#anyways. am really looking forward to this weekend 😌 and thank fuck i don't have to take the train tomorrow :'')
indigodawns · 10 months
local girl tries to pack a weekend bag 1 dead (me) 5 wounded
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heymrspatel · 3 years
julissa!! my love 🥰 my most beloved anon turned most beloved mutual 🥰 just wanted to pop in with a love letter for you (oh how the turn tables 😏) and offer up some little hcs/plot bunnies for your consideration 💕
mickey calls ian a “sappy motherfucker” when ian suggests they set aside one night a week for Date Night, but he gets so invested in it so quickly 🥺 he looks forward to a random Thursday night steak dinners or a Saturday afternoon at the paintball course, and pretty soon they’re taking turns surprising each other with secret dates, too. Ian brings mickey to one of those places where you get to smash everything in sight with a sledgehammer, and mickey takes ian to one of those couples cooking classes that he knows ian was itching to go to 🥺
they’ll do the thing, where they’re sitting on the couch together — mickey sitting up and ian sprawled across the length, using mickey’s lap as a pillow (or the other way around!!!!) — scrolling on their phones in total silence. every once in a while they’ll just lift/lower their phones for the other to read without even saying a word 🥺 or they’ll text the thing to each other and watch to see their reaction, when they open the link/photo/message. there’s just sporadic spurts of laughter and mickey runs his fingers through ian’s cute lil baby curls the whole time 🥺 scrollin’ in silence, but wanting to share everything anyway 🥺
there’s an ongoing contest, in their apartment, and it has to do with who is truly the favorite uncle. ian stocks up on franny’s favorite snacks, her favorite movies, and mickey stocks up on construction paper and art supplies. they keep a tally on the mini whiteboard they keep on the fridge of how many fist bumps/questions/playtime requests they each get from their niece, and at the end of each month they dump their numbers into this convoluted spreadsheet they’ve crafted to bring all the categories to scale and pop out an average Uncle Score 😌 (“you kiddin’ me, man? two hours of liquor store robbery’s worth way more than a couple questions and some candy 😒” and “an hour of questions, mick. you ever have a six-year-old ask you questions for an hour straight? while they’re on a sugar high?”)
and this has gotten longer than anticipated so I will shut up now 😅 but my dear f&bc anon, my dear julissa: you are such a bringer of joy and light. I’m so glad to be in this space with you! you are an absolute delight and I feel so lucky to have stumbled across paths with you 💕 hope tomorrow is easier, sweet friend. I’m sending you all the cozy fall vibes that I can 🥺💕 imagine this note as me offering a big ol’ hug okay??? okay great love you thank you byeeeee 💕
if your goal was to make me cry, congratulations! i am weeping! 😭your presence and your words always bring me so much joy and warmth! 🥺
ok let me get into these hcs cause i'm squealing! domestic bliss my absolute beloved!
that is all i want for them... these wonderfully calm and chill date nights in the middle of the week. and sometimes they don't even have to plan them, they just happen because they can. instead of driving straight home after work mickey goes "look, that restaurant you wanted to try looks like they have some empty tables outside... ya wanna stop for dinner?" or in the middle of weekend errands ian goes "mick, come on let me buy you that ice cream you like!" and they sit in the park talking about nothing and sharing their cones! 🥺
them cuddling on the couch, heads laying on laps, fingers in their hair, comfortable silence, silly videos! YES TO ALL OF THIS OMG! i imagine they do this often... like their little after dinner ritual of canoodling on the couch either watching a show or on their phone or playing video games. "you laid on my lap yesterday, mick, it's my turn!" "jesus christ, you just want to fall asleep again instead of watching this stupid fucking show YOU picked!"
i'm losing my mind over the spreadsheet because i love spreadsheets 🙃i can just imagine them figuring out how to make a weekly budget on their new computer until the idea of figuring out who the best uncle is outweighs sorting through their bills. "mick! we can make pie charts and bar graphs!" "good that way you'll easily see how fucking better i am at this shit than you are"
cat! wonderful magical lovely, cat! this just made me smile so hard! i really needed some cuteness and softness and it's like you kicked down a door and went
i'll accept all the hugs, i love hugs! wow wow i love you ok?! i'm so happy i stumbled on your blog all those months ago 🥺🥺🥺
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