was anywhere nearby. Alas, the coffee-colored man's hair (who was, coincidentally, obsessed with coffee) wasn't near her at all. 'Great. Now he's probably wandering around shouting my name and disturbing everyone.'
All of a sudden, her laments seemed to cease at once. It's as if her logical reasoning instantaneously shut down at the sight of her. The silver-haired woman who walked right past her with bright amber eyes and a golden grin on her lips. 'She... resembles a daikon...' She blushes, gazing at her intently. The daikon, who paused beside the telephone, turned to look at her with curious eyes. Her cheeks echoed of ones engulfed in flames. Her breath hitches the moment they lock eyes.
As nervous as she was, she wasn't one to lose face over a pretty girl. In spite of her soul about to leave her body, she stumbles her way over to her with a sheepish smile. 
"Y-You look hot," Aoi hears her stammer out, her remaining bit of sanity disappearing into the wind. "T-That is, That is because you're wearing that coat, yeah! Uh, um, my name is Nene, Nene Yashiro." The girl flushes at the realization of her words, bowing with her fists clenched.
"Aoi Akane." Nene stops bowing when she responds and starts fiddling with the strap of her shoulder bag. "It might've been better if you didn't correct yourself, you know." Aoi winks innocently, acting as if her whole face wasn't pink. 
"Would you believe me if I said I had to make up that excuse on the spot?" Nene laughs skittishly, gripping the strap tightly. 
"Only if you treat me to cake some time?" Aoi snorts, twirling her hair like she hadn't a care in the world. The exact opposite of what she felt inside. In fact, if you listened closely, you could hear a loud scream coming from all of her veins. Nene nods eagerly, finding her phone from inside her bag.
The eager nod swiftly turns into her dropping her phone on the ground with a fumble of her hands as they hear two distinct voices shouting her name. 
"I am so sorry!" Nene scrambles to pick up her phone as the two boys stride up to both of them. Aoi observes them in silence. One of the boys wasn't very tall, roughly at height with herself, and had choppy, black hair. The other boy was scrawny with spiky blonde hair that bothered her every single time she even took a glance at it. "Akane-san, these two guys are my friends, ahaha."
"Boyfriends...?" Aoi bites the inside of her cheek, tension overshadowed in her eyes. 
"What!? No, no, not at all!" Nene waves her hands profusely. Blondie looks at her in concern, attempting to soothe by saying 'C-Calm down, Yashiro-san..!' while not looking very tranquil himself. The brunette's eyebrow raised at the adamant refusal, saying how he's 'as handsome as that donut in that shop from before.'
"This is Kou," She points to the blondie with the shy smile on his face, "He's totally in love with this one guy from the photography class." That comment only made him burst into flames, making the rest of them snicker at his expense.
"And this guy is Amane," She then points to the brunette with a smug grin, who then pulls Aoi closer to him to whisper something in her ear. Nene groans and pushes the stunned girl away from him. "He pushes people's boundaries, as most people do."
The next few minutes strayed with lighthearted nonsense chatter. Aoi takes a look and melts at Nene's laughter now and again. Once the sun starts to glow quite glaringly, and the heat becomes much more unbearable, they start hearing a sound. Particularly a chant of 'Ao-chan! Ao-chan! Ao-chan!' The mentioned girl feels her stomach drop with dread.
"I have to go before he starts plowing through the crowd." She jeers sadly, the trio not knowing whether what she just said was a joke or not. "... Not a joke, unfortunately."
Before Aoi leaves to calm a wrathful childhood friend of hers, Nene grabs ahold of her wrist hurriedly. Looking back at her pleading face, she swore she could explode into fireworks then and there. 
The moment Akane had found her through the countless amount of people in the crowd, he had dash and catch her from tripping over the concrete over how doozy she was. How her rationality ceased to wash over her? He didn't know. But, he had a feeling it was something about the array of numbers written on her arm.
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notes : theyre girlfriends, your honor
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