#anyways im going to show my dean all the papers on monday so help me god
acoraxia · 1 month
not sure where you are but at most USA colleges professors are required to excuse absences for funerals--and even if the prof hasn't let you take it yet, you should have received an incomplete instead of a 0 for the exam, and admin should be stepping in to ensure that the prof lets you take it. this is above your academic advisor, you should def email your academic dean. source: I'm a professor and if I did what your prof did I would be in deep shit with the university. hope it gets worked out!
Me on my way to the office on monday to present them with all the evidence at my disposal and show them the conversation between my professor and me where she literally just told me to make time or take it during the summer without even addressing the fact i was going to be unavailable due to a funeral: :3
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