#anyways this goes for every mk1 and mk11 character too
matchbet-allofthetime 5 months
gonna just say-
i LOVE mk11 raiden with all my heart and soul
but i also really, really love mk1's versions of him too
i LIKE that he's not exactly like the other generations of mk
i LIKE that mk11 raiden is an utter dilf of a god (and unbelievably unhinged lmao), and then mk1 raiden is the sweetest, softest man ever seen (and he DESERVES THE CHANCE to be a little unhinged)
i like BOTH and i see so much love for one over the other and i'm like??? they're both so mf GOOD THOUGH?????? Y'ALL ARE CHOOSING BETWEEN THEM?!
so what if mk1 raiden isn't a god anymore? i like the new substance added to the new storyline! so what if he's younger? i think it adds a cool new element in a lot of ways that gives a lot of room for story development
and there's so much more than this rolling around in my brain, but idk, i think they're both neat boyos <3
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azureintrigue 4 months
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Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual!! God people are hot. I think he found out early on he was bi (like 15-16) and was a little jarred about it, at first, simply because he grew up with the Wu Shi and had no idea he could even be bisexual, but it didn't haunt him. He just sort of went with the flow. It just meant if a guy was cute enough, he'd flirt with him too. Gender Headcanon: I am trans, therefore, I force my trans agenda on EVERYONE. Smacks him with He/They pronouns and dubs him trans. He's trans. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. A ship I have with said character: OTHER THAN OUR LOVELY LOVELY LAOHAN.... I like Lao with Erron Black...Their interactions spark much chemistry and HE'D ALSO DO SOMETHING DUMB AND END UP GETTING INVOLVED. Cowboy Hat x Razor Hat. Also there's again, that aspect of righteousness with someone who...maybe does not have the greatest of morals. A BROTP I have with said character: GOES WITHOUT SAYING, LIU KANG. They're besties in every timeline. Other than that, his interactions with Nightwolf are !!! Interesting. He seems less like someone who looks down on Kung Lao, like some other characters, and more of a concerned figure. I could see them getting along. Nightwolf's down-to-earth humility and dry remarks + Lao's Cockiness and sarcasm remind me a bit of MK1's Raiden and Lao. A NOTP I have with said character: I heard Lao and Liu were cousins??? Not sure if that's true, but also, they seem like besties to me. I don't see the chemistry, personally. That, and also. People ship him with Jade?? I personally like Jade and Kotal so I'm not too big a fan on that one. A random headcanon: Messy as hell. But not as in, like, his room or anything, that remains decently neat, just his way of going about things. The type of guy to sleep almost late every morning and wake up in a hurry, he's still slipping his pants and shoes on as he steps out of his bedroom. The type of guy to multitask and yes, it works, but it makes other people nervous because from an outside perspective it looks like he's precariously juggling a bunch of tasks. He's confident in himself, and what he's doing though. And most times, things blow over well. In fact, most of the time, things only end in disaster when he's being nagged or distracted. Best to let Lao do what Lao does: Lock in and run around for three hours doing a bunch of tasks because he procrastinated for too long. General Opinion over said character:
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I relate to him a lot, actually. His bravado and confidence that often get criticized as being "too much" his desire to be more than someone's second choice, more than just "Liu Kang's best friend", and his overall vibe are something I point at the screen and go ME!! ME FR!! At. But also apparently, he's lazy as hell and like. Me too for fucking real. I'm a class-S procrastinator it's actually a problem. Anyway. He's like my third-favorite MK character. Raiden and Kotal unfortunately take up first and second (that order may change, it always ends up doing so in like a week). I RELATE AND HE MAKES ME LAUGH AND HE'S MY MAIN IN MK.
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arttrampbelle 6 months
I said what i said die mad.
Mk12 liu kang is ugly. You guys just like k pop too much. Or think every asian male has to look like a giga chad meme or white washed to hell. Or worse yet. (Talked about in vent)
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Sorry but robin shou is still handsome,staying in his lane(thank god he retired and is living life happy) and still is a better liu kang. Because guy what?! He actually is a martial artist,fighter,actor,etc. Like seriously. The shitty mk defenders of the realm liu kang had more to his character,character development,and respect.
Like mk legends liu kang and mk11(surprisingly enough. Tho it still is hamfisted and has hella favoritism ugh) isn't bad. It's still not HOW LIU KANG IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
Im not sorry. The og. Mk 1995 movie does liu kang well. Set the mold for shang tsung AND liu kang.
Vent below.
(Also fyi if you ship liu kang and shang tsung together go jump off a cliff and commit ded. Do not talk to me. BLOCK ME. your gross and fetishizing Asian men. And gay men. Kung jin is right there. Oh but that's not good enough for you?! Foh. Shang tsung legitimately hates everyone,especially liu kang. He wants him dead in every fucking universe. how tf is that "hidden feelings"?! Fucking gross. Fucking just block me man. If you want a fan ship do subscorp from mk11. Or if you're big brained. Do subsmoke. Like ffs. Tanya and mileena is right there?! Wtaf man. Leave shang out of you bullshit. And leave liu kang alone. Fans like this only add to character assassination. Again just block me if you ship shang and liu. Fucking wanna puke. Everytime i see it)
Anyways. The meme is for real liu kang fans. Not these posers,newbies,or people who just get into it for shipping two characters that FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER AND ARE LEGITIMATELY ENEMIES!!!
Hell if you like mk11 liu kang,mk legends liu kang,or any other damn liu kang other than mk12/mk1 2023 . Then you can vibe.
Same goes with shang tsung.
I hate the new shang tsung. Not the voice actor. Just everything else about him. And mostly how the fans been treating him. Its gross and disrespectful and disturbing.
Because none of you were like this with mk11 shang tsung. AT ALL. Y'ALL SHAAAAAALOW AND WEAK IF YOU DONT THINK TAGAWA'S SHANG TSUNG IS SEXY AF. But more importantly y'all weren't gross with tagawa's shang. Thank God but it's also sad you gotta treat alan Lee's shang tsung like y'all be doin.
It's disturbing.
So yeah. Gimme the real shang tsung.
Gimme the real liu kang.
Im not sorry.
Vent done
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