#anyways rant over stop demonizing stoner sero headcanons because you have certain ideas of what a stoner is
soggy-bitch · 2 years
okay i'm gonna say it bc i'm literally so brave...
stoner sero but like. the most cute and wholesome one. his bong is always cleannn, he rolls his joints with rose petals and herbal blends and folds cute little shapes into the filters. he carries eyedrops and gum always, he puts ice in the bong for special occasions, or for the newbies... he's literally the best person ever to smoke with for the first time. he's got a jar-return situation going with his plug to reduce his single-use plastic waste, he will literally NEVER let somebody feel pressured to smoke if they don't want to, he makes sure to take breaks and to take care of his lungs...
(cause listen I always see ppl being mad about sero being a stoner bc he's a health-nut [or the whole thing about latino!sero HCs and harmful stereotypes but honestly I just think that white ppl need to chill tf out on that headcanon like it's not really For Us and you're making it Weird.]
but like... there are stoner health-nuts? there are highly ambitious, health-conscious people who like weed? these two things are not mutually exclusive?? goddamn just let the man smoke some damned marijuana)
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